
After managing to get a speed ticket cancelled, and my insurance company now demanding to know about licence points, I tend to to stick to 45 mph on A roads. but what I can’t understand is muppets driving at 50 mph on motorways.

because i am hourly paid and have no need to rush,you should try it its very relaxing,i normally drive at 85 k` s and reach my destination with more money in my pocket and happy :smiley:

also the company belives the wagons return better mpg,but thats their concern not mine :wink:

i treat my employment as a rest,i work harder at home so i look forward to putting my feet up before grafting at home :unamused:


i to have got 6 points on my licence and theres no way on this planet that im speeding for anyone.

if were ment to do 40 then 40 it is.i also will not pull over just because your employer gives you a booking time you can’t meet.

i totally agree the limit should be upped to 50 but the only way you will get the limit upped is to stick to the speed limit . you flying around at 50+ is not only doing yourself’s no favours but putting money in the goverments pockets.

quote by rob k:

Therefore, having thought about this scenario for a while, you will surely understand and realise why car and van drivers will go to any extreme to get past you, ie. blind bends and crests thus endangering not only their own lives, but also those of the oncoming traffic and your own life as you merrily stick to your “I’m-doing-my-speed-limit-so-[zb]-to-anyone-else” 40mph with your blinkers on, point-blank refusing to be courteous to your fellow drivers behind and pull over for 30 seconds to allow them past.

rob its not just my speed limit its yours as well. if you have points your a fool to yourself and if you don’t its only a matter of time.

£60 a time on mop and bucket money ain’t no fun :wink:


i used to travel along the a17 from kings lynn to the a1 at least twice a week and i would sit bang on 50 whenever i could then one morning i had whats known as a wake up call.a 44 tonner coming the other way had hit a car up the back pushed it into the field and flipped killing the driver the car driver had to brake because a wagon pulled out in front of him.if the truck had been doing 40 he wouid have stopped in time .i agree that on some a roads the limit should be 50 but until we all stick to the speed limits now things will never change and we will all carry on moaning about it .stick together and things will change.and just for the record ive got three points on my license for doing 48 in a 40 on the a 303 in somerset :smiley:

Rob K:
as clearly stated in the Highway Code

It’s funny you should quote the highway code as a defence to your argument when you are the one speeding I’m sure the last time I looked there was a reference to speed limits for hgv’s

Rob K:
I’m afraid I don’t agree with your attitude and driving style on single-carriageway roads by sticking to the speed limit (no problem with that bit) AND refusing to pull over from time to time like a true professional driver would do.

Just as a true professional would tailgate (sorry suggest to the vehicle in front)

So I was coming back down the A420 from Swindon today with my programmable limiter set to 50 - just like those little signs at the side of the road - and wondering about the level of professionalism of the gimp who was catching up to me in a Scanny pulling a fridge (nice big Gist badge on his deflector). If the offending driver is on this board, he wasn’t just doing 50 instead of 40 he was pushing it on the limiter on a single carriageway with a posted 50 limit - it’s not big and it’s not clever. :imp:


Just returned from delivering in Germany, Belgium and Germany along with the Netherlands have no overtaking policies, some are at all times others are just between 06:00 - 10:00 and 15:00 - 19:00 despite them being dual carriageways and in some cases even motorways, luckily for the UK the ministers aint cottoned onto that one yet.

However, this morning at around 06:15 coming out of little pointon on the A1 North Bound (Near Grantham) I speeded up to 60mph (7.5 Tonner) when I was passed by an Iveco Stralis belonging to GPS in Peterborough a nice 03 plate on it, and it was loaded as well. Out of curiosity I’d like to know if the driver got to his destination in one piece coz even speeding up hill he was obviously oblivious to the fact that it was pretty misty in places where I found the need to slow down to around 30 - 40 mph.

Davey, you’re a wuss…I was in that area today and the A1 was good for 45mph even in the foggy bits :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

But seriously, I got flashed by a mobile unit coming back down the A15 south of Scampton - single carriageway, visibility 2+ miles with slight haze, sunny, dry, no traffic in front, speed limiter set to 50 with the tacho to prove it - they can send me a ticket if they want, but I’ll just throw it back in their faces with some suggestions about learning the laws they are supposed to enforce :laughing: :sunglasses: :laughing:


Boots O’Lead:
Davey, you’re a wuss…I was in that area today and the A1 was good for 45mph even in the foggy bits :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

But seriously, I got flashed by a mobile unit coming back down the A15 south of Scampton - single carriageway, visibility 2+ miles with slight haze, sunny, dry, no traffic in front, speed limiter set to 50 with the tacho to prove it - they can send me a ticket if they want, but I’ll just throw it back in their faces with some suggestions about learning the laws they are supposed to enforce :laughing: :sunglasses: :laughing:


Single carrageway is 40 I am afraid!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Not in a 7.5 it isn’t…at least not in my (current) copy of the highway code :laughing: :laughing:


There you go and I thought you was a class 1!!

Do they have Auto on 7.5s nowerdays?
I still drive artic’s without them :cry:

Parts of the A1 were clear as a bell this morning, however, some parts were very thick with mist rising off the fields. I’m no Wuss as I like to get back as quick as I can, but definetly not at risking life and limb for the sake of a few minutes :wink: :wink: :wink:

Lets face it, stopping an empty 7.5 Tonner is a ■■■■ sight easier than a Laden Artic, but a laden artic travelling above 60 is even more harder :open_mouth: :open_mouth: more so when the speed limit is 50mph :unamused:

Will GPS give the driver a job in the warehouse if he lost his licence, or was responsible for deaths through his quest for speed? Somehow I doubt it :confused: :confused:

Just having a laugh Davey, hence the 45mph dig. I know there were some dodgy sections north of Peterborough this morning. It started to clear going over to Boston on the A46 then got worse up towards Louth on the A16 before clearing up around Market Rasen and all the way across and down the A15 (free airshow by the Red Arrows). :laughing:

critic…only in my dreams, or when I can scrape the cash together - now if only the bank will stop taking money off me… :imp: auto in a 7.5 - I’ve heard of it but never seen one, last week they gave me a T reg Iveco 75E15 with a 6 speed box…woohoo, means it’ll do 65 on the flat :frowning:


Boots O’Lead:
down the A15 (free airshow by the Red Arrows). :laughing:

yes i can recommend the free air show,lets slow down to 30 for a better look :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I think that the reason why we are still legaly limited to 40 on single carriageway roads etc, is because of simple physics.

If you are driving your 60" longtruck at 40mph, you will travel say (for simplicity) 400 yards in the time it takes a car to pass you. The car is traveling at 40, usualy in 1 gear lower than top for acceleration and can accelerate to 60, giving a speed difference of 20mph.

In the same truck at 50mph, you will travel considerably more than 500yds, in the time it takes for a car to pass you. At 50 the car will invariably be in top gear (unless driven by a ‘boy racer’), giving poorer acceleration. Accelerating to 60 will only give a speed difference of 10mph, so there are 2 things already.

Granted, that dosn’t take into account the people who drive like half blind grannies and the fact that, as most driving is done on at least dual carriageways, most drivers have limited experience in overtaking. I take it you are now thinking so what.

So am I. :laughing:
50mph up the A1 from Newcastle, hit the brakes 10’ before the speed cameras, :open_mouth: straight back up to 50 and let them wait :smiling_imp: . If your driving and anticipation is so bad that you can’t look whats ahead when going round a nice right bend :frowning: . If you don’t stick your head out for a look till 500 yards after the road straightens when it was clear all the way :angry: . If you wait another 500 yds after I flash my inside indicator telling you its clear to try a pass by which time it isn’t any more :imp: . Then
get off the road and let me get on with my job :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: .

Fog, rain, snow or sunshine, whatever the weather -KEEP ER’LIT :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I think that the reason why we are still legaly limited to 40 on single carriageway roads etc, is because of simple physics.

Nope its come from outdated speed policy that was implemented when trucks were much different and many cars top speed was not much more than 60mph. I recently read a parlimentry report on road safety (I’m really very sad :blush: ) Even they said that speed limit policy in was a mess and although on some roads there was a case for increasing the speed limit for trucks, until there was a proper system for spped limits that took into account the quality and function of the road this would not be possible.

Nope its come from outdated speed policy that was implemented when trucks were much different and many cars top speed was not much more than 60mph.

True, but trucks have also got longer and car drivers got worse so, that evens it out. Although it (for eg, I don’t know) takes 400yds to pass a truck at 40mph, you need a good bit further than that to be clear before you can go for the overtake. At 50 mph it would take even longer.

So, in theory, a truck at 40mph shouldn’t have many cars behind it because the car drivers have plenty of opportunity to overtake. Where as, a truck at 50mph will have a much longer line behind it, because you need a much greater distance to be clear before you can go for the overtake so the overtaking chances are much fewer.

All the same, stuff em, 50mph for me (if the road is suitable in my opinion). :laughing:

Wheel Nut:
Well Manwell driving at 50mph is probably quicker than having two trucks sitting side by side for 17 miles

Now theres logic.
Wheel Nut, I don’t think youre aware of the congestion you cause on a busy Motorway with HGV’s queing up to pass you, do you get plenty of abuse, and wonder why.

jon boy 100:
because i am hourly paid and have no need to rush,you should try it its very relaxing,i normally drive at 85 k` s and reach my destination with more money in my pocket and happy :smiley:

jon boy, if you must strech out your day, please do it at 0mph in a layby, not at 50 mph in my way.

jon boy 100:
also the company belives the wagons return better mpg,but thats their concern not mine :wink:

My truck was delivered by the dealer limited to 85kph(53mph),and I did’nt find it relaxing one bit. the dealers workshop manager constantly refused to up the settings, so after 8 months I moved to another dealer who immidiately raised the setting to 89kph.
Now it’s definately more relaxing, keeping up with the flow, and the MPG is positively better as more advantage can be taken of the slip streaming effect.

jon boy, if you must strech out your day, please do it at 0mph in a layby, not at 50 mph in my way.

when you rush to do that job ,i bet your straight on the phone for another :confused:

i can drive at what speed i like. if you want to race on and get all stressed up that is your fault.i suppose if you where passing me on a hill and didnt have the power to complete your manoeuvre you would expect me to slow down to 50 to let you in :question:

if there is anything eles i can do please let me know :laughing: :laughing:

the reason you where stressed at 85 k was you could not go any faster,where as i still have a little bit in the tank for a rainy day :exclamation:

at what speed would you call it a day if your limiter let you do 110 k :question:

have a nice day