For years I’ve had issues ,put it down too ibs etc ,just couldn’t understand why as I never had these issues years ago ,I tried to pinpoint foods etc that made it worse but struggled with that ,I felt better when I was off work on holiday etc ,so I started to think it was the job ,but one day I was waiting to get tipped at a rdc and got myself a coffee out of those coffee machines ,offered the old hand there a coffee ,he said no thanks I don’t drink it anymore ,it gave me no end of all sorts of tummy problems .
It set me thinking so I put the tesco vending machine card away so I couldn’t be tempted too get a coffee ,it’s basically 2 months on of not drinking coffee out of those vending machines ,the issues I had have gone ,I feel my old self ,if you’ve got stomach problems it may be worth a try for a month or two to not drink out of those vending machines ,it worked for me ,might just work for others .
Nb I was drinking 2/3 cups of it a day
I drink 2 Liter a day,but just Black with no Sugar and no Milkpowder