Speeding 45 in a 40

Think I got flashed on the M6 the other day doing 44-45 in a 40. Any ideas what I’m looking at as punishment?

Depends which force’s area.
Lancashire allows 10% +3, some others 10% +2.
But some others do not publish their tolerances.

So, you might be OK, or their might a nip in the post to the registered owner.

If you were caught it might be speed awareness course, fine, 3 points.
Depends on actual speed, (not what you think it was) force, previous, etc.

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Cheers Franglais. Didn’t think I could get a speed awareness course being a hgv but I would be happy with that lol

Speaking from experience! speed awareness courses are available to hgv drivers subject to same conditions as car drivers ie only once in 3 years and within defined limits. Good luck.


Nice one Beaunydel! gutted I’ve been flashed non the less.

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Worcs I did 36 in a 30 PSV. Last month did speed course . Thought they would hammer me ? Pricey but only 2.5 hrs . I would pay more if the CPC was only 5 x2.5 hrs. I just read. Threshold is up to 53 in a 40.

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Gettingolder, thanks mate, felt doomed when I googled possibilities so I came on here and now I don’t feel so bad :joy:

Plus you probably won’t have to declare the course on your car insurance either but check to to be sure.

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Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers::joy: although they are going to try to put it up anyway and hope I just renew without shopping around.

Obviously the ‘tolerance’ will be reflected in the camera threshold.There are some worrying references in the news stating that the tolerances are now being removed and dishonoured.Which in theory means the camera threshold is set at the limit with no tolerance.A very nasty unprecedented regime.Especially without a clear warning that all previously accepted tolerances have now been withdrawn.

I don’t know what you think is “obvious”?

Which means that those who “dishonour” the actual speed limit may now get caught.
Those who do comply with the speed limit have little to worry about.

I do think that publicity about any zero tolerance would be a good thing. Assuming the media reports are true, of course.

Expecting the law to enforced?
Don’t we expect exactly that elsewhere in life?

It’s ‘obvious’ that if there is still a supposed 10% + 2 tolerance threshold that’s the speed which the cameras will be triggered at not less.
10% over the limit is a speed limit infringement it’s not the same thing as driving at 40 mph + mph in a housing estate service road.
Bearing in mind an obvious plan of newly imposed trick rigged speed limits with the intention of revenue raising and disincentivising road use.
So you agree that if they intend to withdraw the previously accepted 10% + 2 threshold to go with the weaponised speed limit regime then the government should make that absolutely clear.Then we can get on with calling it what it is a politically motivated anti road use policy and deal with it at the ballot box and campaigning and protesting at the cause of the problem ( rigged limits not enforcement ) as is going on in Wales.
Oh and tell us more about graduated French speed regime and drink driving enforcement thresholds ?.
My reading of it is no one is going to lose their licence and/or car for driving at 140 kmh on an autoroute even if they’ve drunk 1.5 pints of 1664 ?.
Although I remember the better days when that would have been closer to mph than kmh.Obviously before the TGV interests wanted to tip the playing field in their favour.

The speed at which a camera flashes might very well be the same as the speed at which at NIP is sent out. It might also be that a camera flashes at the speed limit but NIP is sent out only at a greater speed.
Does not seem “obvious” that it must be the former.

Let’s be clear: some police forces choose to give that tolerance. Not all do.

Yes. Any change in any tolerance should be publicised.

Nice to see you are on form.
If the voters of Wales dislike what the Senedd do then they can indeed vote for change when the next elections are held.
The 20mph limit was given lots of publicity. Hardly “rigged” IMHO.

A large amount over the limit is I agree different to a small amount over the limit, and it is right that someone doing 10 or 20 or more over the limit outside a school gets a harsher penalty than someone doing just 1 or 2 mph over the top on a deserted road at night.
However although some Police forces do allow a tolerance
A tolerance is not a right
One mph over a limit is still over the limit.
One might expect to get away with it, but one has no right to demand that, and should not be all hurt if caught.
Zero tolerance policing exists elsewhere, I am not sure it is a good thing or not that it doesn’t exist with speed limits.

When the say 10%+2 sometimes that means that’s the prosecute point and sometimes the tolerance. So in a 30, it could mean prosecute at 35mph or 35 is the “threshold”
With 30 as the example, when your speedo shows 36 (for example) it’s closer to the next speed limit than the one you’re in.

Assuming that the accepted 10% or 10% + 2 camera tolerance has been withdrawn and that should therefore be made absolutely clear, is the point.
Obviously drivers are being made scapegoats because of the political implications, of publicising a zero tolerance policy, being combined with the unrealistic if not often fraudulent reduction in speed limits for political and revenue raising purposes.As in Wales among other numerous examples.

It’s been made reasonably clear to all that a speed camera generally won’t trigger ‘below’ the 10% + 2 threshold it ‘will’ definitely trigger at 10% + 2.
The question is do we now totally forget and ignore that expectation in that it will definitely trigger at any speed above the limit ?.
In which case that needs to be made absolutely clear and publicised.
The latter is going to make motorways and 3 lane dual carriageways at least a total liability and anarchy of bunching and undertaking.

Or, and I know this is a wide idea, instead of trying to constantly go “just” over the limit & tolerance, we try to get drivers to go “professional and aim for the actual speed limit

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The problem here isn’t one of compliance it’s one of unrealistic limits often arbitrarily imposed and reduced from decades of previously realistic ones.Including variable motorway limits which defeat the original design purpose of motorways.The 10% + 2 rule is the only thing which makes the road network viable in that regard.Professional as in making progress.
So a strictly enforced motorway limit obviously forces more, of what what be, overtaking traffic, to abandon the overtake and return to lanes 1 and 2 thereby defeating the object of more lanes.