Steve Wright

The early breakfast slot from 4am was just songs, jingles and news this morning. Was fine with that to be honest!

Where is Owain Wyn Evans? | The Sun

I prefer Boom Radio and Absolute 70’s to any of the Heart group.

I also only recently found out that the rare melodious 21st century Mark Ronson record Stop Me was a cover of an originally late 80’s Smiths record.I think I prefer the latter version exceptions proving rules.

1960’s to my ears were a bit like 80’s either really good or really bad.
Early 60’s I liked and remember stuff like Chrystals Da do Ron, original and later Shelby Flint versions of Cast your fate to the Wind, Sandy Shaw Along with Love among others.
As opposed to this modern computer generated monotonous garbage which seems to be like something that aliens on a different planet would want to listen to.
The worst is when you’re listening to a 70’s dedicated station and an advert gets put in from nowhere with the usual computer beats added as background.

There is some music I think that needs / deserves being listened to in a situation where both it has your full attention and the background noise and sound system don’t adversely disadvantage the experience.

I bought a Stereolab album recently that on first listen at home was quite impressive but playing from my phone in the truck didn’t connect with me at all.

I guess we will never find out why he died. It’s highly likely a post mortem has been complete by now yet still no cause of his death has been released.

Just vague supposed rumours of some ill health and his lifestyle in articles.

Very odd tbh usually they will issue an update on the cause of death especially when it’s someone well known.

As I understand it, if a death is due to natural causes, the Death Cert is signed by a Dr, and if the Coroner is happy with that then the body would be released to family/funeral director within days.

If the Coroner wants an inquest, then a post mortem examination would be done by a pathologist within days. But an inquest, when a formal verdict is given could be weeks or months later. The pathologist reports to the Coroner who then decides what do with those results.

The Coroner normally holds the Inquest in public so I would assume that we will know more in a few weeks or months from now.

It is possible the doctor has ruled it as natural causes, but what I read was when it’s unexpected or sudden a post mortem is always carried out. Unless it’s natural causes, but surely it’s not easy to just say oh yes it was natural causes by a doctor if there was no health issues know about previously. Unless of course it was something like a heart attack.

So who knows unless there is any truth in his health being an issue that was known and the doctor has ruled the cause was due to something natural to do with his health.

If unexpected or sudden, and so no Dr would give a “natural causes” death cert, then it will be reported to the Coroner and an autopsy will be performed. If that is the case it will likely already have happened. Normally within 2/3 days.
But the results will not be on public record until either relatives choose to give out any info they might have, or until there is a public Coroner`s Inquest which might be weeks or months away.
But if in any way unnatural, there will be a public hearing, and then all should be in the public domaine.
The pathologist reports to the Coroner and to the family, not to the press nor public directly.

Perhaps Mr. Angry turned angry!

I read somewhere that Steve had undergone heart surgery last year.

Btw …@NJL
Your question ‘‘Where is Owain Wyn Evans?’’
The obvious answer springs to mind.
‘‘Who actually gives AF’’.

Thankfully I was blissfully unaware that this bouffanted buffoon had butchered another song I like; the other song being his involvement in Amy Winehouse’s lamentable rendition of “Valerie” by The Zutons, though I believe the Zutons objected less to the Winehouse/Ronson rendition than I did

Cause of death now announced.
Radio 2 DJ Steve Wright died from ruptured stomach ulcer | UK News | Sky News.

Yep I posted that on another thread somewhere earlier today.

It was the RIP BBC R2 thread I posted sit on but meant to post it on this one but couldn’t find it.

Sorry, missed that.

At least you posted it on the correct thread :joy:

sense the delay is so they can cover up what needed covering up / pay off rent boys or whatever

You really wasn’t a fan of Steve Wright were you… :laughing:

i sensed a wrong un years ago at a radio 1 roadshow,his manner -this long delay adds to the feeling theyre hiding summat ,thoroughly . Tom jones hes another

Bloody hell mate, the dead can’t sue but now you’ve mentioned someone who isn’t, and could. :shushing_face: