This is not fair mate! Stobarts are not responsible for every bridge strike in this country, not even close. I do understand jokes, but this is going too far.
That made me laugh…stobarts or not…did he want a semi-detached
…now hes got one…
Probably ordered a flat pack. Nice one
This is not fair mate! Stobarts are not responsible for every bridge strike in this country, not even close. I do understand jokes, but this is going too far.
They have exclusive rights in this country to hit bridges,if any other company wants to hit a bridge they have to get permission from Stobrats first.
This is not fair mate! Stobarts are not responsible for every bridge strike in this country, not even close. I do understand jokes, but this is going too far.
I thought they had the contract for it? Got contracts for everything else! They seem to be on the ball with this one though…
Why was Dozy working on holiday in the good ole USA, doing some driving for cash, which is illegal ?
A green card is needed, and if caught , our Doze could have been deported to Outer Mongolia or Siberia breaking up boulders with a tooth pick for ten years .
This is not fair mate! Stobarts are not responsible for every bridge strike in this country, not even close. I do understand jokes, but this is going too far.
Dry your eyes and get a grip FFS
This is not fair mate! Stobarts are not responsible for every bridge strike in this country, not even close. I do understand jokes, but this is going too far.
This is not fair mate! Stobarts are not responsible for every bridge strike in this country, not even close. I do understand jokes, but this is going too far.
Probably ordered a flat pack. Nice one
Or maybe he ordered an apartment and got a very nice flat instead!!