Somebody cheer me up please

I’m in the drivers room at Sainsburys Hoddesdon :imp: :cry:

I’m in the drivers room at Sainsburys Hoddesdon :imp: :cry:

You win the ‘who’s in the ■■■■■■■ place’ competition hands down!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Just got back from Guildford lido, got a nice tan and a phone number, I don’t know why I did it but I said I owned Maranello Ferrari garage in Egham. She’s going to be a bit disappointed when I pick her up next week in a Ford focus unless I can find a Ferrari from somewhere.

Pick her up in the scania LOL also no need to book an hotel as your ride has an love making area :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Just got back from Guildford lido, got a nice tan and a phone number, I don’t know why I did it but I said I owned Maranello Ferrari garage in Egham. She’s going to be a bit disappointed when I pick her up next week in a Ford focus unless I can find a Ferrari from somewhere.

Instead of the famous prancing horse it will be more of a Shetland pony with a slight limp!

Breaking News:

Shock horror, day man does night out! :slight_smile:

Just run the engine for the air con every hour for ten mins till it starts getting cooler. That’s what I do anyway.

Oh and I’ve had a lie in, played badminton & ping pong at the local leisure centre, had a nice snooze with my nephew & nieces on the sofa whilst watching the ant bully & how to train your dragon. Good times.

Just driven West Kilbride to Aylesbury with two kids two dogs and the missus in a subaru estate with the aircon not working…455 miles.
I would rather have been doing some trucking…ALONE.

Day on the beach at Lepe.Only a fiver to park for a day.Gates locked at 20.00.
D Day remains a short walk from the natural park.6000 troops past through there at a makeshift harbour and plans for an underwater fuel pipeline over to France.
Sign on the tourist info hut for the in and out times of all the cruise ships to spot if at Calshot beach.
Mooched over to Bucklers Hard to see an open air church service by the waters edge to bless all maritime workers and sailors on cargo ships with hymns and prayers.
Oops car locked in the car park.No work tomorrow.

Day on the beach at Lepe.Only a fiver to park for a day.Gates locked at 20.00.
D Day remains a short walk from the natural park.6000 troops past through there at a makeshift harbour and plans for an underwater fuel pipeline over to France.
Sign on the tourist info hut for the in and out times of all the cruise ships to spot if at Calshot beach.
Mooched over to Bucklers Hard to see an open air church service by the waters edge to bless all maritime workers and sailors on cargo ships with hymns and prayers.
Oops car locked in the car park.No work tomorrow.

Love to know what you smoke Toby :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Cooked brekkie this morning then off to Carmarthen truck show; home, spot of cheese salad for lunch then a nice ride out on the old Harley this afternoon to me mate’s over t’other side of Haverfordwest. Sat in his workshop shooting the breeze and drinking tea, then ride back home; jacket stayed rolled up on the carrier even though it was 8.30 pm when I got home.

So I’ve probably seen as many lorries as you have today but under much nicer circumstances. :wink:

Just got back from Guildford lido, got a nice tan and a phone number, I don’t know why I did it but I said I owned Maranello Ferrari garage in Egham. She’s going to be a bit disappointed when I pick her up next week in a Ford focus unless I can find a Ferrari from somewhere.

She’ll probably be off quicker than a ferrari.

There are numerous firms that rent out super cars for the day or the weekend.
If she asks what the job is just say logistics delivery solutions operator or vehicle technician.
The word lorry driver makes them run for the hills and their Mummies don’ t approve of us.
Not surprising when they see bottles of urine and the media love the words of killer monster juggernaut driver thundering down the road terryfying dog walkers waiting to cross the road.

Just got back from Guildford lido, got a nice tan and a phone number, I don’t know why I did it but I said I owned Maranello Ferrari garage in Egham. She’s going to be a bit disappointed when I pick her up next week in a Ford focus unless I can find a Ferrari from somewhere.

If the Focus is red, she probably wont know the difference :laughing:

I’m stuck in Venice till Wednesday drinking beer

“just doing some fridge work for someone”

3 wheeler:
Just driven West Kilbride to Aylesbury with two kids two dogs and the missus in a subaru estate with the aircon not working…455 miles.
I would rather have been doing some trucking…ALONE.

Ah yes at last somebody who was in a worse position than me, great. :slight_smile:

bald bloke:
…because i have a night out and am stuck at Thurrock Services on a Sunday afternoon, it’s red hot so will struggle to get any sleep, my missus just tx me to say she’s next door at an impromptu bbq and so is most of our other neighbours who live up our cal-de-sac, and here it seems full of HSF Logistics boys drinking lager i think i might have to scrounge one or two to help with the sleep.

So somebody in a worse place than me tell me your story. :cry:

I was sleeping, in preparation for a night shift. :smiley: Despite the temps and 300 people all deciding to mow their lawns and cut their hedges all the same time, I slept very well. :sunglasses:

Rob K:
Despite the temps and 300 people all deciding to mow their lawns and cut their hedges all the same time, I slept very well.

That’s what you get living in middle class suburbia.

Just got back from Guildford lido, got a nice tan and a phone number, I don’t know why I did it but I said I owned Maranello Ferrari garage in Egham. She’s going to be a bit disappointed when I pick her up next week in a Ford focus unless I can find a Ferrari from somewhere.

You should have said you drive a Volvo and you’d like to take her on a tour across the continent. Bet she wouldn’t be thinking rungis in an fh12!

Just got back from Guildford lido, got a nice tan and a phone number, I don’t know why I did it but I said I owned Maranello Ferrari garage in Egham. She’s going to be a bit disappointed when I pick her up next week in a Ford focus unless I can find a Ferrari from somewhere.

Keep us informed! lol…


Just got back from Guildford lido, got a nice tan and a phone number, I don’t know why I did it but I said I owned Maranello Ferrari garage in Egham. She’s going to be a bit disappointed when I pick her up next week in a Ford focus unless I can find a Ferrari from somewhere.

Keep us informed! lol…

+1 :slight_smile: