Do not go any where near the Gosport and Southampton area today !
A miserable ole git will be driving an artic for the first time .

Hehe, I tried that same thing for Cardiff… it didn’t work :laughing:

Should I now ignore this thread? I’m new to this professional ignoring lark.

I’m used to being ignored Allikat, thats cos most of my mates are so old now their all deaf !

By the way, the traffic jams around lee-on Solent, Gosport and Southampton have cleared now, I’m back home!
What a fantastic buzz that was, trailor looks a lot shorter than it really is in the mirrors, it’s only when you get out of the cab and look down the whole length of the rig that you realise what you’ve been navigating around tight bends and roundabouts, fantastic, I want another go :smiley:

Who you doing it with? Zenith, Roadhog, By-pass?


Zenith, nice bunch of people, strange thing is, my first lesson is with one instructor, the second third and forth with another and the last before the test with someone else as with my cat C.
Not that I mind, I seem to get on well with all three.

does stu still work there? he was my instructor on c but havent seen him doing the wagons for a while, he’s been mainly on pcv

I’m used to being ignored Allikat, thats cos most of my mates are so old now their all deaf !

WHAT :exclamation: :exclamation: EH :question: :question:

EAR, EAR, I know that gag :blush: :blush: :blush:

Colin at Zenith Driver Training is the best instructor there…Dave has totally lost it, James would believe the Queen’s French and there’s a Yorkshire-like instructor there as well who I didn’t like at all.
Denis used to be there but left, I think he set up his own company somewhere else in Hampshire.

Motorcycle instructor is Pete, who’s also the training manager - he got me through my Cat. A (DAS) test with Zero driving faults!! He ‘does’ know what he’s doing and talking about. I’d highly recommend him to anyone wanting to learn 2 wheeled vehicles.

The guy who does HIAB is Richard, he did my Cat. C1 training back in 2005 with a company called Key-Drive Driver Training - they were taken over by Zenith shortly afterwards and he’s now the instructor + examiner for the HIAB.

Su, the receptionist, is Pete’s wife.

If you get Colin as your instructor though you’re made - gotta be the best instructor after Denis decided to leave.

On test day, if the instructor not’s available you might get a scottish fella from the Garage - I can’t remember his name for the life of me (Graham or someone, smokes a lot!!).

If you’re interested, here are the vehicles I used with Zenith for my C and C+E:

C (initially):,
C (test day):, and


Rog…get yer coat :smiley:
Lee…Stu is still there but does mostly PSV
Richard…thats a comprehensive photographic record of your training m8
haven’t driven any of those vehicles, had a tatty ole green and blue DAF for C and another DAF for artic

Had a chap called Roy first day, Colin up untill test day then Dave, Dave’s a nice enough bloke but I know what you mean :slight_smile:

revise that last remark…Daves a bloody nice chap… period. as a matter of fact I can’t fault Zenith at all. Had reversing the artic today, doesn’t go the right way when you steer left or right :open_mouth: whats that all about then?

Bendy motors bend, that’s how it works mate.