Split from the new rules topic in the PDF

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

You missed the most important bit off the top of the “new” rules :

Whilst I’ve no doubt you’ve spent loads of time amending the rules :unamused: I really don’t think it was necessary. In fact, I’ve absolutely no idea what the new rules are as I’ve got better things to do with my time than re-read the whole shebang right from the start on the off-chance that I might find an odd changed word here and there.
Perhaps instead of this total overkill it would have been far simpler just to put a post up listing the amendments to the rules :bulb: .
I appreciate that you’ve had it up to your neck with certain member’s causing a scene of late (makes a change from me :laughing: ) but the heavy handed approach will just get members’ backs up which will probably just cause more riots. :bulb:
Perhaps I could give some lessons in how to be subtle ? :laughing: :sunglasses:

Rob K:
:roll: :unamused: :unamused:

You missed the most important bit off the top of the “new” rules :

Whilst I’ve no doubt you’ve spent loads of time amending the rules :unamused: I really don’t think it was necessary. In fact, I’ve absolutely no idea what the new rules are as I’ve got better things to do with my time than re-read the whole shebang right from the start on the off-chance that I might find an odd changed word here and there.
Perhaps instead of this total overkill it would have been far simpler just to put a post up listing the amendments to the rules :bulb: .
I appreciate that you’ve had it up to your neck with certain member’s causing a scene of late (makes a change from me :laughing: ) but the heavy handed approach will just get members’ backs up which will probably just cause more riots. :bulb:
Perhaps I could give some lessons in how to be subtle ? :laughing: :sunglasses:
wot times class start sir. :laughing:

So let me get this right…

People complain the rules are unclear, so I update and clarify them - the thread is actually now shorter by the way. But you don’t like that.

People complain of favouritism, so I make 100% sure that every member has a chance to see the updated and clarified thread. But you don’t like that

People complain of heavy-handedness, so I get rid of a lot of the waffle and stuff which we don’t actually use, never mind need. But you don’t like that.

People complain we aren’t transparent enough. So I make sure that the updated thread is clear about what will happen to those who break the rules, and what to do if you have a complaint.But you don’t like that

People complain about “cliques” and not being heard. So I try and make allowances for what people want. But you don’t like that.

People object when they fall foul of the rules. But they can’t actually be bothered to read them.

People don’t like the way the site is run. But they keep coming back.

People don’t like not knowing where they stand. So I spend time to make sure that they do.But that’s not good enough either.

You know what? I don’t care any more. You either take the site as you find it, or you find another one. It’s that simple. I, for one, have had enough of trying to please you all. It’s a complete waste of time and energy.

Don’t like it? Tough.


I think the answer is that you can’t please everybody with one set of rules and you’re trying to cater for all eventualities but it don’t work like that in real life.

I think you’d be better just sticking with the original rules and telling anyone that don’t like em to STFU or “do one” ! Simple! :bulb:

You’re getting far too stressed out with it all :laughing: .

Now there you could well be right… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Now you really don’t think that you have any chance of keeping all of us drivers happy all of the time, do you?

We’re Drivers!!! :wink:

It,s not a case of the rules being right or wrong its a case of how that mod feels on the day and how they interprit the rules as they see fit to.

So why not just make one rule.

Rule No. 1 It is up to us what you say and do not say as we might just a tiny lickle icky bitty be liable for what you say even though we said in the rules its your liability what you say we are just covering our own asses in case it might be our fault and not yours so just in case we will remove what we feel might not be right in the eye of the beholder of the remover of what is right or what we (the management) might not like or not see fit to be on our website because either we will be liable or we wont like it.

:laughing: :laughing: :smiley: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

i think we should all thank lucy for the incredible amount of time and effort she has put in typing up these rules. Most forums make the rules far too easy by just sticking by the standard rules for php forums but lucy has shown great initiative and effort in thinking up all these extra rules and i for one am grateful because i dont think we have enough rules during the week and its good to have lots more to look at at weekends and i have been spending too much time with my family instead of studying rules so i will be looking at the rules every week in case they have changed again while i have been away. i think we should all look at the rules every week so thank you lucy. harry

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


:laughing: :laughing:

Now THAT folks, is the right way to complain… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I hear you Harry…and you’ve given me a ■■■■ good, much needed, laugh at the same time. :wink:

Thankyou, mate… :grimacing:

Harry Monk:
i think we should all thank lucy for the incredible amount of time and effort she has put in typing up these rules. Most forums make the rules far too easy by just sticking by the standard rules for php forums but lucy has shown great initiative and effort in thinking up all these extra rules and i for one am grateful because i dont think we have enough rules during the week and its good to have lots more to look at at weekends and i have been spending too much time with my family instead of studying rules so i will be looking at the rules every week in case they have changed again while i have been away. i think we should all look at the rules every week so thank you lucy. harry

you creep harry :laughing: :laughing:

Harry Monk:
i think we should all thank lucy for the incredible amount of time and effort she has put in typing up these rules. Most forums make the rules far too easy by just sticking by the standard rules for php forums but lucy has shown great initiative and effort in thinking up all these extra rules and i for one am grateful because i dont think we have enough rules during the week and its good to have lots more to look at at weekends and i have been spending too much time with my family instead of studying rules so i will be looking at the rules every week in case they have changed again while i have been away. i think we should all look at the rules every week so thank you lucy. harry

Irony, irony, they’ve all got it ir…no, that can’t be right :confused:

Salut, David.