Strange sounding names

Yes "Pity Me " is in Durham I often go there did you not go to “No Place” as well just up the road

I’ve always been fond of Piddlehinton, myself… :grimacing:

Yes "Pity Me " is in Durham I often go there did you not go to “No Place” as well just up the road

There is also a Pity me near Padstow

I used to go to a place called nomansland a while back. Near Tiverton

There’s a Nomansland on the A36 south of Salisbury too.

I’ve always been fond of Piddlehinton, myself… :grimacing:

As that is because of the River Piddle, and Tolpuddle and Affpuddle are nearby, it makes you wonder why there isn’t a place called Piddlepuddle :laughing:

it makes you wonder why there isn’t a place called Piddlepuddle :laughing:

I think most MSA truck parking areas could be renamed that. :wink: :smiley:

Near to Fakenhan (Norfolk) Great Snoring & Little Snoring

OH…and ROG - well, the name is not that strange but I am :exclamation:

Is there not a place called Upper Ramsbottom somewhere in the UK? :confused: :smiley:


it makes you wonder why there isn’t a place called Piddlepuddle :laughing:

I think most MSA truck parking areas could be renamed that. :wink: :smiley:

I had the misfortune to park overnight at Burtonwood MSA M62 recently. That place deserves everything it gets. No facilities westbound (apart from the garage) and when I needed a dump at 04.30 before starting work, I used the underpass to get to the eastbound side and found them locked up and deserted.
Fortunately, the westbound side is overgrown and derelict, so I went au naturelle !
I blame the food, otherwise I could have waited.
Too much information I know, but I’m thinking of getting an army style folding spade if this carries on.
Just found an interesting site The Motorway Services Trivia Site

I just noticed there is a place called ■■■■■ in France, and I know a village in Torbay called Cockington :blush:

Penistone is on the A628 Woodhead Rd near Barnsley too.

there’s a Bell End near Rowley Regis, and a Nob End in Bolton - come to think of it there are loads in Bolton cos it’s Lancashire of course :wink:

I’ve been past a place called “BÃ¥stad” in Sweden. (Just off the E6.)

I actually drove through a place called “Largeasse” (Poitou-Charentes, France)

:wink: Now add one space for effect: Large asse. :wink:
I wanted to take a photo of the missus standing by that sign, but she spotted it :blush: Why do they have to be so violent? :cry:
She also didn’t fancy a photo taken at the “Lazy Trout” caff either (Chuckle… :wink: ) Is/was that on the A49■■

“Boom” is in Belgium. (Near Antwerp.)

“Natters” is in Austria. (Near Innsbruck, Tyrol.)

Nearer home, “Indian Queens” is in Cornwall. (Just off the A30.)

Largeasse gets my vote though…

Another village in Cornwall which dreams of being more important

London Apprentice

Look it up its on the St Austell to Mevagissy road

Is there not a place called Upper Ramsbottom somewhere in the UK? :confused: :smiley:

Just outside Bury up the A56, Upper SheepsBum is basically up a small hill from Ramsbottom, some yocal called it Upper to try and be funny.

There is a place called
T in the Shetland or Orkneys,
And this near Castle Coombe

there is a street in chopwell used to be called FANNYBUSH LANE.

:laughing: : :laughing: :laughing:

On the old A11 (don’t know the road no. now) near Bishop Stortford is a village called Ugley and I used to smile when I went passed the sign saying Ugley Womens Institute.

There’s a street just outside the town centre in Raunds, Northamptonshire called ’ ■■■■■ Ho ’ :smiling_imp:

I’m sure she’s a very nice girl, once you get to know her ! :stuck_out_tongue:

There is an area just inside the Worcestershire boarders called “Pink Green”, just not right :unamused: