i copied these 2 comments from the bbc news have your say site.
I do not want the hauliers speaking for me. I vote at elections and all this is for the hauliers benefit, not people like me. I get fed up with some people trying to hold the country to ransom for their own ends.
P.Hutchinson, Norfolk
I have no sympathy at all with the road haulage industry. If they can’t afford the petrol get out of the business. Maybe that will free up some road space and encourage companies to use the rail network instead.
Tim, Wolverton
I have no sympathy at all with the road haulage industry. If they can’t afford the petrol get out of the business. Maybe that will free up some road space and encourage companies to use the rail network instead.
Tim, Wolverton
Trucks don’t use petrol.
Any road space made by the disapearence of trucks would result in shortages of the things HE buys every day that be obviously seems oblivious to the fact, that they all came by truck.
I’ve yet to see a train that could leave its tracks and nip a few miles ‘off-track’ to load 6 pallets of frozen food, then rejoin the track and deliver them during a time window 180 miles away at yet an other location such as a Morrisons RDC that quite surprisingly doesn’t have its own railway freight station.
The only way to get cretins like Tim to understand anything would be for ALL trucks to stand still for just a day or two, it wouldn’t take long in todays ‘just in time’ ecomomy, we wouldn’t be blockading anything, but all the idiots like Tim would soon realise something, every day life would come to an abrupt halt, because far from trucks and truck drivers being a nuisence, trucks and the guys that drive them are the lifeblood of this country and all other countries and the halt in the flow of trucks would do to a country, what the halt in the flow of blood would do to Tims body.
Those well meaning ,but so ill informened persons who belive that when
we were to place more loads on the railways, is unfortunatly liveing in cloud cuckoo-land, It is only possible to transport goods from A-B fast by
train when they have priority on the railnet work,which can and will not happen regulary enough to justifie doing this,as then the great British
Public would be up in arms even more than at present due to the extended delays of all passenger trains,DUE to the freight trains haveing priorty, and please forget this idea as the train network can not cope if they tried to do this,
THEY should try looking at the european network and they will see it does not work, as the amount of goods being moved by the railways is decreaseing and that goods by road is inceaseing due to the service being
more reliable than the railways.
Any road space made by the disapearence of trucks would result in shortages of the things HE buys every day that be obviously seems oblivious to the fact, that they all came by truck.
I’ve yet to see a train that could leave its tracks and nip a few miles ‘off-track’ to load 6 pallets of frozen food, then rejoin the track and deliver them during a time window 180 miles away at yet an other location such as a Morrisons RDC that quite surprisingly doesn’t have its own railway freight station.
The only way to get cretins like Tim to understand anything would be for ALL trucks to stand still for just a day or two, it wouldn’t take long in todays ‘just in time’ ecomomy, we wouldn’t be blockading anything, but all the idiots like Tim would soon realise something, every day life would come to an abrupt halt, because far from trucks and truck drivers being a nuisence, trucks and the guys that drive them are the lifeblood of this country and all other countries and the halt in the flow of trucks would do to a country, what the halt in the flow of blood would do to Tims body.
Perhaps Tim doesnt realise that a lot of goods travel by rail anyway…like containers…and if he means lets try the italian system…where the railway wagon would be loaded onto a low loader and then delivered to the customers premises…and often blocked the main roads because the driver couldnt access the customers premises because of car drivers like Tim.
Or we could adopt a more modern system…by building tram tracks the same width as a train track…and running the freight carriages up our local high st…the down side of course would reduce the use of private vehicles in and around these areas…something Red Ken is trying to address, in London at least.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could all stop driving for one week just to show poeple that having us off the road would make there life hell. I also think that when you go for your bike and car test there should be a section about large vehicles, the road space we require, the distances required to stop etc.
Perhaps, a national truck week to make our industry a little more wide known and to educate people perhaps then we wouldn’t get negative feedback all the time. I don’t know about the rest of you, but when people know what i do for a living they always start complaining about wagons taking up the road and being in the way.
Or even a fly on the cab kinda documentary where it’s put on prime time TV to demonstrate what “we” have to put up with!
I also think that when you go for your bike and car test there should be a section about large vehicles, the road space we require, the distances required to stop etc.
Good point, there are a couple of questions on the car theory test about this but not enough for car drivers to have a proper understanding of LGV requirements on the road.
The only solution is for nearly every lorry driver in the uk to have the same weeks holiday or go on the sick or just not work for the same week that would bring the country to its knees and then people might just appreciate us a bit more.
Perhaps, a national truck week to make our industry a little more wide known and to educate people perhaps then we wouldn’t get negative feedback all the time. I don’t know about the rest of you, but when people know what i do for a living they always start complaining about wagons taking up the road and being in the way.
but it was very much aimed at kids - lots of balloons and colouring books handed out. Getting adults interested was much harder.There wasn’t much wide-reaching publicity either.
Hmmm, I’ve never heard that one before!? Although I do feel that both him and the other ‘expert’ deserve all they get. Perhaps they don’t realise that with no HGVs they wouldn’t be able to drive their cars on the ‘extra space’ at all? Petrol doesn’t appear at forecourts by magic, of course…
I think it was Trucking magazine that printed a story from some University professor, who had studied trucks and come up with the conclusion that if all wagons were taken off the road, within a few days the country would descend to anarchy and mob rule. Food for thought indeed for the brain-dead ■■■■■ who think we are the root of all evil and thus should all be banned from the road!
It doesn’t take a genius to work out what would happen if trucks where to disapear or just spend a little time off the road. Britain and probably most other nations, especially western countries could never exist without the truck, populations are simply too high to exist without massive transportation of goods from ports, factories and farms to the end destination. London for a start would start to starve in a matter of days, as would all other cities and eventually smaller towns and villages as in this day and age we simply do not live in a place where local goods fill local demand.
I think it was Trucking magazine that printed a story from some University professor, who had studied trucks and come up with the conclusion that if all wagons were taken off the road, within a few days the country would descend to anarchy and mob rule. Food for thought indeed for the brain-dead [zb] who think we are the root of all evil and thus should all be banned from the road!
Life without Lorries. It was Herriott-Watt university.
but all the idiots like Tim would soon realise something,
i doubt it mate. he would be straight back there accusing us of being selfish again. the guy appears to be a hypocrite who needs educating on the facts of life and economy