Where is your right to a company pension?
Still there its called ‘auto enrolment’
Where is your right to full sick pay?
There is a right to SSP but full sick pay is negotiated into the employment contract. Can’t see why I would expect my employer to pay me a full weeks wages when I have been off sick unless I had negotiated it in the first place.
Interesting that since the laws were altered to weaken the unions these benefits and others have largely gone.
Not really but I do see how weakening the strength of the unions would have a detrimental effect to the individual, but hidden agendas and ulterior motives and not to mention corruption is one of the reasons unions are frowned upon.
If you transport containers for a lving who do you think instigated the ‘driver does not unlead containers’ rules?.. the employers?
I would guess work shy union members, It takes away individual thought i.e. if I wanted to help unload a container then so be it, I don’t expect everybody to be the same and certainly don’t want some union to have deceided what work I do or don’t do.
In a previous post you admitted that you were “only a pup” during the times of Thatcher and so I assume that you have little or no knowledge of the preceding 20 years or so.
True but I do remember the winter of discontent and I do remember my father running a business and any potential employee that so much as mentioned a union would not get a job.
Thats said I may be from a generation or nurture environment where unions are frowned upon so I will happily read and learn about experiences that may change my opinion or at the least allow me to make a more informed contribution to this thread.
Perhaps I may be considered what was known back in the day as a ‘scab’ but i would happily cross a picket line to feed my family. Course this wouldn’t endear me to my work colleagues when the strike was over but I know I wouldn’t be alone.
Firstly on the subject of crossing picket lines ‘to feed your family’ you’re only seeing that from the point of view of the history that you know and that you’ve been taught.If you go back a bit further and dig a bit deeper you’ll find that by leaving the fate of a family to the discretion of those like the CBI,you’d eventually have very little to lose either way.IE it was case of work and be hungry,and living in zb conditions,including not being unheard of for children in such cases to have to be fostered out for adoption because it sometimes came down to the catch 22 of having to offload the kids in order for the husband and wife to survive,or strike,win and make things better.
If you look around you and just put aside those bs ideas of yours based on tory propaganda related to the winter of discontent you’ll see that there are indications of such conditions returning now in the 21 st century.
www.theguardian.com/society/2012/oct/16 … ood-survey
As for the winter of discontent you might remember it but as you’ve already admitted you were too young to even have had any real involvement in the economic crash of the early 1980’s let alone what took place before Thatcher’s election.The reality of the winter of discontent needs to be seen against a background of our recent,at that time,EEC membership and the costs to the economy of that in terms of lost jobs and the trade deficit it caused and taxation required to pay for the privilege and a government that failed to insulate the economy from the recent,at the time,and continuing,massive rises in oil prices considering that we were self sufficient in oil.The fact is at that point wages were being cut in real terms compared to price increases all based,as today,on the bs basis that wage ‘restraint’ will stop price rises.Although those like the bankers etc made sure that idea was only applied selectively to those at shop floor level while making sure that they themselves were immune from the policy.What we actually saw during the winter of discontent was probably the last stand of the old generation of Brits who’d seen it all before and/or had grown up under such a regime during the pre war years and were up for a fight to stop it happening again.The important and ironic bit is that all that took place under Callaghan’s so called Labour government not Thatcher.Like Callaghan she was all for the CBI and the bankers but her tactics were something else in the form of just effectively wiping out the unions altogether unbelievably in large part helped by the working classes themselves to do it.
The results of all that are where the economy is today and where it’s eventually headed which as I’ve said will be where the CBI wants it to go in the form of where it was during the 1920’s/30’s.IE great if you were very rich but not so good for the average worker.