Split from shower thread in PDF

Does anybody else think that the world is getting bit soft?

I now that everybody is entitled to the use of washing facilities, be it a shower in a 4 star hotel or a bucket with cold water and some baby wipes, but how would we manage if it was like what coder mentioned, sleeping in a cab with no heating and so on.

Do you not find that is part of the challenge of this job? Finding somewhere suitable to park up and find somewhere to wash/shower or even go to the toilet (another how question…how the [ZB] do you ■■■ in a carrier bag?). I think in a weird sort of way that is half the challenge with this job. It’s like getting a job to go and pick something up from a company and all you get is a town name and a company name (9 times out of ten it’s the wrong name).

Why do people want all the home comforts of home, if you want them try and get a job where you are home every night?

before anybody says you haven’t been in the job long enough to know, I guess you are right but I bet I have had it a bit tougher than not being able to shower for two days while I have been in the navy. Try going to the Falklands in winter on a ship and having no steam heating onboard with no hot water because the boilers had packed up. Waking up and finding you had to wipe the ice off the TV screen before you watch it. Having to walk about 1/2 a miles before you can even have a warm shower. Or being down the gulf in summer on a ship with no cool water to cool you down. As soon as you get out the shower your sweating again and then having to put on two layers of clothing (thick shirt and trousers plus an action coverall (double thickness of other overalls) in case you get attacked!

Word censor dodge removed. Stick to the rules or go elsewhere. L.

how was it a word sensor dodge?

If it wasn’t supposed to say what it looked like, why bother putting the stars in? If you put the stars in and it looks like a dodge, I’ll assume it was a dodge. :unamused:

If it wasn’t supposed to say what it looked like, why bother putting the stars in? If you put the stars in and it looks like a dodge, I’ll assume it was a dodge. :unamused:

but it didnt say anything rude, it just had two letters with two stars in between

See above. As far as we’re concerned, if it looks like a dodge, it is a dodge. Live with it.



see a slap in time save nine :wink: :wink: