Something for the lefties to get their teeth into

I can hear the gnashing of teeth (and the clutching of pearls :wink:) , and shouts of ‘racists racists’…
Diversity at it’s finest,
Something else for them to write off as alarmist rubbish. :grin:

Yugoslavia went there saw it and got the Bosnian T shirt.
Lefties indeed in the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia.

This site has gone down the khazi.
3 days and not a bite😂…(apart from CF with his ‘Yugoslavia’ routine ) the old site would be on the 6th page by now.

Thinks…:thinking:…‘Hmm maybe people have finally got me sussed’'. :grin:

The reason is you’re trying to bait people. And they won’t touch it with a ten-foot pole. Simples

To be fair Rob the Yugoslavia comparison fits perfectly for what we’ve got here.Like there it’s just a matter of time until this basket case project falls apart.

Errr yeah I did kinda get that tbh…that was my point.

Not so much baiting, but more as I have said before many times on here, I’m only on here for a bit of ‘mass debating’ and ‘social inter course’ :wink:, …it relieves the boredom…and yeah, ok fair play, you are right,…a bit of baiting. :joy:
Nowt wrong with that, it prevents convos about 'kin sat navs and manual effin entries. :joy:

Aye ok…fair comment.