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so all you folks who are promoting UKIP as the windof change can you explain some of their other policies? what are they goign to do about social housing/benefits/the deficit etc?

i totally agree something needs done with the open door EU policy but i dont see much from UKIP on anything other than immigration and my guess is they may be a 1 trick pony?

hopefully the followers will know more!

A while perusing their site would be worth your while, but bare in mind that a proper manifesto will be published in time for the general election.

I’m not a member of UKIP by the way, just someone who hasn’t bought a newspaper for over 30 years and who avoids BBC news broadcasts like the plague, doing either has quite an effect on your ability to think and to search out alternative news sources of opposing views, somewhere out there is the truth.
Chickens who get released from battery cages by animal rights people go through a similar phase whilst re-adjusting to being chickens again.

This’ll get you started, yes it’s UKIP propaganda, probably no better and no worse than any other parties propaganda…difference being that so far UKIP haven’t told me a pack of lies all my life, nor brought the country to a state of near bankruptcy, the others have, if UKIP become another cheek of the same arse, con me, and tell me it’s raining whilst ■■■■■■■ on me from a great height like all the others have be assured i’ll be the first to kick 'em straight up the Khyber.

cheers Juddian.,

this is my point though thye focus on 1 thing which in turn give the press/others an easy way out.

personally i will vote UKIP but dont think they will get in i just hope they get enough to shake things up a bit.

lets face it they all live in ivory towers and dont give a flying ■■■■ about us minions.

so all you folks who are promoting UKIP as the windof change can you explain some of their other policies? what are they goign to do about social housing/benefits/the deficit etc?

i totally agree something needs done with the open door EU policy but i dont see much from UKIP on anything other than immigration and my guess is they may be a 1 trick pony?

hopefully the followers will know more!

What is certain is that you won’t solve the benefits bill or debt by putting downward pressure on incomes and over supplying the labour market.Nor will socialist answers work in the long term because no one gives houses away at less than market value and no one wants to live on an over developed council house estate in a vain attempt at trying to use over supply to lower house prices.While the NHS isn’t actually free it has to be paid for through taxes on incomes.Just like getting rid of it would have to be paid for in the form of insurance premiums paid for out of the same incomes.

You also won’t solve the issues of energy provision by staying with the global warmist agenda of all the other parties.

Last but not least why would anyone want to be ruled by a federal Europe.