Stobart, Trucks, Trains & Planes

Episode 4 is on :slight_smile:

Jeesus wept. .

Is it going to be the same provoking post every Friday night for the rest of the year?

Unless I’m out fri night meaning no internet access so… :smiley:

pointless original post ffs WHY!!! are people obsessed with this pointless inane crapâ– â– ? same as the post wanting more punctuation :unamused: reminds me of the playground lately :unamused:

I would assume we are all adults but christ on a bike the posts seem to be getting more childish day after day.

I prepare for 2 pages of… you don’t have to read anything and get a sense of humour :smiling_imp:

Its alllllll gur gur gurrr.

tango boy:
Unless I’m out fri night meaning no internet access so… :smiley:

Go on keep prodding the miserable buggers. :laughing:


tango boy:
Unless I’m out fri night meaning no internet access so… :smiley:

Go on keep prodding the miserable buggers. :laughing:

Merry Xmas :wink:

Turn and burn!! Even though he hasn’t even got to his first drop yet! Never mind the two other drops lol!!
But he likes to start early (0615) to beat the traffic

Jeesus wept. .

Is it going to be the same provoking post every Friday night for the rest of the year?


they dont mention 7.00 per hour then and worked like a dog i woudnt work for them id rather beg lol

Sounds like he delivered those two cars on break just now!!

Is that all they pay £7.00ph.
I don’t like the look of the management, smug looking horrendacnuts that look like they live in caravan! (Too much?).

Spoiler alert! Next week is episode 5

So whats this program about,i live in a cave with no tv

Spoiler alert! Next week is episode 5

Stealing my glory. Grrrrrrrrrrrr :laughing:

they dont mention 7.00 per hour then and worked like a dog i woudnt work for them id rather beg lol

I only get 3 quid an hour. I do it for love.

they dont mention 7.00 per hour then and worked like a dog i woudnt work for them id rather beg lol

Why should they mention £7 p.h,the only driving jobs they have advertised are for £9.50 p.h :exclamation: :exclamation:

Awww Tracey love,you got a tug named after you.

Tracey the tug…mmmmmm :laughing:

I want to know who the ‘trucking gods’ are and if they’re unique to stobarts

i saw the imfamous mr dixon in coke wakefield on thurs morning, he didnt look very happy but then neither was i when i was told i was at wrong gate after queuing for 20 mins