Stobart Sittingbourne

I see they are looking for drivers in Sittingbourne. Anyone know where in Sittingbourne they are based?

Eurolink Business Park (on the former Dodds Group site) I believe

Ok thanks.

Yeah they are in Dodds old yard …
Cracking avatar mate COYS :wink:

It’s not their depot, but a third party’s one isn’t it?
Watch out for fuel thefts, especially across the weekend. I was working out of Eurolink estate last week, and all trucks parked over the previous weekend in a gated yard got their fuel nicked - including the one I was allocated for the coming week. :frowning:

I wouldn’t be surprised if some shifty employer tries to get bods on the books around there with some kind of “deposit” should your wagon get damaged or otherwise broken into… Don’t go there. :frowning:

is this for the biomass or the transporter job they have? guessing its biomass being sittingbourne