
If “fast eddies” share price is anything to go by Top Gun should be updating his CV to circulate around the Agencies 'cause thats what he may be doing shortly ! Cheers Bewick.

What you worried about semtex…just do what most of you agency drivers do…role up in your filthy yellow high vis and tracksuit bottoms neither of which have seen the inside of a washing machine…sleep on the bed with ya boots on when ever you feel like it…scrape or dent any panel or bumper on the truck as you usualy do…inspect ever locker in the cab and remove what ever takes your fancy on the understanding your not going to put it back ever…feel free to lose a number plate or just leave it on any trl nearby and while your at it…tangle all the susies up around each other and cover them and the inside of the cab in as much fifth wheel grease as you can find…yep you"ll be as good as the previous agency drivers…P.S…dont forget to knock the nearside wing mirror about a bit so its left hanging off…and thats all whilst doing tesco goole…

Nice to see your still a prick then Mo.

Remember, you’re a driver, not the owner of the company, and it’s not your truck, unless your name is on the log book, so what is your problem?

If your worried about stuff going missing, then remove it when you finish your shift. If William needs it to be used when your off, tough, take it up with him instead of moaning like an old fish wife on an internet forum.

Sorry we agency drivers can’t all be perfect like you.



Zb you could make this ■■■■ up,they pay there drivers £7.75 p.h,new starters £7.20 p.h,then they stick a advert on there web site for a CLEANER at Appleton for £8.60 p.h :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused: :smiling_imp: ,shows how high they regard there drivers :unamused: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

I wonder why im not surprised Quinny is still a agency driver…yep your right the truck doesn"t belong to me…like so many of us full time drivers its allocated to us so we full time drivers treat it as if it was our own and also regard it as our home for the week…we can only wish that william did use it while we are on rest knowing full well we would get it back in the same condition as we left it…sadley thats not to be…what do we get…yep youve guessed it…people like you…we call you “Richards”…no respect for other drivers vec"s or belongings and i would lay money on it…you treat it like you do your own house…says alot about ya when you see you people turn up for your shift looking like youve just done 12hrs at the pit face…but you probably dont know any other way…tell you what Quinny i"ll make a deal with ya…you have mt truck for your shift and you give me your keys to your house…then i can march into your house with my boots on climb in your bed with them on and help myself to anything that takes my fancy in your cupboards…““wait a minute”” scrub that deal…looking at you agency boys forget me climbing in any of your beds and helping myself to anything in ya cupboards…no thanks…sends a shiver down my back Richard thinking about it…id have to shower for a week just to get back near normal…just stand in any transport office on a monday morning and you will hear the same question asked by thousands of full time drivers…WHICH RICHARD AS HAD MY TRUCK…im not alone with these thoughts…RICHARD…

@ Mo (top muppet)
when i was full time at stobarts crick tramping in an FL10, any time i came back after time off truck was a mess… 99.9 times out off 100 it would be day/night men leaving it in a mess. sandwiches in passenger side, foot prints on window or dash.
But if an agency driver had it,be as i left it, usually regulars on it. was on 4 on 2 off when i was there.

Now full time s/e agency driver for last 7 years. home every night and probably earning a lot more than you…
and leave the truck i had as i find it (or even cleaner… that’s another story :imp: )
And time off when it suits me.

This is getting confusing now, is topgun the same guy as Mo(Topgun) and if not is Ady1 the same as topgun or same as Mo(Topgun) or both, or what, and which one of them is now my minder, or is it both topguns, one of them, all three, or just Ady now?? Can one, two, or all three, or all one of you please clarify…Thanks :laughing:
Another thing I am concerned about is I actually agree with some of his/their points on this thread :open_mouth: about temp drivers attitudes to other driver’s motors.

Come on mo! :open_mouth: your truck wouldn’t get sent out! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: would it■■? :sunglasses:


What you worried about semtex…just do what most of you agency drivers do…role up in your filthy yellow high vis and tracksuit bottoms neither of which have seen the inside of a washing machine…sleep on the bed with ya boots on when ever you feel like it…scrape or dent any panel or bumper on the truck as you usualy do…inspect ever locker in the cab and remove what ever takes your fancy on the understanding your not going to put it back ever…feel free to lose a number plate or just leave it on any trl nearby and while your at it…tangle all the susies up around each other and cover them and the inside of the cab in as much fifth wheel grease as you can find…yep you"ll be as good as the previous agency drivers…P.S…dont forget to knock the nearside wing mirror about a bit so its left hanging off…and thats all whilst doing tesco goole…

Nice to see your still a prick then Mo.

Remember, you’re a driver, not the owner of the company, and it’s not your truck, unless your name is on the log book, so what is your problem?

If your worried about stuff going missing, then remove it when you finish your shift. If William needs it to be used when your off, tough, take it up with him instead of moaning like an old fish wife on an internet forum.

Sorry we agency drivers can’t all be perfect like you.



:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: like your style

i did agency 2 years at stobarts and allways left the truck as i found it.

Ady has lost his meds

Semtex which agency u with marra? I need to find one in my area

I wonder why im not surprised Quinny is still a agency driver…yep your right the truck doesn"t belong to me…like so many of us full time drivers its allocated to us so we full time drivers treat it as if it was our own and also regard it as our home for the week…we can only wish that william did use it while we are on rest knowing full well we would get it back in the same condition as we left it…sadley thats not to be…what do we get…yep youve guessed it…people like you…we call you “Richards”…no respect for other drivers vec"s or belongings and i would lay money on it…you treat it like you do your own house…says alot about ya when you see you people turn up for your shift looking like youve just done 12hrs at the pit face…but you probably dont know any other way…tell you what Quinny i"ll make a deal with ya…you have mt truck for your shift and you give me your keys to your house…then i can march into your house with my boots on climb in your bed with them on and help myself to anything that takes my fancy in your cupboards…““wait a minute”” scrub that deal…looking at you agency boys forget me climbing in any of your beds and helping myself to anything in ya cupboards…no thanks…sends a shiver down my back Richard thinking about it…id have to shower for a week just to get back near normal…just stand in any transport office on a monday morning and you will hear the same question asked by thousands of full time drivers…WHICH RICHARD AS HAD MY TRUCK…im not alone with these thoughts…RICHARD…

my wagon was usually left it a mess by fellow stobart drivers and not agency. but then again mo/ady (you need to decide which you are), the amount of verbal diahorria comes out of your gob i would be surprised anyone would go within 50 metres of your truck

This is getting confusing now, is topgun the same guy as Mo(Topgun) and if not is Ady1 the same as topgun or same as Mo(Topgun) or both, or what, and which one of them is now my minder, or is it both topguns, one of them, all three, or just Ady now?? Can one, two, or all three, or all one of you please clarify…Thanks :laughing:
Another thing I am concerned about is I actually agree with some of his/their points on this thread :open_mouth: about temp drivers attitudes to other driver’s motors.

No, my user name is top-gun, because I am :smiley: MO (is that short for Maureen?) is nowhere near a top gun, bottom feeder more like, I’ll be your minder if you like as maureen wouldn’t want to get his donkey jacket dirty :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

ady doesnt come on here now , i know him quite well and he cant bothered with it all now


This is getting confusing now, is topgun the same guy as Mo(Topgun) and if not is Ady1 the same as topgun or same as Mo(Topgun) or both, or what, and which one of them is now my minder, or is it both topguns, one of them, all three, or just Ady now?? Can one, two, or all three, or all one of you please clarify…Thanks :laughing:
Another thing I am concerned about is I actually agree with some of his/their points on this thread :open_mouth: about temp drivers attitudes to other driver’s motors.

I’ll be your minder if you like as maureen wouldn’t want to get his donkey jacket dirty :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

:open_mouth: Bloody hell!! They’re queing up to look after me now, this is getting scary, it has to stop… now :exclamation: :laughing:

ady doesnt come on here now , i know him quite well and he cant bothered with it all now

yeah full of trolls on here now isnt it :slight_smile:

ady doesnt come on here now , i know him quite well and he cant bothered with it all now

Oh yes he does :wink: