Some fresh new blood coming into the Industry

The reason a lot of ex forces get fast tracked into jobs is that we owe them more than a mere job can provide. They and their families have lived in sub standard accomodation and they’ve fought, bled and died in crappy countries who’s name we cannot spell whilst the rest of us ■■■■■ and moan about being held up for three hours at an RDC or whinge about Stobarts latest aquisition.


Rob K:
No shortage of drivers but there’ll be a big shortage of trucks soon if they get ex-forces driving them as they’ll all be in the bodyshop waiting to be repaired.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: lol, why what’s wrong with ex forces drivers?

They can’t drive for toffee (or buttons).

Rob K:


Rob K:
No shortage of drivers but there’ll be a big shortage of trucks soon if they get ex-forces driving them as they’ll all be in the bodyshop waiting to be repaired.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: lol, why what’s wrong with ex forces drivers?

They can’t drive for toffee (or buttons).

So true!!!

The squaddies have a pension so can work for peanuts ,and if you employ a lot of them they form their own regiment.

the maoster:
The reason a lot of ex forces get fast tracked into jobs is that we owe them more than a mere job can provide. They and their families have lived in sub standard accomodation and they’ve fought, bled and died in crappy countries who’s name we cannot spell whilst the rest of us ■■■■■ and moan about being held up for three hours at an RDC or whinge about Stobarts latest aquisition.

I love my country and I’m proud to be English but you have to be stupid to sign up in this day and age, what are we fighting for? National security? The war against terror? So we fight in the desert to protect our country yet at the same time our government is letting every Tom ■■■■ and Harry have asylum here that then go on to plot terror attacks against us!!! Not to mention the home grown Islamists. Excuse the pun but we really are fighting a losing battle.

We were fighting to control the largest supply of Opium in the world and to line the pockets of our Global Governance.

Get with the plan ffs, what’s a few squaddies compared to a few tons of the white stuff, seriously, anybody would think we were being run by state run Mafia.

the maoster,

The reason a lot of ex forces get fast tracked into jobs is that we owe them more than a mere job can provide. They and their families have lived in sub standard accomodation and they’ve fought, bled and died in crappy countries who’s name we cannot spell whilst the rest of us ■■■■■ and moan about being held up for three hours at an RDC or whinge about Stobarts latest aquisition.

Well said.

Rob K:


Rob K:
No shortage of drivers but there’ll be a big shortage of trucks soon if they get ex-forces driving them as they’ll all be in the bodyshop waiting to be repaired.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: lol, why what’s wrong with ex forces drivers?

They can’t drive for toffee (or buttons).

Nither can most of the drivers I see every day that have never served in the forces there is good and bad drivers every were well more bad than good


Why do ex armed forces get so quickly shipped into new careers that they’re quite often not suited to? Many of my previous co-workers (in a mainly customer service role) were ex-forces and by their own admission were fast tracked into their current roles through government schemes.
Why does being ex forces make you more appealing to employ? Reliability?

Disciplined, reliable, punctual, good appearance and most importantly the main reason because they will be given instructions and won’t answer back. Especially the young ones who have been regimented since they were 18.


Because they do as they’re told, when they’re told and are easy to control.



Why do ex armed forces get so quickly shipped into new careers that they’re quite often not suited to? Many of my previous co-workers (in a mainly customer service role) were ex-forces and by their own admission were fast tracked into their current roles through government schemes.
Why does being ex forces make you more appealing to employ? Reliability?

Disciplined, reliable, punctual, good appearance and most importantly the main reason because they will be given instructions and won’t answer back. Especially the young ones who have been regimented since they were 18.


Because they do as they’re told, when they’re told and are easy to control.

And hence will work for 6 buttons per hour that their respective agencies give them without any questions. :unamused:

The squaddies have a pension so can work for peanuts ,and if you employ a lot of them they form their own regiment.

Give them another green uniform and call them 1st Duke of Stobarts supply regt.

I am ex-forces and came to the trucks after leaving, I couldn’t drive an Artic properly and started as most people do, from scratch with no experience, however having had a deal of experience driving large vehicles I would like to think I had more of a clue than your average joe public coming straight from a car or a van with no experience.

Just because someone is ex-forces assume they are walk over when being taken the ■■■■ out of by a boss, or that they work for peanuts, if you believe that you will believe anything, including that we are in a war fighting terrorism.

Fresh young blood…where? i never see any young folk these days im still the youngest driver at our place and im 27

And we`ve also got the Croatians, Bulgarians, Romanians, Lituanians, Polish, and every other Top, ■■■■ and Harry that wants to join us, Lets see if theres enough jobs to go around then, by the way, when is the vote to get out of the EU, cant wait to sign, and for the next election when i can put my name down for the UKIP party as well, sort of kill 2 birds with one stone.

1: Croatia not yet an EU member country, and not a poor country.
2: UKIP=■■■■■■■■.
3: I can see mostly elder drivers among my British collagues, the young ones mostly migrants.
4: Britain would be a big nothing without the EU membership.

We have a driver who lost his hard hat in some strong wind, he made up a way to stop this happening again and also attached a maglite.

One evening I was at a control point and security came over the radio, “Watch out chinstrap is on site !”

Everybody laughed, maybe 20+, I went to see how he was doing, and to be honest it took him several attempts to get on the bay.The forklift lads were giggling, the shunters were taking the pee.

Anyway he got on the bay, and collected his load and moved on.

I done my job, went back to the control point.

They were still laughing. I informed them that “Fred” had been a member of the Special Air Service, and to show the fella some respect.

The room went quiet.

Fresh young blood…where? i never see any young folk these days im still the youngest driver at our place and im 27

:laughing: same here, 20.

Not sure about ex forces, the 2 i know are both nutters and could never hold down a civvie job. The one especially, he was a quiet, nice lad at school never misbehaved. Joined the forces at 16, been a para for 2 years. In that time he’s done 2 tours of afghan and had counselling for killing a child. He’s also got a drink drive against him and gets into fights drunk every weekend. He definitely couldn’t hack civvie life.

1: Croatia not yet an EU member country, and not a poor country.
2: UKIP=■■■■■■■■.
3: I can see mostly elder drivers among my British collagues, the young ones mostly migrants.
4: Britain would be a big nothing without the EU membership.

#4-Pure fact, too bad people don’t realise that…

1: Croatia not yet an EU member country,

You sure about that?

Whether you pass in the army or pass on civvy street, that’s all they teach you, how to pass a test. You do all the learning to drive after. Whether a it’s through help from other drivers or being thrown in at the deep end and learning yourself.

Some older gaffers are more likely to employ a squaddie rather than a civvy with a new shiney licence.