Spoilt 'WELL DONE' banners

Apologies to all those that have had their ‘WELL DONE’ test pass banners spoilt.

It is down to the exclusion of HTML codes in this new forum.

If I do get the time and the inclination then I might try to find them to do some sort of repair but they will be smaller & non-moving banners if I do.

Hi Rog,

I know you’re busy (and from next week will be really busy instructing again!) :sunglasses:

but I must confess that I really love your banners and I was chuffed to bits when you posted mine! I was dying to get them - all cool street cred out the window now! :blush:

So if you could mend them and perhaps have them moving again, I for one would be very glad.

Please… :cry:

There, I’ve begged!

There, I’ve begged!

but wheres the brown envelope :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hi Rog,

I know you’re busy (and from next week will be really busy instructing again!) :sunglasses:

but I must confess that I really love your banners and I was chuffed to bits when you posted mine! I was dying to get them - all cool street cred out the window now! :blush:

So if you could mend them and perhaps have them moving again, I for one would be very glad.

Please… :cry:

There, I’ve begged!

The only way I could get them moving again is for the programmers of this new board to install & active the BB codes necessary for me to do so.
I could then use BB code instead of the old HTML to ‘get things moving’.

I think they have more pressing problems to deal with at the moment though.

When things settle down I’ll ask Rikki what, if anything, he can do to help.

I have made a note that too many moving banners are annoying to many members and their size is also an issue so if/when they do get moving again I shall reduce the size of them and reserve them for test passes only