
jon boy 100:
when you rush to do that job ,i bet your straight on the phone for another ?

Before I’m tipped actually. :smiling_imp:

jon boy 100:
if you want to race on and get all stressed up that is your fault.i suppose if you where passing me on a hill and didnt have the power to complete your manoeuvre you would expect me to slow down to 50 to let you in :question:

:question: But you would already be doing 50.

jon boy 100:
the reason you where stressed at 85 k was you could not go any faster,where as i still have a little bit in the tank for a rainy day :exclamation:

If the flow of traffic is travelling at 85 kph, I’m happy :smiley:
If the flow of traffic is travelling at 89 kph, I’m happy :smiley:

jon boy 100:
at what speed would you call it a day if your limiter let you do 110 k :question:

As I said in an earlier posting, A roads me do 45mph. :sunglasses:
Motorways me do 55mph, its fast enough for me. :sunglasses:

jon boy 100:
have a nice day

I will, You to. :smiley:

i cant see the problem with a truck wanting to do 50mph on a motorway. theres three lanes for gawds sake, use the one in the middle to overtake the wagon thats going oh so slowly all of 5 mph less than you. it is much less stressful… theres no law that says you have to wind it up and sit on the limiter

I didnt realise it was a target manwell!

I thought it was a limit. If im doing 50 the only drivers give me abuse are the ones who dont look where they are going and dont use observation.

They are the frightening ones who come barreling up to me and then stamp on the brakes cos they didnt see the big truck in front of them.

Why do all these trucks have to be in front of each other and immediately get overtaken again using the slip stream?

Whats the point?

Because limiting all trucks to the same speed is ( self censored)silly.)Once had a white knuckle ride some years ago ,I broke down near bradford and the firm sent out an agency drive out with a bar the tow the unit back to the depot,this “person” towed me back and this is true at 85MPH,if I could of smacked this guy I would of done but was glad just to have stopped,as this driver was walking away he said he was on job and finish.

:question: But you would already be doing 50.

no i state i travel at 85 k but i dont have a problem with drivers doing 50 i just do my own thing,and avoid all the im doing 1/2k more than you i must pass brigade

what is so hard to overtake a wagon only doing 50 :exclamation:


I do roughly 40 on single carriageways. The [zb]'s with the cameras have won, they’ve gotten me paranoid about my nice clean licence.
Now the [zb]s are even cracking down on people doing 56 on dual carriageways… No wonder I go a bit out of my way to use motorways so I can put my foot down… sigh :unamused:

Slightly off the topic Froggy but I was pulled home on a bar from Romania,

Truck and Trailer then a bar and another Truck and Trailer,
After 5 days of seeing nothing but a tilt 3 metres in front of me puts you off driving too close ever.

We got as far as Aachen and this copper made us drop the trailer and tow me to Belgium and then collect the trailer again.

I tend to do 56 on single carriageways, just being honest. Although I always stick to limits in built up areas. I have found a strategically placed black elastic band across my trailer plate confuses the camera and therefore speed cameras aren’t a real concern for me.

Wheel Nut:
Why do all these trucks have to be in front of each other and immediately get overtaken again using the slip stream?

Whats the point?

Too close, too fast. Its got to be a form of insanity, thats all there is to it, just plain stupid.


i cant see the problem with a truck wanting to do 50mph on a motorway. theres three lanes for gawds sake, use the one in the middle to overtake the wagon thats going oh so slowly all of 5 mph less than you. it is much less stressful

No problem on a quiet motorway, try that on the two lane section of the M11 northbound around 5pm.

theres no law that says you have to wind it up and sit on the limiter

Theres no law that says you can’t, despite the EU requirment for speed limiters, the UK Motorway speed limit for HGV’s is still 60mph.

Wheel Nut:
I didnt realise it was a target manwell!

I never mentioned targets, but yours is 50mph.

Wheel Nut:
I thought it was a limit. If im doing 50 the only drivers give me abuse are the ones who dont look where they are going and dont use observation.

While your on cruise control at 50mph in the land of the fairys, do you actually notice whats going on behind you.

Wheel Nut:
They are the frightening ones who come barreling up to me and then stamp on the brakes cos they didnt see the big truck in front of them.

Perhaps you are aware of the situation behind, and you get some smug satisfaction from the fact that you are causing others to take evasive action.

Wheel Nut:
Whats the point?

Wheel Nut, I don’t think youre aware of the congestion you cause on a busy Motorway with HGV’s queing up to pass you, do you get plenty of abuse, and wonder why.

That was the point in case you missed it.
Inability to make full use of the speed limits still counts towards a failure during a HGV driving test.

Too close, too fast. Its got to be a form of insanity, thats all there is to it, just plain stupid

To right Mal.
So far I have only used the term slipstreaming, rather different to tailgating which is Russian Roulette.

why do people want to go so fast.

5mins extra in the bunk,help the boss out,late leaving.

don’t mean [zb] when your paying your £60 fine.

keep her lit ,my arse
