Steve Wright

del boys another. oh i know they have the power to silence anyone who might expose the real them. Theyre master manipulators ,thats why theyv got where they are ,Wrighty kept silent when the Saville scandal erupted , he said nothing altho he knew him as they worked together .

Fair enough, but I reserve the right to ignore your crowd funding appeal for your defence and damages. :joy:

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Jeez,…Steve, Tom Jones,.and now Del Boy ffs.:flushed:
Where is your source of (accurate) info for all these random accusations, or do you just make em up as you go along.
Who’s on your character assasination list next
McCartney, is he a kiddie fiddler?
Lorrainne Kelly? Is she on the game?
What about David Beckham?..weekend transvestite?
Cant wait for yer next instalment.

wasnt david jason accused at the same time as tom jones or am i getting my artists muddled up

Careful lads, it’s dangerous ground.
Slander is the spoken word, libel is the written word.

Yes, rumours about firm closures get taken down, and I think allegations of criminality will be even more swiftly removed.

Like many i started to follow the “whose next” trail as the Saville case unravelled… a chance meeting with Sheila Ferguson at the time of Rolfs trial really intrigued me-turns out she was his neighbour in Bray for 25 yrs and she told me "theres a lot more to this " but wouldnt tell me anymore,adamant . Anyhoo i remembered when i saw Steve Wright in the early 80s at a Radio 1 roadshow and he didnt speak to me but said something disgusting to lads who were with me we were 12-14 i cant remember the words its so long ago. Anyhoo i wondered why Wrighty didnt speak at the Saville inquiry, not a word. Most of the other DJ spoke,inc the Beatles if only to say they never liked him. When the Yewtree cases suddenly died down towards the very end was a whisper in the papers about another big fish to be exposed[possibly DJ although i dont consider him a big fish ] ,but then theres been nothing more several years now .Somebody put a lid on these celebrity paedo cases .I find that strange

Reporting one social media tale on another bit of social media, that should work out fine then…

I’m reminded of the pre-internet, pre-social media tale about Valerie Singleton (of Blue Peter fame for the young 'uns out there) being the gay lover of “Drop the Pilot” singer/songwriter Joan Armatrading.

Totally untrue of course. Didn’t stop lots of people gullibly believing it to be true though.

So Jason has got a daughter he did not know about …so tf what? :roll_eyes:
I may have one or two myself for all I know.
(One of the reasons I aint on Facebook)

Unless you have lived the life of a monk, I see nothing at all wrong with that.