

Dave the Renegade:
If its bad park them up until tomorrow afternoon, better a day late than not at all.

Its not a problem Dave , its getting worse , i am parked on A30 near Hayle and i am being rocked to sleep , they reckon the main storm has not made land yet , its due to arrive in the early hours of the morning , i would love to be parked down on the quayside somewhere so that i could watch the sea during the worst of the storm , a once in a life time experience i bet

I love watching extreme weather. I’m sat by the sea now in the car. It’s not very bad at the moment compared to the hype but if as predicted it will get worse then it won’t be a good idea to stay here too long.

According to the Express this was filmed at Bognor Regis at lunchtime today. :laughing:

I’ve got site containers to lift and move tomorrow…

Think I’ll be having words. :laughing:




Dave the Renegade:
If its bad park them up until tomorrow afternoon, better a day late than not at all.

Its not a problem Dave , its getting worse , i am parked on A30 near Hayle and i am being rocked to sleep , they reckon the main storm has not made land yet , its due to arrive in the early hours of the morning , i would love to be parked down on the quayside somewhere so that i could watch the sea during the worst of the storm , a once in a life time experience i bet

I love watching extreme weather. I’m sat by the sea now in the car. It’s not very bad at the moment compared to the hype but if as predicted it will get worse then it won’t be a good idea to stay here too long.

According to the Express this was filmed at Bognor Regis at lunchtime today. :laughing:

Lol I imagine they’d have had a meltdown if Diana had died in ‘The storm of 87’

Just got back from the west midlands.
Rain, rain, more rain, and invisible puddles - not much else.
The wind is nothing to write home about all the way down the M42/M40/M25 corridor either. :unamused:

Ive seen a cardboard box in the road

All I’ve seen all night is a bit of rain, no hint of wind either. Been to Congleton and Shrewsbury.

Don’t worry, if it gets a bit too drafty for you land lubbers all you have to do is pull into the services and change your tampon and maybe treat yourself to a fresh pair of knickers, and then maybe youll get to be on Tv

Mk was pretty quiet at 07.00 this morning. Think we might get away with it ! (famous last words !)

Seen a few trees down thsnkfully not caused much damage.

Just searched ‘storm’ on YouTube looking for any decent footage, found this video and safe to say I have just had a right good laugh.

All in all this storm is an absolute non-event which the great British public have, as usual, largely completely overreacted to in response to the medias ludicrous excessive coverage in desperation for a big story. The fact this storm was named ‘St Jude’ for extra dramatic effect is ridiculous, so is positioning a reporter tactically so he gets splashed by waves. So, some trees have fallen, over, a few roads are impassable, a few buildings have suffered a bit of damage… the end result is nothing but a bit of minor inconvenience* which we will have been largely forgotten about in a week. The victims of the Japanese tsunami and New Orleans hurricane in the States must be flabbergasted by the reaction.

*I am aware a few trees fell on people killing them, this is terrible but mother nature kills people quite a lot and this doesn’t change the fact the whole media circus over this storm is ridiculous.

To add,an earthquake can not kill you.It is poor and shody buidings that kill you.If you were in an space you could see the ground opening up and you may fall over if it shook too much.
But you would survive.
Remember the footage of the tourists that walked out on the sand when sea vanished only for a Tsuami to come in fast and kill them.
The animals sensed it was coming and went to higher ground.
The UK had a huge one in the medieval times.
Whole communities wiped out when they lived on low sea level dwellings.
Fishing boats have trawled up evidence of animal and human bones from the sea bed and found tools for hunting and fragments of pots and cutlery.