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Harry Monk:
If I was the Police, I would be looking for someone with a chronic case of diarrhoea.


if i was the police i would arrest you…

arrest you on impersonating VINCE


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


cheers vinceybabes…

told u wot goes round comes round me owld m8… :sunglasses:

Surely not Terry :open_mouth: I am shocked that Admin have not picked this up :wink:

montana man:
Surely not Terry :open_mouth: I am shocked that Adkin have not picked this up :wink:

yes m8 thats what had me puzzled. :unamused: :unamused:

i can assure you it is fact… mr H is mr V IN REAL LIFin real life… :stuck_out_tongue:

is it? I see no connection between this member and a previously banned member. Certainly the bahaviour of this member has given me no cause to suspect anything of the sort. Even a cursory check of IPs show completly different IP,s.

We dont have time to check every member, and certainly do not check simply because of posts that MAY be rabble rousing or a joke :wink: :wink:

The quickest way to ensure that we do an investigation into a member, and wether they are a previously banned member in disguise is to continue to post in a manner that caused the banning in the first place.

The quickest way to ensure that we do an investigation into a member, and wether they are a previously banned member in disguise is to continue to post in a manner that caused the banning in the first place.

How curious ? so if I got banned and came back from a different IP I could happily post in a DIFFERENTLY OFFENSIVE manner then ■■

Which rule number is that, I must have missed that one :wink:

montana man:

The quickest way to ensure that we do an investigation into a member, and wether they are a previously banned member in disguise is to continue to post in a manner that caused the banning in the first place.

How curious ? so if I got banned and came back from a different IP I could happily post in a DIFFERENTLY OFFENSIVE manner then ■■

Which rule number is that, I must have missed that one :wink:

are you suggesting some form of favouritism is going on here MM?

i cannot believe the boss would be party to such a thing. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

[are you suggesting some form of favouritism is going on here MM?

No no no no no no no no no no no no…well YES

:imp: Now being forever online, due to being a lazy git with mobile connection, Member A was suspended after accusations were made in the forums. The same accusation is made regarding Member B and… nothing.:unamused:

Free the Yorkshire one

montana man:
:evil: Now being forever online, due to being a lazy git with mobile connection, Member A was suspended after accusations were made in the forums. The same accusation is made regarding Member B and… nothing.:unamused:

Free the Yorkshire one

i think the boss is busy choking on his cuppa… :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

then he will be compiling a response.which will be interesting. :sunglasses:

I think you’ll find he’s trotted off to the pub, since he’s said all he’s likely to say on the subject.

Move along now…Nothing to see here… :unamused:

montana man:
:evil: Now being forever online, due to being a lazy git with mobile connection, Member A was suspended after accusations were made in the forums. The same accusation is made regarding Member B and… nothing.:unamused:

Free the Yorkshire one

Are you really surprised at the corrupt actions of Rikki Chequer Ian? One rule for his pals and another for everyone else, hence how VINCE is allowed to stay but yet “others” get their IP address banned for committing the same “crimes”.

RBI management should be made aware of the corruption going on on this site and remove the people at the centre of it, ie. Rikki Chequer.

I think your find the solution is clear…

If you dont like this website , DONT USE IT
No-one is forcing you to be here.

dont like us, dont like our policies,

If you dont like what we do… go elsewhere,

You have a choice, you choose to come here…

If you dont want we we have to offer… don’t bother

The website is fine. It’s the corrupt management that is the issue. This site needs a management panel who are unbiased in their decisions and sadly this is not you Rikki.

I have proof that you have known that Harry Monk is Vince for some considerable time.

You are employed by Reed Business International in a position of authority on this site, yet you blatently waiver the site rules without any explanation for banned member Vince and allow him to continue posting, whereas other banned members (Rob K, for example) get the site rules rigorously applied to them despite those members committing the exact same (alleged) crimes. If that is not the sign of a corrupt site then I don’t know what is.

I call for you to stand down as Comminity Manager and submit your resignation immediately.

I think you’ll find he’s trotted off to the pub, since he’s said all he’s likely to say on the subject.

Move along now…Nothing to see here… :unamused:

would this be because he has told a blatant lie (in his first response to this thread) and now is struggling for a get out.now that its obvious his lie has been found out.

is it? I see no connection between this member and a previously banned member. Certainly the bahaviour of this member has given me no cause to suspect anything of the sort. Even a cursory check of IPs show completly different IP,s.

when we know that you were aware of VINCE posting under the name HARRY MONK.

tut tut tut.i wonder if he got the same kind of threatening PM,s i got for daring to post my thoughts. :unamused:

Why do I always feel like I have walked into the classroom after the lesson has started when these slagging posts are originated?

Is it the end of the world or is it just sour grapes?

I have proof that you have known that Harry Monk is Vince for some considerable time.

I am glad YOU have proof, well done I hope you are very happy with it.

I dont have proof, and I havent particularly looked for any apart from an IP check.

Why ? Harry Monk has given me no reason to . Unlike other members. :wink: :wink:

The reasons why member A (as you put it) was suspended have been communicated to that member and are private. but school playground tell telling was not part of it.

This site needs a management panel who are unbiased in their decisions and sadly this is not you Rikki.

Does it?

I have never claimed to be unbiased :wink: :wink: :wink:

Funny enough the owners of this website seem happy enough to extend my contract for another 12 months. Since the take over by RBI page views have increased by 50% and only the same few are intent on doing little apart from whining.

Its nice to know that you are so interested in the website and truck driving the total of your posts (2 as of now) are on this subject.

Can I tell you a story about a member here… ( no names no pack drill)
This member went a little too far via this website, so far I had to inform not only my immediate boss, but the director in charge of of all transport publishing, and the in house RBI legal team.
Every one of those people told me to instantly ban that member, I had to justify that members continued rights to post on here. That member is still able to use this website. and is one of the more vocal when they percieve something is not done to their liking. If I was here for an easy life it would have been too easy to follow my colleagues reccomendations.

I always used my judgement to decide how far to take a line in any given situation. sometimes I have been harsher on a member who has previously shown to be disruptive on the website, on other occassions I have let slide rule breaches because the member concerned is normally a full and active part of the community. It is not an exact science. and I along with all the admin team make decisions and judgements on the particular situation in front of us.

If we were to take a 100% solid line there are people posting in this thread who would have had their posting rights revoked a long time ago.

This is a relatively small niche website on the internet,In the the grand scheme of things what happens on here has no effect or bearing on the rest of the wide world. If you dislike this website then dont use it, it is as simple as that.
If you only want to stir the proverbial manure then do it elsewhere.