Son cant get a job

Hello all hope you are all well.
My 26 year old son passed his 7.5 ton test 2 months ago. He has applied to a number of agencies. However, he cant get any positions as all of them want experienced drivers.
Any idea what steps he needs to take to get him any form of experience? Thanks

probably not what you want to hear but i suggest he gets a van job for 6 months or so with a company that runs everything from vans to artics. Once he has proven himself reliable and a safe driver they may well be willing to give him a shot.

i got my shot at 7.5 tonne work delivering furniture for the likes of oakland any company like that would be good as he could start as a drivers mate

Another way in is the tarmac gangs be worth applying for even a parttimer rakehand ,if they know hes a licence can step in when old joes off sick again - you know they are busy busy

Cooper 1203 has the right idea, Thats the way to go, once in a job something else will pop up.

Get in with a little van (first step on the ladder), forget 7.5 for a few months. Mr cooper1203 has the right idea.