At about 2am this morning I was just coming under the M1 at J15a on the A43 when I noticed some liquid running slowly down the side of the road when I got onto the roundabout I noticed the container that must have fallen off a lorry or a van on the verge & partly on the road leaking.
Now I rang our office who rang the police & you know what happened next it was closed for about 10 -11hrs while four fire crews & the Dept Of Enviroment sorted it out.
What gets me though was I couldn’t have been the first vehicle past the drum or notice what colour the hazchem label was, why didn’t anybody else ring the police?.
Did I do right?. What would you have done?. So to anybody that was affected by the diversion I’m sorry. I’ve been looking for a website that tells you what these hazchem labels mean but cant find one, any idea’s.

Didn’t effect me at all, but think you did right thing. Well done :smiley:

There are some labels here which might help you identify what it was.

you done the right thing,at least you got through it first then phoned the police :laughing: :laughing: look after no1 :laughing:

Hats off to you Colin.You don’t know what was in the drum,and it could have been something nasty which affected a lot of people.You did the safest thing possible,and remember,there’s no price on safety.


It said it was an anti corrosion chemical which is dangerous to fish.

The triangular label shows it is marine pollutant

Was it a drum? and how big was it?

The news said that 1000 litres had escaped!

was it a 220 gallon drum or a 45 gallon drum.

sensationalism at work again

The diamond label tells of the hazard

If the hazard label is white with black writing its poison.
If its black with white writing its corrosive
If its red its flammable

Well done, mate ! You did the right thing !

Reminds me of the time coming down from Otterburn on the A68 one dark night, passed a car in the ditch thought I saw an arm waveing, stopped went back sure enough a young guy trapped in his posh car. Had driven up from London after work (out of hours?) called Police and ambulance. Then what--------They tried to accuse me of the cause.

Give this young guy his due, even though his car was a write off, when they finaly got talking to him he admitted he was alone on the road and was going to fast for the bends in the road. But it delayed me about 1.5 hours and I was only about 50 miles from home.

But asking me if you did the correct thing, you were 100% correct,

What if some young kids had found it?

Thanks for all your comments. Years ago before Hazchem got really big like having to pass a test to transport it we used to deliver farm chemicals & sometimes I use to read the labels & it was frightning to read what they could do to humans & fish etc.
This container was like a plastic drum with a wire frame round it so you could lift it with a fork lift which could hold a 1000 ltrs. I saw a container like this today at Didcot tray wash they had the chemical they use in it.

Has anyone ever got TFR on their hands :question: Wow that stings :open_mouth:

It’s not soap Primo mate :wink:

It’s not soap Primo mate :wink:

:unamused: :laughing: I know that :exclamation: The jetwash wasn’t shifting some ingrained grease and the brush had vanished so I dug my sponge out, squirted some TFR into a bucket using the lance and dipped the sponge in with my bare hands :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: . Won’t be doing that again I can tell ya :open_mouth:

Quite a few times i have had reason to dial 999 while “minding my own business”

  1. Eastbound on M4 nr Jct 15…3 youths walking on hard shoulder, with rucksacks…no broken down vehicle in sight…!!!

  2. M74 southbound near Jct 9, a complete wheel and tyre sat in carriageway…

  3. M4 Eastbound 1 mile short of Leigh Delli MSA, whole rear bumper assembly from a car

  4. Last Wednesday, A419 just south of Kemble. A tree had blown over, blocking the southbound part of the carriageway…

How many people had passed these places before me and done nothing…■■
Certainly as a trucker and at weekends a biker, the last thing i need is to round a bend a hit a tree or some other debris in the road…!!!

Well done to you !! i appreciate your efforts…I came off my bike on diesel 2 years ago…so speak 1st hand of the problems some drivers cause to others…!!

I was in a car which broke down in ‘Death Valley’ near J18 M62. As we waited for the RAC, an artic had a blow-out in the bottom of the dip going the other way (Westbound).

I stood watching as lots of vehicles swerved around the debris and it reached a point where I could barely watch - a big shunt looked inevitable. I asked the RAC guy if he could contact the Police to tell them about the situation. He did and 5 minutes later, a Range Rover screamed past us, presumably turned at J18 and re-apperared going Eastbound with a mammoth queue of traffic across all three lanes, crawiling at about 5mph whilst other officers cleared the carriageways.

It was weird watching it all unfold and thinking that I had a small part to play in holding-up one of the busiest motorways in the country!

I think that if there is something hazardous at the side of the road, or debris on the carrageway on motorways, it is only sensible to report it. I’ve done this many a time and, although my motorway driving and mileage is now limited, I would still report anything that looked dodgy. x

As I now live here I can say “Well done Mate” … had I still been living in Towcester (less than 5 miles from there I would have a different phrase :laughing:

You did the right thing and its a shame more people didnt do the same thing then maybe we wouldnt have thugs throwing bricks off of motorway bridges resulting in drivers being seriously injured or even killed…such as what happened recently…i always report these actions and debris strewn over carriageways…so i`m doing my bit and will continue to do so…
have a nice day