Speeding at Mach 1

I heard this story a few years ago but thought I’d relay it to cheer up the guys caught on camera.
A friend’s brother was a traffic cop up in ■■■■■■■■ he and his colleague were bored during the daybreak hours with nothing to point the speed camera at. Over the hill comes a fighter jet so the cops point the radar gun at it to check it’s speed - the signal from the gun lights up all the pilots ‘locked on’ alarms, pilot takes evasive action including discharging aluminium chaff to confuse the non-existing missile and on board computers ‘lock on’ to police radar gun and scramble it. Fighter pilot high tails it back over to east coast and all reports go up the line regarding possible terrorist activity - cops hauled over the coals for embarrassing the force and wrecking an expensive piece of their ‘armoury’! :smiley: How I’d have loved to be present at their grilling - one saying ‘it was his idea!’ etc.

Are you sure it wasn’t a flying pig they locked on to :question: :unamused:

Nuff said I think.

Ah, there’s a bit missing from this story. Being a flying instructor I received the report of this incident through the post along with all the other dead tree’s that the CAA send me.

The rest of the story is that the aircraft accurately identified the source of the radar energy and tried to launch missiles of its own to deal with the “threat”. Thankfully for the dim witted policemen the aircraft was being used in low level navigation training and nothing more combative and so wasn’t fitted with things that go bang!

It could have very different as armed aircraft are used in training sorties as a farmer in East Yorkshire who recently had a field blown up can testify!

Just shows how they have nothing better to do than stop people speeding. It’s all money, money, money.Why can they be on the streets stopping the drugs and criminals?

It could have very different as armed aircraft are used in training sorties as a farmer in East Yorkshire who recently had a field blown up can testify

Saved him ploughing it :laughing:

are you sure it was a jet and not one of reids transports motors from ireland :laughing: :smiling_imp: