Some drivers..

I work for a company that farms and has transport. Today I’m the snow chaos another driver endeared himself to a non driver.

Snow blocking a fairly main route causing chaos last night and today. Him being a good bloke and living on the farm hot the JCB out last night and pulled a few cars and lorries out of the mire until about 9 pm. Not paid just being a good bloke

This morning we have been faced with drifts on the same road. Again he got JCB out and helped and cleared. He got one lorry out of the snow and as the driver went past he opened the window and shouted " about frigging time, I’ve only got two hours left".

I despair at being put in the same category as him. I’d be tempted to push him back in.

If you read this you’re a ■■■■■

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Had a farmer do that for me many years ago. Was quite happy to give him the £5 I had in my pocket, bargain of the century. Didn’t even care if he was doing it expecting to make a few bob from it.

I was slipping on a gentle slope in Mansfield and was helped by a Kingsmill driver. Took me 15 minutes to get 50 yards and couldn’t thank him enough but daren’t stop to shake the bloke’s hand. Had to be happy to shout my thanks through the window.
If I was that farmer I’d be wanting to block him back in.

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