Rob K:
Are you surprised? It’s a well known fact that they’re all a bunch of [zb]s and can’t drive for toffee.
Our shunters take bets on how long it takes for them to get on a bay

20 minutes is the longest so far apparently 
Come to Widnes then. You can get timed by Stobart Shunters how long it takes you to get on a bay here. And if you ask really nicely we’ll show you the post that a Lichfield driver ripped out.
Best bring a double decker to fit your ego in…
It’s no wonder most of the people with a brain have abandoned this forum.
It’s no wonder most of the people with a brain have abandoned this forum.
It says a lot about you if your still here;)
Poor bloke, we do a lot of farm collections a tbh I think 95% of drivers would refuse to go down some of the lanes we go down, I’m terrified of cocking up and getting stuck one day or taking a wrong turn and getting stuck in a really tight lane, a lot of it is luck I think, I always ring up and ask them to talk me in if it looks too dodgy, like today the ‘road’ was two tracks in the mud with dykes and fields either side my head said f that so phoned up turns out it was the right way but not many would have chanced it without being advised. Thing is a lot of our drops/collections are like this. I don’t for one minute think he intended or expected it to happen to him.
^^^ Obvious Stobart driver is obvious ^^^
Sorry Columbo not this time.
Poor bloke, we do a lot of farm collections a tbh I think 95% of drivers would refuse to go down some of the lanes we go down, I’m terrified of cocking up and getting stuck one day or taking a wrong turn and getting stuck in a really tight lane, a lot of it is luck I think, I always ring up and ask them to talk me in if it looks too dodgy, like today the ‘road’ was two tracks in the mud with dykes and fields either side my head said f that so phoned up turns out it was the right way but not many would have chanced it without being advised. Thing is a lot of our drops/collections are like this. I don’t for one minute think he intended or expected it to happen to him.
He wasn’t on a farm track, it’s a main road…
We do farms too, with artics and with wag + drags, know what you mean about some of the ‘roads’ but would you decide to U-turn on 1 of them ?
Poor bloke, we do a lot of farm collections a tbh I think 95% of drivers would refuse to go down some of the lanes we go down, I’m terrified of cocking up and getting stuck one day or taking a wrong turn and getting stuck in a really tight lane, a lot of it is luck I think, I always ring up and ask them to talk me in if it looks too dodgy, like today the ‘road’ was two tracks in the mud with dykes and fields either side my head said f that so phoned up turns out it was the right way but not many would have chanced it without being advised. Thing is a lot of our drops/collections are like this. I don’t for one minute think he intended or expected it to happen to him.
He wasn’t on a farm track, it’s a main road…
We do farms too, with artics and with wag + drags, know what you mean about some of the ‘roads’ but would you decide to U-turn on 1 of them ?
In a moment of madness or panic maybe yes, if I was thinking rationally then no, I’m new on artics (5 weeks) and there have been times where I have [zb] up and started to panic, luckily I made the right decisions or pulled off the maneuvers without damaging anything but we all make mistakes especially us newbies.
Ok, not sure who saw this today, or who knows the area…
If you come off the M62 at Saddleworth and turn left towards Oldham, that road is called Ripponden Road.
About 750yrds up on the right is a layby where there’s sometimes a butty van - where the mast is…
This is the location you are referring to.
As you can see its not only Stobarts that come a cropper on the soft ground next to the A672.
It happens quite often here but just down the road in Dobcross THIS is what i call a Stobart ■■■■ Up!
Ok, not sure who saw this today, or who knows the area…
If you come off the M62 at Saddleworth and turn left towards Oldham, that road is called Ripponden Road.
About 750yrds up on the right is a layby where there’s sometimes a butty van - where the mast is…
This is the location you are referring to.
As you can see its not only Stobarts that come a cropper on the soft ground next to the A672.
It happens quite often here but just down the road in Dobcross THIS is what i call a Stobart ■■■■ Up!
He used to be a stobart driver though 
When I was at E Pawson in 2003 they had someone park on that moorland because he couldnt get into the layby for a buttie, so its not just Stobarts that do it but i dont remember a 2 page thread about them
Rob K:
Are you surprised? It’s a well known fact that they’re all a bunch of [zb]s and can’t drive for toffee.
Our shunters take bets on how long it takes for them to get on a bay

20 minutes is the longest so far apparently 
Come to Widnes then. You can get timed by Stobart Shunters how long it takes you to get on a bay here. And if you ask really nicely we’ll show you the post that a Lichfield driver ripped out.
Best bring a double decker to fit your ego in…
I’ve been to Tesco at Widnes before and with a decker thanks… 
Rob K:
Are you surprised? It’s a well known fact that they’re all a bunch of [zb]s and can’t drive for toffee.
Our shunters take bets on how long it takes for them to get on a bay

20 minutes is the longest so far apparently 
Come to Widnes then. You can get timed by Stobart Shunters how long it takes you to get on a bay here. And if you ask really nicely we’ll show you the post that a Lichfield driver ripped out.
Best bring a double decker to fit your ego in…
I’ve been to Tesco at Widnes before and with a decker thanks… 
Are double deckers longer than ordinary trailers or in some way more difficult to manouvre ?
Rob K:
Are you surprised? It’s a well known fact that they’re all a bunch of [zb]s and can’t drive for toffee.
Our shunters take bets on how long it takes for them to get on a bay

20 minutes is the longest so far apparently 
Come to Widnes then. You can get timed by Stobart Shunters how long it takes you to get on a bay here. And if you ask really nicely we’ll show you the post that a Lichfield driver ripped out.
Best bring a double decker to fit your ego in…
I’ve been to Tesco at Widnes before and with a decker thanks… 
Are double deckers longer than ordinary trailers or in some way more difficult to manouvre ?
I find them easier. In fact I’ve got a strange thing going on, in that I’m having trouble reversing curtainsiders… Fridges, boxes, lowloaders, no problem.
So why the curtainsider woes? Any ideas, anyone? 
Many years ago, when I first drove Artics full time, I got a job driving a flat 40 footer with a moffet forktruck delivering turf.
2 things happened to me in 1 day (it was before the widespread use of mobile phones or satnavs so I didn’t have either)-
1, I went to collect a load of turf from a ‘Field’ in the middle of nowhere, so I drove mile down a single track lane (as instructed on the collection note) only to find it was the wrong lane/should have been the next one about 500 yards further on. Grrrr-One mile reverse.
2, when I got to the field, I parked up & they loaded me with 20 tons of turf/on pallets, pulled my net on, roped it & off I went, started to ‘U’ turn (taking it fairly wide) with in half the turn, the back wheels were dug in up to the axles Funny as ‘F’, I felt like the worlds biggest Nob ! We had to unrope it, take the net off, unload it then use the tractor to pull me out of the hole I was stuck in, then reload it, re’net it & re’rope it !!!
Moral of the story x2-
1, Don’t drive down lanes you are not sure of.
2, Don’t make any ‘U’ turns or awkward manoeuvres before you get loaded off road, once you are loaded, keep it as straight as possible.
(Same goes for landfill sites, use as much space as possible to turn round or its sometimes easier to reverse 500 yards than to get stuck in mud, only to have all the machine drivers applauding your ■■■■ up !)
Happy Days !
Are double deckers longer than ordinary trailers or in some way more difficult to manouvre ?
Not particularly, just a few foot taller than a normal trailer…
Ok, not sure who saw this today, or who knows the area…
If you come off the M62 at Saddleworth and turn left towards Oldham, that road is called Rippenden Road.
About 750yrds up on the right is a layby where there’s sometimes a butty van - where the mast is…
Anyway, coming up there today and had to come to a halt, after a Stobart driver decided to U-turn from that layby (which wasn’t empty and so he’d only gone approx. 1 truck width into it) to head back to Oldham… 
So, road completely blocked, just enough room between side of truck and the moorland at the end of the layby for me to squeeze round.
Sorry I didn’t take any pics, but I’m sure plenty were taken and will be circulating at some point.
Now, we’ve all cocked up and made mistakes, but seriously tell me you’d consider putting your truck onto that moorland for ANY reason, let alone to save a couple of mins■■?
maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&ll … 4&t=h&z=20
Isn’t that funny,2 years ago I saw one do the same thing going from the m65 up towards haslingden grain he went up a track on the left before the pub ,then drove across the grass/ bog til he was up to the axles.
I’ve removed a few off-topic posts from this thread.
Let’s leave out any personal stuff and try to stay on topic please.