Some Recent Pictures

Mixed load, cars and 4X4s

Open wide and say “Ahhhhhhh”. Getting ready so swallow up a…


…and a cruddy old van!

Toight, loike a toigah! (Austin Powers quote for those who were wondering! :laughing: )

Big truck, Little truck!

My funky Barbie bedding

Neglected old Landy…in a compound somewhere in the North East…hasn’t moved for years.

Scumbags have been chucking rocks at it

Still, quite tidy inside :wink:

At the same place, I saw these little diggers having a cuddle…bless

Another mixed load of vans and cars

Old steamer, the line was right next to where I was loading…

Got stuck behind this…one big green monster following another!

I’m not really a big green monster…Quite ■■■■ actually! :wink:

How to load cars and vans…1st, reverse an Audi over the peak, strap it down and kick it up out of the way…

Next, drive a Focus underneath it, reverse a 4X4 up to it and drive the LWB high roof ■■■■■■ on the back…

Strap 'em on and lift the top deck up to the max. Lift middle deck up out of the way (we won’t be using it for this load)…

Now reverse a couple of cars into the well deck (a top tip from Bowserman being employed here :wink: . He knows what I mean!)

Level it all off and away we go. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

Hope you enjoyed those few bits ‘n’ pieces.

Good read and pics Shrek, you’ve still to enlighten me on Raoul :question:

ellies dad:
Good read and pics Shrek, you’ve still to enlighten me on Raoul :question:

Raoul is my truck! It’s what I call him and he’s come to like it over the time we’ve been working together.

Some say I’m as mad as a speeding fish…I prefer to think of myself as ostentatiously eccentric :wink:

Don’t worry, I’m safe to be driving a truck.

Ahh the pic of the combiner…that is the A170 heading out of Scarborough and East Ayton. That pub on the left is superb, very nice food. Begins with a C I think The C… Arms

Ace pics Shrek, Nice one mate

Great pics Shrek. Cheers.

How did you judge the space , reversing the range rover in so tight ?

How did you judge the space , reversing the range rover in so tight ?

Beginners luck Willie! :wink: :laughing:

Just experience really mate, and a few tricks of the trade. The trailer is a great piece of kit…simple yet incredibly versatile. You could tell your mate at Transporter Engineering I’m a big fan of the “Plus 9 Van Carrier”!

Neglected old Landy…in a compound somewhere in the North East…hasn’t moved for years.

That looks to me very luch like a relatively rare “Stage 1” V8 Series from the late 1970s. There aren’t many of them left that haven’t been messed about with.


I thought it a shame to let a classic motor like that go to rack and ruin.

It’s not a million miles from you either Paul…a repossession compound in Darlington.

P.S. what were you doing looking at pictures of Landrovers at quarter past 4 in the morning?! :laughing:

My funky Barbie bedding

:open_mouth: Seriously worried about you Shrek… :laughing: :laughing:

:sunglasses: Great pics again, cheers.

nice pics Shrek, but any chance you could make them a bit smaller ? It messes up people with small monitors or on mobile broadband devices.

a good size for general forums is 640x480, you can do this on Photobucket and it won’t break the links to the ones you have already posted.


sharky the shredder:

My funky Barbie bedding

:open_mouth: Seriously worried about you Shrek… :laughing: :laughing:

:sunglasses: Great pics again, cheers.

ah, I’d be happy to wake up to her big eyes and smile each morning :blush:

:open_mouth: FORGET Shreck, I’m worried about myself!! :laughing:

Nice pics mate, not sure I’d want your job - I’d damage too many rangerovers

As a matter of interest, why do CT drivers usually reverse the first top car/van on? If it is a van then surely it would be better for fuel consumption for it to be front on rather than “reversing” at 56…?



Neglected old Landy…in a compound somewhere in the North East…hasn’t moved for years.

That looks to me very luch like a relatively rare “Stage 1” V8 Series from the late 1970s. There aren’t many of them left that haven’t been messed about with.


Yes, tis what I thought. That could easily be repaired and put back on the road, but these days people don’t want to :frowning: Shame. :unamused: :imp: :imp:

I thought it a shame to let a classic motor like that go to rack and ruin.

It’s not a million miles from you either Paul…a repossession compound in Darlington.

P.S. what were you doing looking at pictures of Landrovers at quarter past 4 in the morning?! :laughing:

At least they’re not naked Landrovers :wink:


I thought it a shame to let a classic motor like that go to rack and ruin.

It’s not a million miles from you either Paul…a repossession compound in Darlington.

P.S. what were you doing looking at pictures of Landrovers at quarter past 4 in the morning?! :laughing:

At least they’re not naked Landrovers :wink:

Reg number must be worth something…


Denis F:
nice pics Shrek, but any chance you could make them a bit smaller ? It messes up people with small monitors or on mobile broadband devices.

a good size for general forums is 640x480, you can do this on Photobucket and it won’t break the links to the ones you have already posted.


I will have a go Denis…fingers crossed! :wink:

As a matter of interest, why do CT drivers usually reverse the first top car/van on? If it is a van then surely it would be better for fuel consumption for it to be front on rather than “reversing” at 56…?


Generally speaking, it is to prevent oil and crud dropping off the underside of the engine and onto the windscreen of the truck. We’re full of these little tricks and tips… :wink: (until you reverse an old beetle up there and spend the next 3 weeks scrubbing the screen with de-greaser! :laughing: ).

Open wide and say “Ahhhhhhh”.

Stop using my chat up lines lol