
does any1 else from time to time get stressed out with this driving lark? or is it just me . i tryed those calms but just made me tired . any help welcome. not got much hair left now so help very welcome :laughing:

If you get stressed you die

If you dont get stressed, you still die

so why get stressed :slight_smile:

very true , im cured :laughing: :laughing:

I get very very stressed when I’m sat at home waiting for the phone to ring with some work.

Thought I had a job all week but hadn’t even left the yard to go home on Monday night when agency phoned to say rest of the week had been cancelled.
Now that really stresses me out :angry:

agency=evil :laughing: theyve got you by the balls and they no it :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Used to get stressed out about being late for deliveries, getting held up in traffic etc… years ago but soon learned no point in getting stressed, you’ll get there when you get there.

Going back to getting paid by the hour helps with this as well, where you really don’t give a toss cause getting paid for it anyways :laughing:

what is it about the job the stress’s you out?
Personally i don’t get stressed often because i’m never late, i try to meet booking times legally but if i can’t it’s not my problem i should’ve been sent earlier.

maybe its my attitude but what is there to get stressed at?

you are sat in your ‘office’ with your brew kit and stereo blaring away with no-one looking over your shoulder all day asking why are you doing it that way. so what if there is traffic? yes we all like to meet deadlines and delivery times but if you dont meet them then its not the end of the world. it will not end there and then because you are ten minutes late to a drop.

i do get a little fed up with RDC’s that keep you hanging on for hours but once im back in my comfy seat pressing the loud pedal it all goes away.

i dont do stress, i am never going to get paid enough for me to get stressed, unless someone wants to pay a driver in excess of £100,00 but i dont think that is going to happen!

im not one of these paid by the hour so i can drag it out type of people, i expect an honest days wage for an honest days work, if i dont getthe right wages the next month they dont get the right amount of work. if i want to get home early i will try to get home quicker but if i cant then so be it.

I never suffered from stress on the road but I was always at my best when I was on my own, driving, not waiting for ferries, tipping or loading. I didn’t care for running with others unless I had too. I once pulled into Aosta on a Saturday afternoon to find a lad from Barking on his first trip out, sitting in the seat tightly gripping the steering wheel. I like to think that I helped him get over his stress as the weekend passed. He wouldn’t eat until Sunday evening though…stress is a powerful emotion.

Stress got to me, some bad experiences at work coincided with a divorce and an undiagnosed health condition whose symptoms we now know include stress and aggression resulted in a couple of the blackest years of my life.
I still get stressed which embarasses me because I live in an idyllic country cottage with a good man and I raise plants and animals all day. :confused:

If you get stressed you die

If you dont get stressed, you still die

so why get stressed :slight_smile:

2 of my brothers 32 & 41 yrs of age stress & smoking took them both far to soon :cry:

Have a read through of this topic it may help

Also this

cheers for the help