some advice please

Evening all, sorry to do this again but I need some more advice about something that has happened at work.

I work out off Hull doing multidrop into York city centre, and this morning I had a drop to a model shop just within the city walls.

I could have easily parked my wagon up directly outside the shop but this was have caused me to block the entire road, so I parked up on the main road outside. I have done this before and never had a problem. I did my delivery and then went back to the wagon. As I was putting my tail lift up a member of the public informed me I had got a parking ticket, I asked the warden what for as I was unloading and he pointed to yellow markings on the pavement and road,(I must admit I didnt realise what they where for!) he explained that I couldnt tip until 09.15am, the time was 09.10am.

I rang the office and then carried on.

I must point out that If I didnt park on double yellows at some point the NO drops would get done!!

I got back in at 5pm and took my notes and ticket to the office, I handed to my boss and then explained what had happened and apologised, at which point he started screaming and shouting at me saying he was sick of me saying sorry and that I was paying the ticket! I tried to explain what had happpened but he continued shouting at me, calling me all the names under the sun. At this point i calmly stated I wouldnt be paying the ticket and left the office.

Whilst I did general if we got a parking ticket the company paid for it!

what I would like to know is:-

  1. can he take the money out of my wages without my permission?

  2. Am I within my rights to refuse to pay for the ticket?

  3. Did I do the right thing by not shouting back and just walking out?

any advice on what I should do now will be gratefully recieved…

many thanks


  1. No

  2. Not sure

  3. Probably…but well done, dunno if many people could do the same!

Evening all, sorry to do this again but I need some more advice about something that has happened at work.

I work out off Hull doing multidrop into York city centre, and this morning I had a drop to a model shop just within the city walls.

I could have easily parked my wagon up directly outside the shop but this was have caused me to block the entire road, so I parked up on the main road outside. I have done this before and never had a problem. I did my delivery and then went back to the wagon. As I was putting my tail lift up a member of the public informed me I had got a parking ticket, I asked the warden what for as I was unloading and he pointed to yellow markings on the pavement and road,(I must admit I didnt realise what they where for!) he explained that I couldnt tip until 09.15am, the time was 09.10am.

I rang the office and then carried on.

I must point out that If I didnt park on double yellows at some point the NO drops would get done!!

I got back in at 5pm and took my notes and ticket to the office, I handed to my boss and then explained what had happened and apologised, at which point he started screaming and shouting at me saying he was sick of me saying sorry and that I was paying the ticket! I tried to explain what had happpened but he continued shouting at me, calling me all the names under the sun. At this point i calmly stated I wouldnt be paying the ticket and left the office.

Whilst I did general if we got a parking ticket the company paid for it!

what I would like to know is:-

  1. can he take the money out of my wages without my permission?

  2. Am I within my rights to refuse to pay for the ticket?

  3. Did I do the right thing by not shouting back and just walking out?

any advice on what I should do now will be gratefully recieved…

many thanks


i’ll try my best !! As far as i know they cannot deduct money from your wages without your permission.
Are you within your rights? I would say yes, and all my previous experience is the same as yours. The comapnys know this is a risk and they expect to pay it.
And yes you did do the right thing by not shouting back. I would imagine the next step now is going to be called into the office and told its being deducted and/or you are going to tell them its impossible to do it without getting a ticket?
If the worst comes to the worst and they insist you pay it due to the times etc…them i would insist upon a company policy provided to me in regards to parking restrictions, if they say ‘just don’t get any’ then you know what to bring back to the depot.
It is bad when you try your best to do your job, then get a ticket and then a bollockin its ■■■■■. I suppose thats one of the bad sides of the job. Good luck, don’t dwell on it.

  1. no



as far as i know, without written consent they cannot deduct costs like that from your wages (although i could be wrong)

i would refuse point blank to pay for the ticket, without you there there would of been no delivery, is not your fault the delivery address is a possible ticket problem (and by the soubd of it you did your upmost to avoid public holdups)

keeping your calm and walking out is the way forward, shouthig and stomping dont get you anywhere, its your boss’s problem you got a ticket, not yours, next time you have to go there suggest you dont go in case you get a ticket, see what their reaction is


  1. no



as far as i know, without written consent they cannot deduct costs like that from your wages (although i could be wrong)

i would refuse point blank to pay for the ticket, without you there there would of been no delivery, is not your fault the delivery address is a possible ticket problem (and by the soubd of it you did your upmost to avoid public holdups)

keeping your calm and walking out is the way forward, shouthig and stomping dont get you anywhere, its your boss’s problem you got a ticket, not yours, next time you have to go there suggest you dont go in case you get a ticket, see what their reaction is

AFAIAW,the only deduction they are allowed to take without your consent is a “Detachment of Earnings Order” or DEO, and thats because its issued by the courts and your employer is committing an offense if they refuse to do it. Doesn’t help in your case, but worth knowing.

Hope you get it sorted

In my last jobs I had to park in some stupid places and in the 2years I did the job only ever got 1 parking ticket, this was for parking at the very end of a bus stop in Regent Street if I remember correctly, I had absolutely no option as I had to dump the van, run 1/4 of a mile on foot through a pedestrian road, collect a motorcycle and push it back to the van. In this time I got a ticket obviously and I fully expected to. Took it back at end of work and it was paid by the company.

On another matter we were responsible for notifying the office if we went in the congestion zone by phoning them, however on one occasion I was accused of never telling them I went in and was told i’d have to pay the £50 fine. I swore blind I told them and it’s their fault for obviously just forgetting to pay, but they werent having any of it. I said fine whatever, but I’m only paying £40 because it would’ve cost a tenner to get the van in even if I had told them (which I did), but they wouldn’t accept that either so they took £50 out of my wages, wasn’t happy, left not long after.

I’m a pretty calm person and it takes a hell of a lot to wind me up, but I wouldn’t tolerate a manager yelling and swearing at me, they’re paid a lot to be proffessional at managing people, if that’s how they’re gonna behave then they deserve nothing other than the same back.

Potter said:-
I asked the warden what for as I was unloading and he pointed to yellow markings on the pavement and road,(I must admit I didnt realise what they where for!) he explained that I couldnt tip until 09.15am, the time was 09.10am.

Have to say you should know what the markings were for. However seems the attitude of your manager was out of order. IMO you should pay the fine yourself, if only for the fact of your ignorance as to what the markings meant.

Rather than refuse to pay from the outset, try appealing against the ticket.
If your company has a grievance procedure I would think you could invoke it.
If that manager has a gaffer go to him and state calmly what happened with a statement in writing. (A tape recorder in your pocket wouldnt go a miss)
Maybe a talk with a solicitor (Union if you are a member?)

Good luck what ever you do, hope it gets sorted with a quiet conversation

Potter, my view is, get another job, the boss is a bully and not worth your hard work.

I’ve got mates on the transporters who do central londonistan daily, and its unusual NOT to get a parking ticket when they deliver.

Usually some muppet ticket tout comes up and tells em theyve got 10 minutes to tip 11 cars or they get a ticket, so they just ignore the pillock and hand in the parking tickets at the end of the week. Its now part of the job and is expected by the company.

Go find another job working for a reasonable person, you sound like a decent person and don’t deserve this.

If youre going to fight this and stay on, raise the issue in writing, citing bullying as the company response, do write down everything that was said to you as soon as poss. And if this is normal behaviour by your traffic office, i would keep a diary, it is viewed as evidence in the event of tribunals etc.

thanks for all the advice, the thing is I dont mind paying the ticket, what ticks me off is the fact he shouted at me and told me I was and the way he spoke to me in front of everybody.

The man concerned is one of the owners so theres no going above him im afraid, Im looking for other jobs as we speak, even considering van driving just to get out.

I had a nasty accident before Xmas and the way I was treated was a disgrace, its a case if your face doesnt fit then your a nobody.

I should have known what the markings meant but I was that keen to get the job done that I forgot, 9 times out of 10 I would have got away with it!!

Potter, as you say you also had a incident with this bully of a boss before Christmas. At the time I remember telling you to start a grievance procedure against this bloke as he seems to be out to get ya.

With your actions this time of walking out of the office without shouting at him you seem to be the kind of bloke to want to get on with your job, to the best of your ability, and anything for a quiet life. This is to be commended.


You seem to be a soft touch and an easy target in your boss’ eyes.




  1. no



as far as i know, without written consent they cannot deduct costs like that from your wages (although i could be wrong)

i would refuse point blank to pay for the ticket, without you there there would of been no delivery, is not your fault the delivery address is a possible ticket problem (and by the soubd of it you did your upmost to avoid public holdups)

keeping your calm and walking out is the way forward, shouthig and stomping dont get you anywhere, its your boss’s problem you got a ticket, not yours, next time you have to go there suggest you dont go in case you get a ticket, see what their reaction is

AFAIAW,the only deduction they are allowed to take without your consent is a “Detachment of Earnings Order” or DEO, and thats because its issued by the courts and your employer is committing an offense if they refuse to do it. Doesn’t help in your case, but worth knowing.

Hope you get it sorted

nearly right kalm it is attachment of earnings but all rest is correct . if you decide you do not want to pay it there is no legal comeback to you as unlike other offences ie speeding the local authority cannot ask who was driving the vehicle and you have no liability for it .look for another job .and until you find one just keep your head down

dignity at work potter harrassment and bullying looks like constructive dismissal contact acas they will put you straight on what to do i will pm you there no :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

cheers dreva will ring them today and see what they say. Thanks again

We have a policy at our company where it is the customers responsibility to ensure they can provide adequate parking for deliveries, all tickets are handed in and looked at on merit.

One of our guys pulled up to get a paper on a double yellow line, this we asked him to pay, but whilst loading we understand that not all places have safe parking away from yellow lines and we discuss with the customer and reach an amicable agreement, sometimes we pay sometimes they pay if we receive more than one ticket in a given timescale it is a fact of life in this industry thet we will get tickets.

Shouting and screaming always acheive absolutley nothing, at the end of the day it is only a parking ticket, not the end of the world. Your boss sounds like he was having a great day, if it’s any consolation you did the right thing by not reacting and that probably made him worse!

When he stated that he is sick with you saying sorry, what had you done previously?

1 ) No

2 ) Yes

3 ) Yes

Advice? How many times do you need telling -



had this problem years ago doing class 2 deliveries, delivering to shops where no option but to park illegally a lot of the time.

even when there was loading bays cars were parked in them and traffic wardens taking more notice of the trucks parked illegally than the cars in the loading bays.

got a ticket one day, boss told me they would pay it this time but if it happend again would be paying it out my own pocket.

came back the next day normal 10 hour shift extended to about 12 hours, noted down on my notes having to wait for legal parking, 20mins at times till loading bays were clear also out of 25 deliveries i failed to deliver 5 deliveries which i brought back again due to being impossible to find legal parking.

after a week of that boss agreed that they would be paying parking fines should any arise again to get the job done.

if they want to charge you for parking tickets then you will have to wait for legal parking, means dragging the job out and they are paying the OT or having not abondon some deliveries where legal parking is impossible.