Something's Wrong!

Driving along today I got overtaken by a coach (nothing different there) as he’s passed I’ve seen his O/S inner tyre flapping about off the rim. Despite repeated flashing of lights the driver was oblivious to me and I could not catch him due to limiter.
After how many flashes would you start to think something may be wrong? Luckily a foreign driver had also noticed and managed to get his attention.
Strangely, the VOSA car sat on the H/S at Cobham didn’t take any notice either.

Was behind a bus yesterday and his rear side panel engine flap had been undone probably by school kids (I used to drive them) and this flap was waving about in the road. The danger was that it could easily hit a pedestrian in the head as it was swinging right out every time he pulled away! flashed him pipped my horn loads of times and other drivers joined in trying to warn him! I came to the conclusion he wasn’t bothered as I realised he can see the flap ion his drivers mirror :open_mouth:

I tried in vain to stop an artic driver last week, tandem axle box parcel trailer on super singles, NSF trailer tyre flat off the rim flapping and smoking, wheel about 2" from the road…i even crept up his inside in traffic hooted for all i was worth and waved like a bloody man demented, not a glimmer not a clue, older bloke at the wheel too.

Another lorry managed to overtake him when he at last pulled into the NS lane miles later and managed to stop him.

Wonder why lorry makers bother to fit mirrors.

I got overtaken by a Star Transport of Thetford the other week, he had a flat n/s rear trailer flat tyre, i flashed and flashed, no response, so i rang the number on the back doors, gave them the reg, 2 miles later, he gave me a wave as i passed him in a layby.

And a Blue Peter badge or Jim will fix it medal.But that is a sore subject at the moment.Or a sore ■■■.

This is the reason why I have a wonder around the wagon each time I stop, just to check if everything is still attached or pumped up.

One of ours got back into the yard tonight, parked up & sauntered off home, I noticed the super single hanging off the rim, when I mentioned it in the office, it hadn’t even been reported !!!

A bit if a training issue, I think !
No wonder I get all the defects in the morning if their not being checked the night before !

I tried in vain to stop an artic driver last week, tandem axle box parcel trailer on super singles, NSF trailer tyre flat off the rim flapping and smoking, wheel about 2" from the road…i even crept up his inside in traffic hooted for all i was worth and waved like a bloody man demented, not a glimmer not a clue, older bloke at the wheel too.

Another lorry managed to overtake him when he at last pulled into the NS lane miles later and managed to stop him.

Wonder why lorry makers bother to fit mirrors.

where was this ian :question:

I was passed by an artic on the m5 s/b last week…I noticed he had a n/s flat on the trailer,but he was well past before I could do anything.
fortunately he was parked in strensham when I popped in for lunch…so I went over to tell him.
the tyre was completely off the rim,so I knocked on the door and he replied “yeah I know” :open_mouth:



where was this ian :question:

I was passed by an artic on the m5 s/b last week…I noticed he had a n/s flat on the trailer,but he was well past before I could do anything.
fortunately he was parked in strensham when I popped in for lunch…so I went over to tell him.
the tyre was completely off the rim,so I knocked on the door and he replied “yeah I know” :open_mouth:

M1 N/B, couldn’t tell you which day, got the memory span of a bloody goldfish these days… :open_mouth:

I was very grateful to the driver who came alongside me this week, sounded his horn and motioned for me to pull over. He then pulled in front and put on his left indicator. I decided it must be important and pulled over. Couldn’t see anything wrong until I got to the back to find one of my ramps making a bid for freedom! So thanks to whoever you were for being so insistent.

If I’m being overtaken and see a problem, I make my headlights go like a disco strobe light from the moment I think they can be seen. Well before they could be mistaken as an indication to pull back in. Hopefully the driver will wonder what I’m flashing like an idiot for and investigate.
Unfortunately I’ve seen drivers doing the disco strobe as an indication to pull back in, so that isn’t a reliable warning method any more.
If I’m passing someone and have seen a problem, I’ll match speed alongside the cab and indicate in some way that I think they have a problem. Then I’ll carry on, like everyone else, I’m on a fairly tight schedule.

I was driving down the M5 in a coach a few weeks ago and could smell hot rubber, a couple of minutes later I pass a triaxle fridge trailer with a deflating mid tire. I dropped back and flashed him for ages until he pulled onto the hard shoulder just in time. Chunks had just started to come off.

I was driving down the M5 in a coach a few weeks ago and could smell hot rubber, a couple of minutes later I pass a triaxle fridge trailer with a deflating mid tire. I dropped back and flashed him for ages until he pulled onto the hard shoulder just in time. Chunks had just started to come off.

I had some ratchet straps in a side locker, out of view of the mirrors, that hadn’t clicked shut properly providing reaction tests for motorists behind.

Problem is it’s hard to work out, when nothing’s apparently visible, if someone is trying to signal to you or it’s just another disgruntled car driver annoyed you’ve held them up for a minute. Also, as it was on the motorway, and I could see nothing was poking out of the trailer curtains and the tyres seemed as they should be I was a bit reluctant to stop on the hard shoulder to investigate.

A strobe like flash and hazards might work they generally get the message

And a Blue Peter badge or Jim will fix it medal.But that is a sore subject at the moment.Or a sore ■■■.

I’ve never tried pinning a badge to my ■■■. :open_mouth:

I bet Jimmy would have tried.

If I’m being overtaken and see a problem, I make my headlights go like a disco strobe light from the moment I think they can be seen. Well before they could be mistaken as an indication to pull back in. Hopefully the driver will wonder what I’m flashing like an idiot for and investigate.
Unfortunately I’ve seen drivers doing the disco strobe as an indication to pull back in, so that isn’t a reliable warning method any more.
If I’m passing someone and have seen a problem, I’ll match speed alongside the cab and indicate in some way that I think they have a problem. Then I’ll carry on, like everyone else, I’m on a fairly tight schedule.

This happened to me this week by Knutsford, Over took an iveco and he starts flashing like buggery. That to me rings alarm bells so i pulls over in to the services (they were about half a mile away)… Nothing wrong… But im paranoid now so spend 15mins going thru and round everything. :angry:

I tried in vain to stop an artic driver last week, tandem axle box parcel trailer on super singles,

Interlink Idiot again ■■ :grimacing:


If I’m being overtaken and see a problem, I make my headlights go like a disco strobe light from the moment I think they can be seen. Well before they could be mistaken as an indication to pull back in. Hopefully the driver will wonder what I’m flashing like an idiot for and investigate.
Unfortunately I’ve seen drivers doing the disco strobe as an indication to pull back in, so that isn’t a reliable warning method any more.
If I’m passing someone and have seen a problem, I’ll match speed alongside the cab and indicate in some way that I think they have a problem. Then I’ll carry on, like everyone else, I’m on a fairly tight schedule.

This happened to me this week by Knutsford, Over took an iveco and he starts flashing like buggery. That to me rings alarm bells so i pulls over in to the services (they were about half a mile away)… Nothing wrong… But im paranoid now so spend 15mins going thru and round everything. :angry:

I know what ya mean, what’s wrong with the old, well established, long-short or short-long flash of headlights?
Those who do a micro-flash of headlights are just as bad, especially in daylight. If you glance forward at the moment they happen to micro-flash their headlights, you don’t even see it. At night if you glance forward at that moment, you wonder if it was an impatient car driver trying to get you to pull in early, or not. :unamused:

Terry T:

I tried in vain to stop an artic driver last week, tandem axle box parcel trailer on super singles,

Interlink Idiot again ■■ :grimacing:

Its been over a week now, not a hope in hell i’d remember.

You know those crime thrillers on telly when they ask the suspect/witness where were you at 11.31am on such and such a date…might as well put the cuffs on now cos i wouldn’t have a clue… :blush: