Started Class 1 training today

Started my class 1 training today…5 day course…We went out for a bit and the drive was good but then back to base for reversing manouvres :blush: …there`s NOT a lot of room for error is there ? …which I imagine is true to life …guess it can only get better…!..any tips ?

test at Guildford on Friday 23rd

gudluck and just relax :smiley: :wink:

Hi there.
Did my class 1 last week over 5 day course same as you are doing. Did OK on the Monday, even with the reversing, but next day just couldn’t get my head round it, so by the end of Wednesday I had mastered the art of slight correction which made the reverse test on Friday less of a chore.

One tip…If the weather is dull or wet for your test, don’t forget to put headlights on after the stop and reverse exercises before leaving the test centre. I forgot to put mine on, but the helpful examiner prompted me to light up by asking me if the weather forcast was for heavy rain all day.

I still managed to pass but with 10 minor faults. The examiner explained that he wasn’t looking for perfection, just the right attitude and no major faults.

DO stay calm, but DON’T relax. There is a difference. Some stress is useful and inevitable.

Good luck for Friday.

2 tips I was given for the reverse exercise were 1) Use a shunt - you’re allowed 2, reverse towards the “garage” then pull forwards and reverse in a straight line in :wink: & 2) When it’s all in a straight line and lined up note where the unit rear “mud gaurd” is in relation to the trailer, then keep it as close to that as possible.
Works a treat :slight_smile: did my course last week, (only managed3 days out of 5 due to **** ups beyond control :unamused: test on monday gone, passed 8 minors :smiley:

Thanks guys…

Im getting better slowly and the final reverse today I went straight in in one...THIS time with nobody "guiding" me :smiley: ...maybe thats what was missing…MY input…Im not complacent though....made a few kerbs today :blush: and a few other errors but thats O.K as long as I learn from them…like with the class 2 Im too fast which is when I make the errors...not slowing it down enough. Ive my test at 8.45 am this Friday which I feel is just TOO ■■■■■■■ SOON …feeling much better today though and ooking forward to tomorrow…loads to cram in and just one day… :confused:

Goodluck with your test mate!!

Well I just couldnt get the reversing right today...seems I just cant get my head around it. :frowning: …I get past the the cone on the first part of the manouvre O.K and lined up with the “garage” but then it all seems to fall to pieces :confused: …test is at 8.45 tomorrow morning and with a good nights sleep,a shunt or two and a lot of luck I may make it out onto the road for the “real” part of the test…

As somebody put it…go out and do your best and enjoy it…you paid for it !.. :exclamation: :unamused:

All the best for tomorrow stephanovich,

I must admit it’s the reversing that I am least looking forward to when I start my course in a couple of weeks.

I’m sure if you take it slow and use your allowable shunts it should slot in ok.


All the best for tomorrow stephanovich,

I must admit it’s the reversing that I am least looking forward to when I start my course in a couple of weeks.

I’m sure if you take it slow and use your allowable shunts it should slot in ok.


Thanks Ian…hopefully youll pick it up O.K...the guy traing with me has it off fine... most times I get in with 1 or 2 shunts but today Ive made a complete hash of it… :angry: …I cant seem to "see" it and least at the test centre if I make it past the midway cone (this bit seems to be O.K) I can shunt up a lot further than where Ive been training…

Time will tell… :wink:

Well I failed my test this morning…reversing being the problem… :frowning: I wasn`t happy about doing it and so I guess that my negative attitude proved correct…

I`ll get my head around this yet ! :imp:

Good luck for your next test!!

Good luck for your next test!!

Thanks very much…Im getting a couple of hours reversing in tomorrow and my re-test is this sat 3rd...I feel Im much calmer this time as I`ve had some time to think about it…and will try not too oversteer and give the trailer time to respond.

I`ll get there ! :slight_smile:

All the best with the second run at the test
try to relax and remeber that once you get
that little bit of paper in your hands,that
says you have passed, you then become
a member of the school for drivers and it
is for life, JUST give the tester a good safe
ride and you will be all right,

Good luck mate.
Stay calm and focused!


Well today saw some good news :slight_smile: and some bad news :cry: for me on my re-test :unamused:

I managed my reverse exercise in one :smiley:

and then buggered it all by somehow managing to STALL on my controlled braking :blush: :imp: :cry: …I guess I wasnt concentrating after the reverse and I just cant explain it :confused: …I hadnt come anywhere near stalling on my training and havent had any problems with this before…coming out of the test centre the examiner said I pulled out in front of a car but it was some way in the distance (still thinking of stall !)…the rest of the drive went well and just a couple of minors but the damage had already been done :blush:

I guess I just wasn`t ready…nothing more,nothing less,although I did enjoy the day,which although not the aim of the day,compensated somewhat…I learned a lot…and the instructor said that I should have been given an assessment before taking the course :unamused: …bit late now

Im unsure what to do now :confused: ...I guess using my class 2 would have helped enormously but Ive found it really difficult to find a job that “fits” around my main job (!) which is being a single parent at present…I dont want to throw good money away if I dont have the experience…I guess I need to do some serious thinking :unamused:

Bad luck on the test.
You’ll be a lot more prepared for the next.

Sounds to me like your nerves are getting in the way of your concentraction. Maybe try the old “self commentry” during your next test if you haven’t already tried it. It takes a bit of practice but really helps you stay focused. And you can practice it in the car leading up to your next test.

Good luck and let us know!!

Can’t see why the stall should bother you, in Neath where I did mine they’re only concerned that you stop it in the required distance under control, if it stalls it stalls, try not to, but !!!

Hard luck on the fail :cry: what else did you fail on■■? unless he considered pulling out in front of the car to be dangerous/serious :confused:

I did that on my test, bad junction, hard left hand bend, T junc, then lef onto the “main road” running parrallel with the first, trying to watch 4 things at the same time, I pulled out in what I thought was plenty of time for the speed limit, but the car slowed deliberately as it approached the back end of the trailor, 5 mins later I’m back in the centre, thought I’d failed, :cry: but the examiner said in his opinion I was fine to pull out, if I’d held back I could have got a minor for hesitation :confused: so I passed in the end, picked up a minor on the uncoupling 'cause I thought I’d failed :frowning:

Moral being, don’t give in, don’t pre-guess the examiner, best of luck next time, if you do go for it.

Rotten luck maste. but dont let it get you down. Re- book asap and keep yoour nerves under control. Once you have done your reverse and braking exersise you will probably feel fine when you get out on the road.
Good luck and keep us informed.