Spam E-Mails Via TruckNet UK

A new member has been sending out e-mails to other members.

the content of the e-mail is… or similar to this

From Jude Diouf

Avenue 5 Lot 172 Cocody Quarters

Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire


Good day,

Greetings and How are you today,I am Jude Diouf 20yrs,I would like you to
permit me to apply through this medium for your co-operation and to
secure an opportunity to invest and do joint relationship and business
with you in your country.

I have a substantial capital I honourably Inherited from my late father
late Chief Edward Diouf who deal in Cocao-coffee platation and share from
family Gold,diamond Minining site.The Epmgigo rebels killed Him recently
in poltical crisis in our country that have resulted to war since this
past two years.

I intend to invest this money in profitable areas in your country into a
very lucratives business venture of which you are to advise and execute
the said venture over there for the mutual benefits of both of us .

Most especially is for you to help me come over to your base if possible
for You be able co-operate with me to become my business partner in your
country and create ideas on how money will be invested, properly managed
and the type of investment after the money is transferred to your custody
with your assistance. I inherited this sum from my late father whom the
rebels killed because he was not supporting their selfish intrest to
topple the president Gbagbo the present president.Meanwhile, on indication
of your willingness to handle this transaction sincerely by protecting my
Interests and upon your acceptance of this proposal.I would furnish you
with the full detailed information, procedure, amount involve is below and
we shall mutually agree on your percentage interest or share holding for
helping me to secure the release of the deposit and investing the fund
into a lucratives profitable venture in your care.It is The sum of Three
Million,Five Hundred Thousand USD $3.500.000USD I shall be glad to reserve
this respect and opportunity for you, if you so desire, but do urge you to
give the matter your immediate attention it deserves.I want you to be rest
assured that everything is in order and legitimate it was due to the
political crisis in our country that have resulted to war which cause
everybody to find a way to get out the country.

that make’s me to use this medium to request for your assistance hoping
that you will not let me down.This money is legitimately acquired by my
late father from sales of cocoa-coffee and diamond dealings.

Looking forward to your prompt response

Thanks and God bless

Jude Diouf.

DO NOT REPLY to this e-mail it is a con.

The member in question has been banned, however may try to re-register and try it on other members.

Please forward any e-mails like this to so we can take it up with this individuals ISP please ensure that we get the FULL header with the e-mail, without the full header we cannot pinpoint their ISP

Sorry for this unfortunate state of affairs, however there is very little we can do this end to ensure it never happens, but will take every action we can

Many thanks to the members who bought this swiftly to our attention

Can you name the user :question:

Thank’s for the info


From Jude Diouf

Errrm, yes!!! He’s called Jude Diouf!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Ahhh, you wanted his username, eh :question: Look here!