It doesn’t matter what speed anyone is doing, or whether your limiter is 1/2 an mph faster than his, just overtake, or back off. I don’t mind sitting behind a truck slowly overtaking another when I’m in my car cos I know the game, but other car drivers getting annoyed/agitated/angry aren’t worth bothering about. Some poor sod made a misjudgement and lost his life, learn from that. The guy overtaking you, tailgating you or just giving you the finger is a knob…let him away!
I rest my caseweeto:
Something you wouldn’t understand.weeto:
Some of the comments you pricks put on are unbelievable, call yourself professional drivers your total [zb].weeto:
Speed limiters and overtaking bans are two of the factors that are to blame.Nothing to do with the muppet/s driving the offending vehicle/s then?
What are you on about?
Something no one, except your self understands!! could understand a comment like yours, if some one had made a direct coment about this incident.
Stop getting on your high horse!!!I am bored of playing a guessing game. What are you on about?
Its not just me then?
Speed limiters and overtaking bans are two of the factors that are to blame.Completely agree.
So, the driver that caused all this, is totally inocent then!
No of course not.
Look at what i wrote. “Two of the factors”.
Other factors may be, “Tiredness, cruise control, brake failure, distractions”. Who knows?