Start new job Monday

Well after few job offers I’ve decided on taking gbn logistics job its monthly pay which is a pain but after month or two will be used to it.So this is wage breakdown £560 basic earn 25% of all truck earnings over £2200 get paid waiting time (after 2 hours) and £21 a night out so should average £635 before tax plus £84 nights out could be bit more what do you guys think as also been offered work with gold star all I know on that contract is its roughly £35k a year but heard lot of story’s they are ■■■■ payers.Could also have a long agency contract on paye with seatrans on containers £130 a day plus £22.50 night out.Didnt expect to get offered all these at once lol always bloody happens.

Good luck with GBN. Report back to us on how they are, would be interested myself from the sounds of it.

Good luck :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Cheers lads I will report back when I’ve settled in which will be January now got to do 2 unit swaps but get own truck January sounds like I can either tramp all week or be home every night nice to have the choice but I like being away wife would drive me mad lol

wife would drive me mad lol

I know what you mean lol!
I can just about bare a day and a half with mine… :sunglasses: :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds better than the job that was offered me on Saturday… Some of the wages through the books, but the rest is ‘cash in your hand’. Downside being that holiday pay wouldn’t have the cash element. Was also talking about a switchable red diesel tank for when the vehicle not being used on the public highway - I kid you not!!! :open_mouth:

I know a few people who work on the skip firm side and all say it’s ok

Best wishes and Merry Christmas

Well after few job offers I’ve decided on taking gbn logistics job its monthly pay which is a pain but after month or two will be used to it.So this is wage breakdown £560 basic earn 25% of all truck earnings over £2200 get paid waiting time (after 2 hours) and £21 a night out so should average £635 before tax plus £84 nights out could be bit more what do you guys think as also been offered work with gold star all I know on that contract is its roughly £35k a year but heard lot of story’s they are [zb] payers.Could also have a long agency contract on paye with seatrans on containers £130 a day plus £22.50 night out.Didnt expect to get offered all these at once lol always bloody happens.

few things I would want to no first monthly or 4 weekly not much difference but sometimes you do 5 weeks for your pay 12 paydays against 13, £560 basic based on what hours big difference between a 40 hour week or a 80 hour week, how do you no what the truck earns will they let you go though the books.

One outfit that I ran the trucks for where the drivers got a %age had two sets of books, one for them to browse and another for the guvnor, so still not 100% reliable.