ive just been to leeds this morning in the car and on the way back i was doin abowt 75mph on the m1 near junction 39 and there was a copper with the speed gun out of the window do u think he will do me for speeding at that speed cheers.

ive just been to leeds this morning in the car and on the way back i was doin abowt 75mph on the m1 near junction 39 and there was a copper with the speed gun out of the window do u think he will do me for speeding at that speed cheers.

Not likely, because if your speedo was reading 75 mph you will have been doing less than that, maybe 71-72 mph and you are unlikely to get a ticket for 1 - 2 mph over the limit at that speed…

ok thanks.

However, your speedo might have been reading low in which case … :wink:

I have had this on a previous car a few years ago, so unwise to always add on the extra 10%.


I would say it’s very unlikely you’ll get done.
If, they considered you for a ticket, they’d have followed you and pulled you there and then.

West Yorks police, generally speaking, consider the 10% +2mph calculation fair game (making it 79mph) and will “do” you at 80mph and over. However, it is very much at the discretion of the individual officer. Some are good blokes but some are ticket happy eejots! (I was one of the more lenient ones :wink: ) but much happier to be driving trucks again now.

At 75mph you were probably one of the slowest he’s seen all day so I wouldn’t worry. As said 75 on your speedo is more likely about 68-72 in real terms. And even if it was a true 75 you’re still unlikely to be done, generally 80 and over they don’t like on motorways.

cheers for that i was in the 3rd lane passing a van that was middle lane hogging so i ad to go 75 to pass him and move back in.

I remember passing a copper once somewhere near Leeds, 4 am on a sunday, nothing on the road, and he pulled me over!
“are you in a rush sir?”

sort of officer, how did you know? :confused:

“well, a sprinter doing 105 mph gave it away!” :open_mouth:

OH ■■■■ I THOUGHT! :open_mouth: :blush:

“slow down otherwise you may not get there in one piece!” :blush:

I promptly said thanks, shook his hand and carried on my merry way!
No ticket! Phew, he was in a good mood! :sunglasses:


ive just been to leeds this morning in the car and on the way back i was doin abowt 75mph on the m1 near junction 39 and there was a copper with the speed gun out of the window do u think he will do me for speeding at that speed cheers.

Unlikely to receive a NIP unless it was innappropriate speed for the circumstances

Unlikely to receive a NIP unless it was innappropriate speed for the circumstances

I wouldn’t have though he will get a NIP in the post Rog. As Shrek says I thought that if they used hand helds they had to pull you over to show you the evidence that they have caught on their camera. Am I wrong :question: :confused:

I remember passing a copper once somewhere near Leeds, 4 am on a sunday, nothing on the road, and he pulled me over!
“are you in a rush sir?”

sort of officer, how did you know? :confused:

“well, a sprinter doing 105 mph gave it away!” :open_mouth:

OH [zb] I THOUGHT! :open_mouth: :blush:

“slow down otherwise you may not get there in one piece!” :blush:

I promptly said thanks, shook his hand and carried on my merry way!
No ticket! Phew, he was in a good mood! :sunglasses:


…or maybe that was a more effective way of getting your attention than giving you a ticket :wink: Made you think…message received!

Depending on how you get nicked there is a certain amount of tolerance, there is supposed to be a 10% + 2mph leeway to allow for the inaccuracy of speedometers, that applies to vehicles fitted with tachographs too, even though they are supposedly calibrated, so that’s ok on a fixed camera as it gives you a bit of a chance if you’re not going like a loony.

This however is not the case on some single carriageway national speed limited roads such as the A5 southbound by the Mansetter junction, this ■■■■■■■ is there purely to nick lorries, I got a ticket for 45mph (within the tolerance) The good thing was the incompetent fools sent out the NIP after the time limit so I got away with it :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

In your car on a motorway you will get nicked over 90mph & banned for over 100mph, I was told this by a Traffic Officer, but I suppose that depends on which constabulary, that maniac in North Wales & the Nazis in Wiltshire would nick you for thinking about going fast :exclamation:

There are two ways to keep a clean licence, 1. Don’t speed or 2. Don’t get caught :open_mouth:

Depending on how you get nicked there is a certain amount of tolerance, there is supposed to be a 10% + 2mph leeway to allow for the inaccuracy of speedometers, that applies to vehicles fitted with tachographs too, even though they are supposedly calibrated,

Because they are calibrated it led me to believe that we only get a 5% plus a bit of leeway. Am I wrong on this too? (i have been known to be :laughing: )

Limestone Cowboy:

Depending on how you get nicked there is a certain amount of tolerance, there is supposed to be a 10% + 2mph leeway to allow for the inaccuracy of speedometers, that applies to vehicles fitted with tachographs too, even though they are supposedly calibrated,

Because they are calibrated it led me to believe that we only get a 5% plus a bit of leeway. Am I wrong on this too? (i have been known to be :laughing: )

As the copper told me it applies to ALL vehicles, bit of nonsense really but it does work in our favour, in a calibrated vehicle there doesn’t need to be any tolerance, so best keep quiet about it :sunglasses:

in a calibrated vehicle there doesn’t need to be any tolerance, so best keep quiet about it :sunglasses:

Unless you are having them recalibrated frequently there does need to be tolerance. Tyres wear out and get replaced all the time without the tacho being recalibrated so the calibration will never be 100% accurate for long after being done. In the case of analogue units they only get a full calibration every 6 years anyway.

Ok yes the speed will change as the tyres wear out, you’re correct but as the lorry is calibrated as part of it’s PDI with new tyres it will show a greater speed than it’s actually doing as the tyres wear down, if you have the 6 yearly check done on worn tyres then replace them with new ones there will be a difference but a negligible one, for instance brand new 315/80s on a lorry calibrated with worn 295/80s only increases the top speed by 4mph, or so I’m told anyway :smiling_imp: so the difference between new & old tyres of the same size will make hardly any difference at all :wink:

Ok yes the speed will change as the tyres wear out, you’re correct but as the lorry is calibrated as part of it’s PDI with new tyres it will show a greater speed than it’s actually doing as the tyres wear down, if you have the 6 yearly check done on worn tyres then replace them with new ones there will be a difference but a negligible one, for instance brand new 315/80s on a lorry calibrated with worn 295/80s only increases the top speed by 4mph, or so I’m told anyway :smiling_imp: so the difference between new & old tyres of the same size will make hardly any difference at all :wink:

Exactly, and there you have in fact proved there does need to be a tolerance with a calibrated vehicle because the calibration will only be accurate for a very short time after it is carried out.