Stopping Smoking

Day 5 now, I can’t believe it, No patches, just plain old cold turkey. I thinks I’ve got the worst over and done with. Remind me to get Mrs Madbaz a nice treat cos she’s had to put up with a huge amount of ■■■■ from me these last few days.

I thinks the most trying times are going to be when I’m at friends and/or when I’ve had a few bevvies, complacency will be my biggest enemy I thinks from now on.

Ta for listening just had to tell someone.

Well done mate that’s a achievement! :stuck_out_tongue:
Be proud and keep it going and don’t give in fella!

Josh :grimacing:

Did the same last October and never smoked since. Just remeind yourself every day that you are not a smoker anymore - don’t dwell on it; you haven’t smoked for 5 days and you’re still alive so you can do another day!

Well done - good luck. The think I really hate is the people telling me how well I’ve done, and how good I’ve been to do it. A straight “good for you” is enough!!

I’ve still not given up, giving up :smiley: . I don’t know why but it’s really bloody hard this time, maybe this time it’ll be permanent.

Good for you mate, keep it up

Keep going MADBAZ, its a life saver :smiley:

keep on going ,its been 2 months for me .after 30 odd years on the weed ,cold turkey . :smiley:

Cheers for the support fellas :smiley: , first day back at work after stopping, bit tough especially at dinnertime, but no bad attitude that I hgought I would have.

Over a fortnight now then, great job :smiley:

I gave up smoking 20 years ago so know it can be a bit hard at times, but keep it up

Hey Madbaz,

Well done to you, Gardun, Tachograph and Flapper for giving up. :sunglasses:

Guess you’ll all have to acquire some new vices, to make up for it! :open_mouth:

Keep it up :smiley:

Hey Madbaz,

Well done to you, Gardun, Tachograph and Flapper for giving up. :sunglasses:

Guess you’ll all have to acquire some new vices, to make up for it! :open_mouth:

Keep it up :smiley:

Not me :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: I just reduced the hundreds of vices by 1 :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Still not given in, found a new vice though, its leering at ladies in skimpy clothes :smiley:

Still not given in, found a new vice though, its leering at ladies in skimpy clothes :smiley:

That’s OK - only bad for you if her other half is bigger than you :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I’m trying to give up… keep having the odd one though :blush: :frowning: . On the inhilator aswell, though I think thats proving as dear as smoking was. How are you doing it Baz :question: :question: :question:

I’ve just gone cold turkey :open_mouth: , I have used gum, patches and the inhalater in the past, but I always caved in within 2/3 weeks, thye last time i went cold turkey i did 3 months. As I think i’ve said before it’s really tough this time round but thats equalled by my determination! I’m into my 3rd week and I find the cravings are very infrequent (maybe twice a day) but stronger than ever, if I can find summat to do with my hands during that 2/3 minutes :smiley: :open_mouth: , I know I’ll not give in.

found a new vice though, its leering at ladies in skimpy clothes :smiley:

I can find summat to do with my hands during that 2/3 minutes :smiley: :open_mouth:



found a new vice though, its leering at ladies in skimpy clothes :smiley:

I can find summat to do with my hands during that 2/3 minutes :smiley: :open_mouth:


The inhilator is still cheaper than a good barrister :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: