Stranges place you,ve been this week?

strangest place this week… without a doubt BELGIUM :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: (NO OFFENCE KW) :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

cheers rob, takes a bit of keeping clean though :frowning: :unamused: :smiley: :laughing: :laughing:

know what you mean neil, is it me or do any other drivers get a better nights sleep in the truck than they do at home :question:
now i dont mean because our lass is a budding ■■■■ star and wants to keep me awake all night :open_mouth: purely because theres no wannabe micheal shumacher roaring past the front door at 2.0 am in the morning doing handbrake turns at the end of the street, :imp: and if you sleep in your only 5 mins from work, :blush:

know what you mean neil, is it me or do any other drivers get a better nights sleep in the truck than they do at home :question:

Yep i know the feeling i work nights and i get the bed to myself all day no big fat arse in the way when i want to spread out.

Anyone have mrs jammymuts number? I reckon she needs to read that bit :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:


■■■■ beat me to it :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

For me,it was the toilets in the Asda store in Elgin :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

A warning of things to come :exclamation:

The light is really intense,the photos only give an idea of what it was like.
Never seen anything like this before.Has anyone else?

Asked a staff member what it was all about. Apparently its to stop druggies shooting-up in there,as they can’t see their veins.

A place called Edenbridge in Kent…

What plank decided to build an RDC surrounded by low bridges :unamused:

For me,it was the toilets in the Asda store in Elgin :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

A warning of things to come :exclamation:

The light is really intense,the photos only give an idea of what it was like.
Never seen anything like this before.Has anyone else?

Asked a staff member what it was all about. Apparently its to stop druggies shooting-up in there,as they can’t see their veins.

yes, apparently our local sainsburys was the first in the country to have these fitted for the same reason - and folk think it’s posh here :laughing: :frowning: :confused:

Been to a large number of sewage treatment works in west cornwall this week.

However that agency assignment has ended, waiting for the next one. Nothing for next week yet!!!

Maybe a trip to the jobcentre coming on, a very strange place if you ask me

A place called Edenbridge in Kent…

What plank decided to build an RDC surrounded by low bridges :unamused:

We’ve got a shop there and I have done it several times. Know what you mean by the bridges!

Everywhere I seem go in Kent is always accessed by roads infested with low bridges, and they usually have tall bushes and trees growing right by the edge of the road, so that on a bend you cannot see the continental lad coming towards you at 50 mph in his Magnum. :open_mouth:

Chaversdad that is one handsome looking vehicle - it is the only truck I’d have over a Volvo - don’t fancy a swap do ya? :laughing: :laughing:

Craziest place this week has been a couple of shifts in our traffic office. During one of them, an agency driver demolished a set of traffic lights in London and dragged them 50 yards down the road. Damaged the truck quite bad - Lantern’s recovered it for us. Quite an interesting conversation followed with the gaffer when he rang up to find out what had been going on :sunglasses: .

The Millenium Stadium in Cardiff. … 1C0025.jpg … 1B0023.jpg


Don’t wanna have to go again. :frowning:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Electricity , motor cars , tarmac roads , people who walk upright, pretty girls who aint related to you :laughing: and the finest football ground in East Anglia :exclamation: all get too much for you AndyRoo :open_mouth: :laughing:

Strangest place I’ve been this week is Sock land. Nuff said! :laughing: .

Rob K:
Strangest place I’ve been this week is Sock land. Nuff said! :laughing: .

coz the poor old guy caught a cold on his travel’s to Airdrie.

We gotta do something to kill of the English. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Suffer ya muppet :laughing: :laughing:

Suffolk ReeferBoy:


Don’t wanna have to go again. :frowning:

people who walk upright

You didn’t see the pair of apes they sent out to handball my load then.


Blackpool, had a delivery to the Council Parks depot, which is in the grounds of the local swimming pool. People look at you as if you’re bonkers taking an artic into the swimming pool carpark. Should have taken my trunks. :unamused:

The Millenium Stadium in Cardiff.

I take it you don’t have to help unload all that staging (if that’s what it is) as you’re up in the terraces taking the photo? :wink:

For me,it was the toilets in the Asda store in Elgin :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

A warning of things to come :exclamation:

The light is really intense,the photos only give an idea of what it was like.
Never seen anything like this before.Has anyone else?

Asked a staff member what it was all about. Apparently its to stop druggies shooting-up in there,as they can’t see their veins.

That makes sense. I was going to add that I’d only ever seen lighting like that in the toilet of a coffee shop in Amsterdam.

A & E :cry: :cry: :cry:

This is not a blatant search for sympathy!!!
Also went in the chatroom when Rikki wad being Dargaz. He’s in BIG trouble!! :smiling_imp: :laughing: