Stale postings

Is it not time that some of the posting on TNUK where removed for being months out of date and no longer of any interest to anybody.

Is it not time that some of the posting on TNUK where removed for being months out of date and no longer of any interest to anybody.

Why do old posts bother you?
Who decides what is of interest?
Shall we burn down the libraries too, taking up space with all that out of date information that is no longer of interest?

Perhaps posts with terrible spelling and grammar should be the first to go?

Is it not time that some of the posting on TNUK where removed for being months out of date and no longer of any interest to anybody.

More like remove the clap trap posts on Brexit , COVID , Antivax , climate , drivers shortage and wages
Oh to hell just shut the forum down as more gets posted about non truck stuff than truck stuff now a days

blue estate:
More like remove the clap trap posts on Brexit , COVID , Antivax , climate , drivers shortage and wages
Oh to hell just shut the forum down as more gets posted about non truck stuff than truck stuff now a days

Right, so trucking has not been affected by Brexit? Or by Covid? Tried trucking into Europe without a vaccination? Expect diesel to be available for ever? Trucking without drivers? [emoji1787]

Old threads drop down the first page when they stop having new content added why do they need to be removed?


blue estate:
More like remove the clap trap posts on Brexit , COVID , Antivax , climate , drivers shortage and wages
Oh to hell just shut the forum down as more gets posted about non truck stuff than truck stuff now a days

Right, so trucking has not been affected by Brexit? Or by Covid? Tried trucking into Europe without a vaccination? Expect diesel to be available for ever? Trucking without drivers? [emoji1787]

No need for 20 threads on the same thing all the time :unamused:

would take forever to delete and where would you stop? on FB today a local was asking can anyone come round their house and destroy old business documents,a lifetimes worth.They were doing it by tearing up 10sheets at a time but apparently getting nowhere fast

Some of the old posts answer important questions, eg some of Diesel Dave’s stuff on lesser known bits of ADR. It’s important these posts remain and are accessible via the search function.
In fact I’d say it was a very good idea to remind people of the search function so they can look at what’s been asked and answered previously, especially the “I’ve decided to go it alone” posts.

No need for 20 threads on the same thing all the time :unamused:

That’s down to a lack of moderating they should be merged into one as they are on other forums its not a reason to delete threads.

As i said above if no one adds a post the thread drops off the page what is to be gained by deleting them?

Is it not time that some of the posting on TNUK where removed for being months out of date and no longer of any interest to anybody.

As has already been correctly mentioned, old topics do indeed slide down the forums if nobody posts to them.

I have to ask the same question as idrive though… who would decide that the topics no longer interest anybody?
The idea behind leaving such topics alone is that people may care to simply browse through them for their own reasons.
To this end, the measure is the number of views, rather than when it was last posted to because only a new post will return an older topic back to the top of the forum. If several people were to read through a topic, it would remain where it is in the list because the list is ordered by the date of the last time a poster posted to it.

Bin Man:

No need for 20 threads on the same thing all the time :unamused:

That’s down to a lack of moderating they should be merged into one as they are on other forums its not a reason to delete threads.

As i said above if no one adds a post the thread drops off the page what is to be gained by deleting them?

I can broadly agree with your points, but I’d just point out that there’s a fine line between allowing people to post and being accused of over-moderating.

To balance that, there are those who report such instances of double and even treble topics that have exactly the same theme, so we’re grateful to those who point this out in reports, which is exactly the correct use of the report button. We can then take a look, and merge them if we agree. :smiley:

Some of the old posts answer important questions, eg some of Diesel Dave’s stuff on lesser known bits of ADR. It’s important these posts remain and are accessible via the search function.
In fact I’d say it was a very good idea to remind people of the search function so they can look at what’s been asked and answered previously, especially the “I’ve decided to go it alone” posts.

Agreed about pointing out the search function and its benefits. :smiley:

Very often people don’t use it because they want a personal answer ASAP.
Having said that, it was a fair point when a poster above observed that (sometimes) a question and answer may well be out-of-date.

That would be particularly applicable to ADR questions because, as you know, ADR is completely reprinted and republished every two years.

blue estate:

Is it not time that some of the posting on TNUK where removed for being months out of date and no longer of any interest to anybody.

More like remove the clap trap posts on Brexit , COVID , Antivax , climate , drivers shortage and wages
Oh to hell just shut the forum down as more gets posted about non truck stuff than truck stuff now a days

You do have the option to just scroll past the stuff that you don’t like, or doesn’t interest you.

Is it not time that some of the posting on TNUK where removed for being months out of date and no longer of any interest to anybody.

Who decides which posts are currently of interest to anyone before deleting them?

Anyway, here’s a typical example of an old post dating back to 2013 that hopefully has provided the information someone was looking for. … 7#p2792641

There’s an old thread about ■■■■■■■ in the cab which is one of the funniest things i’ve ever read


blue estate:

Is it not time that some of the posting on TNUK where removed for being months out of date and no longer of any interest to anybody.

More like remove the clap trap posts on Brexit , COVID , Antivax , climate , drivers shortage and pwages
Oh to hell just shut the forum down as more gets posted about non truck stuff than truck stuff now a days

You do have the option to just scroll past the stuff that you don’t like, or doesn’t interest you.

I do :wink:


Some of the old posts answer important questions, eg some of Diesel Dave’s stuff on lesser known bits of ADR. It’s important these posts remain and are accessible via the search function.
In fact I’d say it was a very good idea to remind people of the search function so they can look at what’s been asked and answered previously, especially the “I’ve decided to go it alone” posts.

Agreed about pointing out the search function and its benefits. :smiley:

Very often people don’t use it because they want a personal answer ASAP.
Having said that, it was a fair point when a poster above observed that (sometimes) a question and answer may well be out-of-date.

That would be particularly applicable to ADR questions because, as you know, ADR is completely reprinted and republished every two years.

Even out of date ADR questions and answers are interesting though Dave.

I agree that people need to learn how the search function works, both here and on facebook.

I often search for stories from 2003 / 2004

There’s an old thread about ■■■■■■■ in the cab which is one of the funniest things i’ve ever read

My favourite story is The Donkeys Leg :laughing:

It’s a bit like saying that any book over 20 years old should be removed from the library. :stuck_out_tongue:

Harry Monk:
It’s a bit like saying that any book over 20 years old should be removed from the library. :stuck_out_tongue:

+1 ^^. Absolutely! I frequently go back 20, 30 or 60 pages to topics explored three or four years ago or a lot more, that bring light to bear upon current questions, quests and queries! These old posts and threads are often packed with invaluable information, documental evidence, photos and the reminiscences of witnesses now no longer with us. I either bump them up wholesale or refer to them using links or by cut & paste. TNUK isn’t just a chat forum, it’s a transport history resource too!