Stobart biomass

Just want a bit of information on wages hours etc out of sherburn cheers boys

The Stobart biomass website gives you all the info required. I drive for another biomass firm, be prepared to go to the most awkward sites with weigh bridges as tight as they come. Most sites like the Somme if it’s been raining and have to fight for position with skip wagons all over. You done walking floor trailers then ?

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Do stobbies get involve in landfill work like jenks ?

Aye worked for Hargreaves jj ward and jenkys so they do a lot of waste then …

Anyone who works for them pm me please after info on take home pay hours etc based at sherburn

Aye worked for Hargreaves jj ward and jenkys so they do a lot of waste then …

I’ve got a funny feeling you won’t be there long lol

■■■ on tangoman what’s the crack ■■?

like others said the biomass site from Eddie gives you all info in a pdf document on the drivers vacancies site. Wages, take home, hrs. Just look…

£8.90 per hour but then they add all allowances etc and 5 nights tramping and bonuses and you can achieve £11.30 ish

Working out of Sherburn will mean you’ll do a lot of runs from pollington to chilton power station, good for the bonus though

tango boy:

Aye worked for Hargreaves jj ward and jenkys so they do a lot of waste then …

I’ve got a funny feeling you won’t be there long lol

You’ve worked at all the others so you won’t stay long at the next one lol

I was offerd a job with Jenkys and i turned it down which in hindsite was a mistake but hey ho thats life

Aye ave been on the biomass website just wanted some "real comments off actual drivers " take home pay looks ok 4 nites out 630-680 a week in bank got interview and driving assessment next week so il see crack heard usual bad crack about them so il see wot they’ve got to say cheers boys :sunglasses:

i dont think there any better or worse than any company large company’s always get bad press if it suits you go for it nothing to loose have you

It’s an easy job pal, mainly c grade wood not too much waste these days and will hardly hear a peep out the planners. They litrally couldn’t care what you do aslong as the work is done. I work out of Widnes but hear the same out of the Sherburn lads

Cheers phil89 that’s exactly wot I wanted to hear put my mind to rest :sunglasses:

@phil98 are u still at stobarts now? I have an assesment next tuesday for tramper out of widnes ive seen what the wages are like etc what are the finish times usually like on a friday? I work at parry & evans and theres still your wagons qued up at 6pm most fridays