
Im not asking for4 any money guys more some help from you.

I love bridges and have always wanted to walk over as many if not all of the suspension bridges in this country there are loads im sure starting with the Clifton going on to the Humber ETC I want to walk over ALL of them to raise some cash for charity HOPEFULLT for the Lieukemia trust and half for the R.N.I.B…

Im not sure if WE can breaka record but it would be nice if its possible the reason I say WE is I wantg to walk over the briodges guided by a frined who is blind and will guiode me with his stick while I am blindfolded.

So please before someone moves this to the part no-one reads list the bridges so I can get the ball rolling.

Thanks Jammy


youve got the Erskine and Forth road bridges in scotland

I think theres one onto Anglsey aswell cant for the life of me think of the rest at the mo

Don’t forget the Tamar bridge linking Devon and Cornwall

The two severn bridges
Clifton suspension bridge
tamar bridge
fourth road bridge
Menai bridge
Wadebridge pedestrian suspension bridge
humber bridge
marlow suspensiob bridge

Theres a few to get you going mate

The new pedestrian bridge across the thames, the millenium bridge, is a suspension bridge too.

There’s a new pedestrian bridge in Carmarthen, and then there’s one accross the Dee in Chester. Both fairly short, but if size matters?? - don’t tell my missus :slight_smile:


The Elan looks like it’s a no-no though.


S. Portland St, Glasgow

Albert Bridge, London

There’s also a wobbly pedestrian one over the River Wye at Symonds Yat.

That’s my selection for now, best of luck if you do go for it. I’ll put my hand in my pocket as they are both good causes and there’ll be a considerable about of effort on your part to try and achieve it.

There’s a certain irony in this though, with you proposing to do it blindfold. You’ll not get to see the bridges that inspired you in the first place.

One near you Jammy,

Nottingham Bridge, a stones throw from Trent Bridge,

Tower Bridge,

Chelsea Bridge,

St. Andrews and Bells Bridge in Glesca,

Kalemouth across the Teviot in the Borders,

Bridge of Oich just south of Fort Augustus,

Ness Islands over the Ness in Inverness,

And last but not least the Union Bridge near Berwick links Scotland with the Auld Enemy!

Good luck Jammy give us a shout when you want some money :wink:

There’s the Kessock Bridge at Inverness