Start up

I am 21 and recently passed my class 1 and 2 tests and have been trying to find a job but as i have no previous experience (or as some companies are saying im not 23, Dont really know what being 23 has to do with anything) im starting to look at other options.

How hard would it be to get a grant (or finance) and buy my own truck and then find contracts and use
back-haul websites. Im trying to look at all my options, and im wondering how hard it would be to do everything myself?

If you have some advice then ill be very very thankful, im just getting sick of all the knock backs. Nick

I’m not negative by nature - but please don’t do it.

To get insurance would be a nightmare - I know - I was the youngest coach operator in the UK at 24 yrs old (a long time ago now) and it took all sorts of special meetings etc and a high cost to get insurance. And I’d been teaching PSV since I was 19!

Very few operators are making any serious profit and the margins are so low it’s a gamble on a week to week basis as to whether or not you’ll actually earn a wage.

So, once again, please think again.

Try getting a start on vans and working your way up. You’ll get there in the end.

I wish you the best of luck, no matter which path you decide to follow. Pete :laughing: :laughing:

thanks for the reply, im just trying to figure out what would be the best to do. I’ve heard that european owner drivers can make a good living and i keep seeing adverts for owner drivers

thanks for the reply, im just trying to figure out what would be the best to do. I’ve heard that european owner drivers can make a good living and i keep seeing adverts for owner drivers

Hi necronick7,


:grimacing: CONGRATULATIONS on passing your LGV “C+E” test :smiley:
:smiley: :smiley: :grimacing: :smiley: :smiley: :grimacing: :smiley: :smiley:

Just like Peter above, I wouldn’t wish to rain on your parade, but please realise that backhaul websites are for backhauls and offer the most miserable rates imaginable.

There are also quite a number of other quite significant pitfalls that you’d encounter if you persue your O/D idea, so my best advice is that you’d be wise not to even consider being an O/D until you’ve got several years experience as an employed driver under your belt.

cool thanks very much for the advice. im glad i posted on here before just jumping into it lol.

Some companies are saying that i need to be 23 or have 2 years previous, but what does being 23 have to do with anything?

plus how can i make myself more appealing to companies? can i do like work experence or somthing?

recently passed my class 1 and 2 tests

:smiley: :smiley:


Best thing to do is go you time in the trenches and learn the industry as getting a start with you own van please don’t my van insurance is 2k and im 36 with full no claims now you understand why companies want 23 or 25 years old before they will entertain you this is due to insurance resrictions at your age even on a van your looking at over 5 k+ for hire and reward or courier insurance and no light haulage insurance isn’t that much cheeper beleive me

Have you thoughtof starting at somewhere like dpd or city link as a van driver yes it isn’t what you’ve yained for but it will be a start and try to work up from there

Someone on here was Owner Driver at 19 I believe and it didn’t go well for him, i would stay well clear.

cool thanks very much for the advice. im glad i posted on here before just jumping into it lol.

Some companies are saying that i need to be 23 or have 2 years previous, but what does being 23 have to do with anything?{/color]

plus how can i make myself more appealing to companies? can i do like work experence or somthing?

A greater degree of maturity/experience is your answer. When you get to be a bit older you’ll see they were right! I’m glad to see that you have taken note of what others have said. Try to get a van driving job with a company that also runs LGVs’ as you’re more likely to get the chance to step up and gain your LGV entitlement.