Just read it one!!driver recruited from Romania,get a job with the media why don’t you,they do sensationalism,crack on.
My point was the headline refers to importing foreign drivers, whereas they should be focusing on the inhouse training of new inexperienced drivers, which in my opinion is a far greater solution to the ‘driver shortage’ than importing. There is no shortage or new licence holders, there is however a shortage of companys taking on said new licence holders. Haulage is a world away from most peoples employment history, getting the licence is one thing but the skills that go with the job can only be taught in situ. Even one days training, a few follow up informal chats to ask how they are getting on with the job, or someone who is willing to help and show them the ropes and keep an eye on them is enough to train up anyone in general haulage.
Fact is tho most companys want to take on new inexperienced drivers because they won’t expect an average wage but they have no interest in giving them the time and attention of helping them learn, they just tell them to crack on and thus end up damaging equipment, which is no good for their confidence and enjoyment or enthusiasm for the job.
MANY years ago I came off the road and became a manager and part of my job was to interview potential new drivers. Everyone got an interview, without exception. But I never employed a non Brit driver.
Harry Monk:
Instead of just bellyaching about it, get down the polling station in May and vote UKIP.
Anyone still looking for someone to blame for the current situation should take a long hard look in the mirror, ask the person you find there who they voted for and why, you might have the answer to whats gone wrong.
Meanwhile, back in the asylum millions of drones are going to do as they are told by a bought and paid for media and vote the same bunch (the three cheeks of the same arse party that is) back in and then wonder why things are going from bad to worse, increasing immigration ( Merkel told Dave NO last week, so that’s that, Dave now apparently likes free movement) so more and ever cheaper replacements, higher defecit, more EU (its German ruled make no mistake) integration/takeover, still increasing national debt, further increases in state spying and loss of freedoms because a small percentage of those they let in revert to type which provides the perfect excuse to spy on the 99% of all who are decent citizens.
An extra quart of immigrants being forced into this already overcrowded pint pot island, just when are you going to wake up and find out for yourselves what has happened, the state broadcaster and the mainstream press will not tell you the truth, go and look for it.
You, yes you, the electorate willingly voted for all of this, the vote is precious, think about it, don’t waste it on traitors and those who would further their own dreams of fortune and power at the expense of the country they swore allegiance too.
As Harry alludes to, if you can’t be arsed to do your bit to stop the rot, don’t bother moaning about it when it gets worse.
If they speak to Argos at Heywood, they’ll change their minds when they are told about the thousands of pounds worth of damage these Eastern European Agency drivers have caused because they don’t speak English.
If they speak to Argos at Heywood, they’ll change their minds when they are told about the thousands of pounds worth of damage these Eastern European Agency drivers have caused because they don’t speak English.
Sorry mate, can’t agree that damage has been caused because they don’t speak English. If you said there were certain potential safety issues because they couldn’t speak English then I’d totally agree with you. If we want to take that a bit further then I don’t speak a word of Welsh but have worked extensively in Wales over the years and haven’t caused any damage.
Just read it one!!driver recruited from Romania,get a job with the media why don’t you,they do sensationalism,crack on.
My point was the headline refers to importing foreign drivers, whereas they should be focusing on the inhouse training of new inexperienced drivers, which in my opinion is a far greater solution to the ‘driver shortage’ than importing. There is no shortage or new licence holders, there is however a shortage of companys taking on said new licence holders. Haulage is a world away from most peoples employment history, getting the licence is one thing but the skills that go with the job can only be taught in situ. Even one days training, a few follow up informal chats to ask how they are getting on with the job, or someone who is willing to help and show them the ropes and keep an eye on them is enough to train up anyone in general haulage.
Fact is tho most companys want to take on new inexperienced drivers because they won’t expect an average wage but they have no interest in giving them the time and attention of helping them learn, they just tell them to crack on and thus end up damaging equipment, which is no good for their confidence and enjoyment or enthusiasm for the job.
yorkshire terrier:
I would bet that the Romanians are on the same money but to them it will be a fortune.
They have come here for one reason and that’s to work so they will work till they drop and not moan about it.
It’s a sad state of british transport.
That’s bang on. The lazy British are at fault. If ppl worked there wouldn’t be any jobs.
Half witted statements like this really p me off.
If the wages are poor, then the “lazy British” won’t work there because it not worth their while. Similarly most Brits don’t want to work 15 hours a day everyday. Not because they are lazy but because there is more to life than driving a truck.
If you talk to drivers out of hours, weekends or bank holidays I would suggest they are Eastern European.
Likewise if you ring an RDC they are the same.
You may as well look at it as at least they are paying into the system rather than arriving in the back of a trailer looking for a freebie.
Driving suits that sort of life style if you want to come here and send money home to your familly.
You get to live in the truck at least 5 days a week the gaffer might even let you saty in it.
You get night out money for the nights you are in on company business so there’s your spending money
£26k a year to send home they’ll return alomost as though they won teh lottery.
Probably find if they’ve got a wife and kids they can aply for child allowance etc.
It’s a win all the way for them.
If they speak to Argos at Heywood, they’ll change their minds when they are told about the thousands of pounds worth of damage these Eastern European Agency drivers have caused because they don’t speak English.
Sorry mate, can’t agree that damage has been caused because they don’t speak English. If you said there were certain potential safety issues because they couldn’t speak English then I’d totally agree with you. If we want to take that a bit further then I don’t speak a word of Welsh but have worked extensively in Wales over the years and haven’t caused any damage.
Not that anyone would notice!
(Disclaimer; that was a joke btw).
The Argos situation has been told to me by a friend of mine who is a driver there. Trailers damaged in precincts because the driver didn’t understand English that told him to reverse in, not go in forwards.
Harry Monk:
Instead of just bellyaching about it, get down the polling station in May and vote UKIP.
Anyone still looking for someone to blame for the current situation should take a long hard look in the mirror, ask the person you find there who they voted for and why, you might have the answer to whats gone wrong.
Meanwhile, back in the asylum millions of drones are going to do as they are told by a bought and paid for media and vote the same bunch (the three cheeks of the same arse party that is) back in and then wonder why things are going from bad to worse, increasing immigration ( Merkel told Dave NO last week, so that’s that, Dave now apparently likes free movement) so more and ever cheaper replacements, higher defecit, more EU (its German ruled make no mistake) integration/takeover, still increasing national debt, further increases in state spying and loss of freedoms because a small percentage of those they let in revert to type which provides the perfect excuse to spy on the 99% of all who are decent citizens.
An extra quart of immigrants being forced into this already overcrowded pint pot island, just when are you going to wake up and find out for yourselves what has happened, the state broadcaster and the mainstream press will not tell you the truth, go and look for it.
You, yes you, the electorate willingly voted for all of this, the vote is precious, think about it, don’t waste it on traitors and those who would further their own dreams of fortune and power at the expense of the country they swore allegiance too.
As Harry alludes to, if you can’t be arsed to do your bit to stop the rot, don’t bother moaning about it when it gets worse.
A very well put together statement which is unfortunately probably pretty accurate. It’s just a shame that so many people think that voting ukip is the answer to the problem.
Les Shoes:
A very well put together statement which is unfortunately probably pretty accurate. It’s just a shame that so many people think that voting ukip is the answer to the problem.
Well, something that is not in any doubt is this. If we remain in the eu, at some point in the near future all remaining cabotage restrictions will be removed, opening the way for non-domestic operators to undertake unlimited amounts of UK domestic work- currently non-UK operators are restricted to undertaking three domestic movements before having to leave the UK.
Cabotage restrictions were due to end in 2014, it was only opposition from France which led to restrictions remaining- temporarily- in place.
Eastern European hauliers are already acting in anticipation of the ending of cabotage restrictions, see
Felixstowe (Suffolk, UK), Budapest (Hungary) 16 October, 2014 – Waberer’s, one of Europe’s leading road transport operators has established a subsidiary in Felixstowe. With the town of Felixstowe boasting the largest container port in the United Kingdom, the choice of town is ideally situated to meet Waberer’s strategic requirements.
Waberer’s has been serving the British Isles and continental Europe for decades, with an ever increasing market share.
The Company’s equipment currently transports on average 700 FTL’s weekly to and from the UK’s industrial and commercial centres. In excess of Thirty five thousand loads yearly!
In recent years, demand for the Company’s services on the British Isles has shown a two-digit growth, with 2013 surpassing the preceding year’s turnover by 15 per cent.
Currently, the United Kingdom is one of the largest markets for Waberer’s. Over 15 per cent of the entire European FTL revenues are generated through the United Kingdom’s economy. Therefore Waberer’s established the subsidiary to respond to this increasing demand.
Once cabotage restrictions are removed, the British domestic haulage industry will go exactly the same way as the British continental haulage industry, it will completely disappear. The only way that this won’t happen is that either the UK leaves the eu, or the UK puts itself into a stronger negotiating position with regard to challenging eu decisions which adversely affect UK business for the benefit of eastern European business.
So to anyone wondering who to vote for in May, by all means vote for one of the pro-eu parties if you want, just so long as you understand that you will be voting for a trip to the dole office and the end of your livelihood for ever.
Harry Monk:
Once cabotage restrictions are removed, the British domestic haulage industry will go exactly the same way as the British continental haulage industry, it will completely disappear. The only way that this won’t happen is that either the UK leaves the eu, or the UK puts itself into a stronger negotiating position with regard to challenging eu decisions which adversely affect UK business for the benefit of eastern European business.
So to anyone wondering who to vote for in May, by all means vote for one of the pro-eu parties if you want, just so long as you understand that you will be voting for a trip to the dole office and the end of your livelihood for ever.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees the great big neon writing on the wall with regards the British domestic transport industry and the impending removal of cabotage restrictions. Once the EU get their way, the job will nose dive with unlimited competition from companies like Warberer, Dentressangle and five hundred others who will run Polish and Romanian trucks internally on Polish and Romanian wages and there will be nothing British Road Transport LTD and their drivers taking home 500 pounds per week can do about it.
Harry Monk:
Instead of just bellyaching about it, get down the polling station in May and vote UKIP.
Anyone still looking for someone to blame for the current situation should take a long hard look in the mirror, ask the person you find there who they voted for and why, you might have the answer to whats gone wrong.
Meanwhile, back in the asylum millions of drones are going to do as they are told by a bought and paid for media and vote the same bunch (the three cheeks of the same arse party that is) back in and then wonder why things are going from bad to worse, increasing immigration ( Merkel told Dave NO last week, so that’s that, Dave now apparently likes free movement) so more and ever cheaper replacements, higher defecit, more EU (its German ruled make no mistake) integration/takeover, still increasing national debt, further increases in state spying and loss of freedoms because a small percentage of those they let in revert to type which provides the perfect excuse to spy on the 99% of all who are decent citizens.
An extra quart of immigrants being forced into this already overcrowded pint pot island, just when are you going to wake up and find out for yourselves what has happened, the state broadcaster and the mainstream press will not tell you the truth, go and look for it.
You, yes you, the electorate willingly voted for all of this, the vote is precious, think about it, don’t waste it on traitors and those who would further their own dreams of fortune and power at the expense of the country they swore allegiance too.
As Harry alludes to, if you can’t be arsed to do your bit to stop the rot, don’t bother moaning about it when it gets worse.
A very well put together statement which is unfortunately probably pretty accurate. It’s just a shame that so many people think that voting ukip is the answer to the problem.
So exactly who do you propose as being the right Party to vote for and exactly which type of policy being required to fix the problem of cheap EU immigrant labour being used to rig the labour market in favour of low wage employment .Admittedly UKIP having questions to answer concerning its non EU immigration policy in that regard.
Les Shoes:
A very well put together statement which is unfortunately probably pretty accurate. It’s just a shame that so many people think that voting ukip is the answer to the problem.
Well, something that is not in any doubt is this. If we remain in the eu, at some point in the near future all remaining cabotage restrictions will be removed, opening the way for non-domestic operators to undertake unlimited amounts of UK domestic work- currently non-UK operators are restricted to undertaking three domestic movements before having to leave the UK.
Cabotage restrictions were due to end in 2014, it was only opposition from France which led to restrictions remaining- temporarily- in place.
Eastern European hauliers are already acting in anticipation of the ending of cabotage restrictions, see
Felixstowe (Suffolk, UK), Budapest (Hungary) 16 October, 2014 – Waberer’s, one of Europe’s leading road transport operators has established a subsidiary in Felixstowe. With the town of Felixstowe boasting the largest container port in the United Kingdom, the choice of town is ideally situated to meet Waberer’s strategic requirements.
Waberer’s has been serving the British Isles and continental Europe for decades, with an ever increasing market share.
The Company’s equipment currently transports on average 700 FTL’s weekly to and from the UK’s industrial and commercial centres. In excess of Thirty five thousand loads yearly!
In recent years, demand for the Company’s services on the British Isles has shown a two-digit growth, with 2013 surpassing the preceding year’s turnover by 15 per cent.
Currently, the United Kingdom is one of the largest markets for Waberer’s. Over 15 per cent of the entire European FTL revenues are generated through the United Kingdom’s economy. Therefore Waberer’s established the subsidiary to respond to this increasing demand.
Once cabotage restrictions are removed, the British domestic haulage industry will go exactly the same way as the British continental haulage industry, it will completely disappear. The only way that this won’t happen is that either the UK leaves the eu, or the UK puts itself into a stronger negotiating position with regard to challenging eu decisions which adversely affect UK business for the benefit of eastern European business.
So to anyone wondering who to vote for in May, by all means vote for one of the pro-eu parties if you want, just so long as you understand that you will be voting for a trip to the dole office and the end of your livelihood for ever.
Unfortunately most Con voters aren’t bright enough to realise that the Cons are a pro EU party and think that Thatcher was an anti EU MP.
However unfortunately most of the UK ‘business community’ ( CBI ) would probably just take advantage of the situation by flagging out their operations to the cheapest base thereby also cutting the housing costs involved in importing cheap east euro labour.Make no mistake Farage has got a mountain to climb regarding the strength of the pro EU agenda just as Powell and Shore etc had.
The one thing is with the predictions on parliament close, voting ukip will do nothing except risk putting ahead a party such as labour. There’s no way enough will vote UKIP to put them ahead. It’ll give them seats but at what risk to who’s in power. It’s a quandary.
Freight Dog:
The one thing is with the predictions on parliament close, voting ukip will do nothing except risk putting ahead a party such as labour. There’s no way enough will vote UKIP to put them ahead. It’ll give them seats but at what risk to who’s in power. It’s a quandary.
From the point of view of the UKIP vote there is nothing to lose.IE either UKIP get enough votes to hold a balance of power in the inevitable multi party result.Or the country is written off to being a state within a federal Europe run by the CBI for the CBI.
While in an environment of the low wage exploitative form of Capitalism resulting from that then as usual Socialist solutions are the only realistic way of survival for the working class.In which case the choice is between UKIP or let Labour/SNP take it.Because the alternative won’t bear thinking about in the form of yet more of the Thatcherite pro EU stitch up of the working class which is the trade mark of the Cons ever since Heath took us into it and she then ran with it.
I had a Romanian driver in our yard a couple of weeks ago collecting a trailer for the Dutch company he worked for. When I asked him about his wages he told me he was on a fixed salary of 1,400 Euros per month, which on the exchange rate of a early January was £275 per week.
so all you folks who are promoting UKIP as the windof change can you explain some of their other policies? what are they goign to do about social housing/benefits/the deficit etc?
i totally agree something needs done with the open door EU policy but i dont see much from UKIP on anything other than immigration and my guess is they may be a 1 trick pony?