Still alive!

Just thought I’d stick my head in through the door to say hi, I’m still alive, not been “foruming” for a fair while, I found there was enough “in the real world” drivers at my work place to get my daily dose of BS, rumours, mis-information and mmtm factoids that I didn’t need to come online too… :joy:

Nah, truth is, once you get out of the habit of coming on the forums its quite difficult getting back into it, at least that’s how it seems to me at least.

So what’s changed with me since I was last about?
Well, still work for the same firm though that’ll change soon hopefully as I’ve just passed my full ADR tanks packages and 2,3,4,5,6,8 & 9 so will be looking for tanker jobs from now on.

Hope all are well.



Welcome back and congratulations on passing your ADR and maybe on to better pastures.

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Thanks, :slightly_smiling_face:

I hope there are new pastures because my current pasture has become rather stale and stagnent with no real prospect of that changing, not complaining about my current job as there are many aspects to it I like, just that if I want to get on in life I need to get off my arris and do it whilst I’m still young enough to do it…

I hear plenty of people complain about there ‘lot’ and the company they work for but they are never willing to do anything about it.

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Well said sir. Soon come round to that way of thinking myself.

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I think the site will be all the better for your return.

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It’s not that bad here surely? :joy:

Probably is :rofl::rofl::rofl: 20 characters minimum grrrr

That’s a fair point, I’d been meaning to adjust that so thanks for the reminder.

It’s now a minimum of 10 characters.

For he’s a jolly good fellow etc etc :wine_glass::cocktail::beer::tada::confetti_ball:

Why even that Dave, there are times when a pithy single word reply is worth a thousand words.

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See, my presence is making a difference already, you’re welcome… :joy: :rofl: