speed cameras

I used to go out with a police woman (yeah I know :slight_smile: ) that was a traffic officer. She reliably informed me that the 2 mph leeway was to cover the inaccuracies of speedometers. The 10% thing is totally discretionary and up to the authority setting the cameras up, or the officer pointing the speed gun. That straight from someone that enforces it, rather than drivers room folkloreā€¦ :open_mouth:

This is correct but the ACPO guidelines are 10% + 2 & most, if not all, Scamera partnerships stick to them.

Iā€™ll be very surprised if anything turns up for 44 in a 40 (itā€™s possible) meaning that the second offence will qualify for a SAC

Beat this, 05.15 flashed @ 44.Mph. A15. Northbound .09.20 flashed @ 46.Mph A15 southbound. Its not all about raising funds though.

Good Deal for a Sunday


I used to go out with a police woman (yeah I know :slight_smile: ) that was a traffic officer. She reliably informed me that the 2 mph leeway was to cover the inaccuracies of speedometers. The 10% thing is totally discretionary and up to the authority setting the cameras up, or the officer pointing the speed gun. That straight from someone that enforces it, rather than drivers room folkloreā€¦ :open_mouth:

This is correct but the ACPO guidelines are 10% + 2 & most, if not all, Scamera partnerships stick to them.

Iā€™ll be very surprised if anything turns up for 44 in a 40 (itā€™s possible) meaning that the second offence will qualify for a SAC

All the efford for nothing?

Thems the guidelinesā€¦ anything under 46mph should be ignored.

As said, every force makes itā€™s own decisions on when to prosecute but ā€œmostā€ stick to the guidelines.

This doesnā€™t mean that 44 in a 40 canā€™t be prosecuted but it would be very unusual.

This is a reply to a FOI request on speed enforcement guidelinesā€¦ whatdotheyknow.com/request/ ā€¦ 122011.pdf

Kin ell!
6 points in a morning is bloody good work! :laughing:
Fair play to coming on here and admitting it though, its more than I would do!

Kin ell!
6 points in a morning is bloody good work! :laughing:
Fair play to coming on here and admitting it though, its more than I would do!

Very unlikely to get 6 points though, if heā€™s got the speeds right :wink: A morning in a classroom for the first (if they carry it through) & 3 points for the second.


Kin ell!
6 points in a morning is bloody good work! :laughing:
Fair play to coming on here and admitting it though, its more than I would do!

Very unlikely to get 6 points though, if heā€™s got the speeds right :wink: A morning in a classroom for the first (if they carry it through) & 3 points for the second.

Yeah, very true. Hopefully for the OPā€™s sake.


Left hand down!:
ā€œMMTM told me youā€™re allowed 10% + 2ā€

is what the answer to that will be. :unamused:

I used to go out with a police woman (yeah I know :slight_smile: ) that was a traffic officer. She reliably informed me that the 2 mph leeway was to cover the inaccuracies of speedometers. The 10% thing is totally discretionary and up to the authority setting the cameras up, or the officer pointing the speed gun. That straight from someone that enforces it, rather than drivers room folkloreā€¦ :open_mouth:

Having worked with numerous traffic police over the years I can confirm you are spot on.
Why do some never learn? Yes they make money but its about road safety as well but some seem to think they are safe to speed!

Hiyaā€¦maybe he could say the speedo is not correct as he got done twice in the same dayā€¦OK I KNOWā€¦
he could say heā€™d had new tyrers and that had thrown the needle out.
years ago a Tesco driver got done 3 times in one day by the same camera. it was on that 4 lane road
from jct19. m6 to Northwich 4 lanes but no center refuge lorries was doing a steady 50 not knowing
the law about a central barrierā€¦their fault they should read the book.

The simple fact that he has been told about being flashed twice (at 44 and 46 mph) seems to indicate that they are going to take both alleged offences further. If no further action was being taken (due to 10% +2mph leeway) surely he wouldnā€™t even have been told about itā€¦?


Left hand down!:
ā€œMMTM told me youā€™re allowed 10% + 2ā€

is what the answer to that will be. :unamused:

I used to go out with a police woman (yeah I know :slight_smile: ) that was a traffic officer. She reliably informed me that the 2 mph leeway was to cover the inaccuracies of speedometers. The 10% thing is totally discretionary and up to the authority setting the cameras up, or the officer pointing the speed gun. That straight from someone that enforces it, rather than drivers room folkloreā€¦ :open_mouth:

Ah yes, the ā€œACPO Guidelinesā€, but Guidelines are just that. A word that people donā€™t seem to understand the meaning of. If they wanted to do you for 41mph they could do and youā€™d struggle to argue inaccurate speedo in a tachograph equipped vehicle.

I have been driving professionally for almost 40 years with no slip ups, must have been a bad day, thanks for all your commiserations, Iā€™m sure most of you like myself have used this stretch of road, my company have just about worn the surface out over the past couple of years most going faster than me including the one that rolled at Scampton last year.
Do not complain about being behind a car transporter doing 40 mph it might be me.

Now I know you drive a transporter I can understand you getting two in 4 hrs.
Transporter drivers appear to be the worst offenders on the road for speeding in my opinion. Is this due to the way they are paid :question: bonus for each car delivered etc,
I have seen them run from the garage forecourt back to truck to get the next one off, donā€™t even seem to have time to stop for a ā– ā– ā– ā– 

A driver with a lot of years under his belt driving heavy stuff, got done four times in the same day by a camera van on local work. Banned with 12 points.

As you guys know its a dead cert if each camera flashed twice, if they each flashed once then id consider myself very lucky

The simple fact that he has been told about being flashed twice (at 44 and 46 mph) seems to indicate that they are going to take both alleged offences further. If no further action was being taken (due to 10% +2mph leeway) surely he wouldnā€™t even have been told about itā€¦?

I donā€™t see anywhere that heā€™s been ā€œtold about itā€ā€¦ no mention of any paperwork, just that he was flashed. Apologies if Iā€™ve missed something. Maybe he could clear this up?

If he has received a NIP for both then he will still qualify for a SAC for the first

Obviously something going on with this camera. As I posted last week, I have been caught, one of our others twice and another 4 times! Surely not coincidence?

some will never learn coming down the A46 in lane one at spot on 50 truck after truck shooting past me cmoe around the corner at billboro top and sure enough silver scamera van parked on the resteraunt carpark (as usual ) getting lots of trade especialy the two tippers that thought it was a good place to overtake =kerching


The simple fact that he has been told about being flashed twice (at 44 and 46 mph) seems to indicate that they are going to take both alleged offences further. If no further action was being taken (due to 10% +2mph leeway) surely he wouldnā€™t even have been told about itā€¦?

I donā€™t see anywhere that heā€™s been ā€œtold about itā€ā€¦ no mention of any paperwork, just that he was flashed. Apologies if Iā€™ve missed something. Maybe he could clear this up?

If he has received a NIP for both then he will still qualify for a SAC for the first

Well he did say one flash was at 44mph, the other at 46mph. My bad - I assumed that quoting speed to that level of accuracy meant he had received something in the post. Most of us would say ā€œI was flashed twice on the A19, and Iā€™m sure my speed was only 45mphā€ or similar.

Well he did say one flash was at 44mph, the other at 46mph. My bad - I assumed that quoting speed to that level of accuracy meant he had received something in the post. Most of us would say ā€œI was flashed twice on the A19, and Iā€™m sure my speed was only 45mphā€ or similar.

You might well be right, maybe heā€™ll let us know?