Split from Driverwise Recruitment thread in PDF

Where is the link to the forum for agency drivers gone.

Whoever deleted it you could of told me why.

It was only a link :frowning: :frowning:

Where is the link to the forum for agency drivers gone.

Whoever deleted it you could of told me why.

It was only a link :frowning: :frowning:

Itā€™s because of the ongoing feud between this site and another truckers forum.

Rob K:

Where is the link to the forum for agency drivers gone.

Whoever deleted it you could of told me why.

It was only a link :frowning: :frowning:

Itā€™s because of the ongoing feud between this site and another truckers forum.

NO you jest!!! and there was me thinking it was all for one and one for all all us truckers sticking together !!! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

It wouldnt be a financial battle would it?. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Rob K:

Where is the link to the forum for agency drivers gone.

Whoever deleted it you could of told me why.

It was only a link :frowning: :frowning:

Itā€™s because of the ongoing feud between this site and another truckers forum.

What another one :frowning: :frowning: why canā€™t they all just get on together for christ sake

The link was to an information forum, not a website or forum, Petty kids :astonished:

Well WE know that, but JohnGR doesnā€™t (didnā€™t) :laughing: .

Rob K are you sure, because i have just checked and the ā€œotherā€ has got a link to here.

You probably know more than me, been of line for quite a time

Rob K are you sure, because i have just checked and the ā€œotherā€ has got a link to here.

The ā€œotherā€ likes to think that heā€™s mates with Trucknet, but sadly the feeling isnā€™t mutual :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: .

Rob K:

Rob K are you sure, because i have just checked and the ā€œotherā€ has got a link to here.

The ā€œotherā€ likes to think that heā€™s mates with Trucknet, but sadly the feeling isnā€™t mutual :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: .

Sad :frowning: Bloody Sad :frowning: :frowning:

I am sure one says = ā€œBy drivers for Driversā€ and the other ā€œprofessional Drivers unitingā€

Time they set an example :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

who me :question: :question: :question:

Where is the link to the forum for agency drivers gone.

Whoever deleted it you could of told me why.

It was only a link :frowning: :frowning:

Didnā€™t think it would need explaining why as it is part of the rules you agreed to when you joined the forum. If you have forgotten them you can find them here. Rule 8 is the relevant one in this case, in particular the first couple of lines of Rule 8. Yes it may seem petty but there is a lot of history behind it and this way makes life easier for all concerned.

Yes it may seem petty but there is a lot of history behind it and this way makes life easier for all concerned.

Except for the agency driver aspiring for some specific agency information at a glance!

Yes it may seem petty but there is a lot of history behind it and this way makes life easier for all concerned.

Well it is time history was re-written, shake hands and all that :smiley: :smiley:

Except for the agency driver aspiring for some specific agency information at a glance!

and the members of this forum, who might miss out because the mods donā€™'t like another site.

ā€œoddsodzā€ no not you but the admin of this site.

Still think it is petty childish, " I donā€™t like that so donā€™t talk about it" attitude.

john, welcome to the internet mate!
iā€™m afraid youā€™ll find this ā€œus and themā€ on virtually every truck site youā€™ll go on, itā€™s nothing new, spose itā€™s just human nature to want to be in a group, club, gang or clique whatever you wana call it and then be opposed to any other of a similar nature, i know that makes no sense but thats the way it is! at one time there was actually a site (not sure if itā€™s still going) that had a specific forum for members to slag off another site ffs!
all this united drivers bit, all sounds good in theory but youā€™ll always get those who consider themselves one step higher on the ladder than everyone else, ā€œour sites better than your siteā€ type thing. the internets a marvelous thing but it does have the effect of making grown men and women act like kids in a school playground at times.

Hi Paul b
I know what you are saying, sad though innit :frowning: :unamused:

Decided to read the rules, bloody hell worst than my home insurance. :open_mouth:

A forum is only as strong as itā€™s members, so do they ever ask the members of all the forums. or just presume.

Idea, Why not each and every one have links to all the others, that way no one is being actively against another and then we can decide. Or are we not allowed to decide.
Surely in this modern day they can all work together.

Better still, accept that this is the way it is, that you donā€™t know the history, and live with it 'cos it ainā€™t going to changeā€¦ :unamused:

and live with it 'cos it ainā€™t going to changeā€¦ :unamused:

does this mean you forever hold a grudge :frowning: :frowning:

I do not know the history and it is none of my business, but the link I put on was advising drivers who are constantly talking about agencies, and saw no harm directing them to aomewhere to help them.

i have just signed up to truckersworld and will ask by PM if they also hold a grudge :frowning: :frowning:

Without being cynical is it not the ā€œResponsibilityā€ of sites like this to get on with each other and so encourage drivers getting together more,
If you hate truckersworld so much that you say ā€œneverā€ is it a good example to the members on here.

No, itā€™s not our responsibility, any more than itā€™s any other websiteā€™s responsibility. We arenā€™t in the slightest bit interested in campaigning or the state of the industry, weā€™re just a talking shop/meeting pointā€¦And itā€™s not so much a grudge as self preservation. We tried and tried and tried on this one, with various sites, and all it achieved was to make our lives and those of our volunteer staff extremely unpleasant. I, along with the others involved in running this site, have more important things to be getting stressed about.

As you and I have both said, you donā€™t know the history, so pā€™raps itā€™s best you just accept that and let it lie, eh? If you want to ā€œblameā€ someone, ā€œblameā€ those who took advantage of help we were once prepared to give, and created this situation. The trust is no longer there, and it would take a great deal for it to ge regained. In the most recent incident, played out on another site, an avenue for discussion was offered (in the form of a phone call or face to face meeting) and flatly turned down. The offer stands, but we havenā€™t heard a thing.

There really is nothing else to be said on the subject.

Btw, I was away tramping when the link was removed, so cannot comment on that particular decision. It would have been made in good faith and has been shown to be covered by the rules.

And, actually, no, I donā€™t see that ordinary drivers like the ones who run this site have an example to set to anyone, on account of being just that. Ordinary, working drivers.

Personally, I donā€™t hate Truckersworld, but I do hate unnecessary stress.

Fair comments, So best for me to just shut up :unamused:

I very rarely post on sites but do look around them all (since back on line and before)
Just seems a pity sites cannot work together.
One last point, Truckersworld hold no grudge and still has a link to here and stops nobody posting about it, sounds like a heated argument that got out of hand and things were said that were possibly OTT.

e/mail is free, maybe there is an olive branch somewhere.

I will now Shut up :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Barrie has my phone number, and all he needs to do is call it and talk. He has known that for some time. Iā€™ll even ring him back so it costs him nothing. He knows that too. I have also offered to go and meet with him any weekend he chooses at a sensible place of his choosing. Again, he knows that as well.

He has chosen not to take up any of these offers. They still stand.

The ball is in his court, very firmly.