So trucknet......

What is the point?

Moved to A PLACE THAT HAS NO FOOTFALL… :unamused:

Poke the forum up your arse :imp:

If it involves pictures of fit naked birds you can count on my vote :wink:

If it involves pictures of fit naked birds you can count on my vote :wink:

Far too boring and beneficial to other drivers trying to make a living to be of any interest :unamused:

I am making a stand against the 40 on single carriageways…But I suppose no one would be interested to get involved :unamused:


If it involves pictures of fit naked birds you can count on my vote :wink:

Far too boring and beneficial to other drivers trying to make a living to be of any interest :unamused:

I am making a stand against the 40 on single carriageways…But I suppose no one would be interested to get involved :unamused:

Why did you not just say that in your OP? I read it earlier but couldn’t be arsed to play guessing games.

Hunger strike like Bobby Sands? Setting fire to yourself at Watford Gap services? Chaining yourself to the front of a Stobbies wagon? Do tell!

Dirty protest whilst your away tramping all week.

I wanted to leave it open…Nevermind.

I am going to investigate just what the ‘value’ is in attending a speed awareness course, right down to the provenance, the training of the trainers and the actual benefits of such, statistically. I am hungry for information.
I am also going to insist that I am allowed to sit in on such a course, just to see if they will allow ‘transparency’ I will also canvass the students as they exit the class, just to see what it is they have learned, or if it really is a get out of jail free card(Clean license) If they do not allow me to do these things, then I shall block all their exits in protest and invite local media.

I am also writing to the Chief Constable of Lincolnshire and the Safety roads partnership, in an effort to gain understanding of their methods and why they follow the process which they do and to ask what research has been done into the safe speeds of LGV`s on the roads of the UK and if it is relevent in todays environment and standards of vehicles being operated.

Thats just what I have come up with in the last couple of hours…There is much more…I have time and am not afraid to use it :laughing:

How about:
Leaving bottles of stale urine in laybys?
■■■■■■■■ in carrier bags and leaving them on grass verges (if Eastern European)
Throwing your litter down beside a litter bin?

…And your associated sponsors…

How about a put up or shut up?

I have an idea that could generate publicity, increase your magazine sales etc.


Hi att,

I’ve moved your post here for the discussion that you’ve asked for.

At a guess, I’d say that this is the likeliest response, but you never know:

From the forum rules:

We don’t actively campaign as a general rule, although occasionally do support specific causes. If you would like our help in that regard, PM Rikki-UK, or e-mail him at

you could allways just pay £60 and take the 3 points :unamused:

46 in a 40 zone tut tut :grimacing:

You are wasting your time, the stuff gets delivered on time, raising the limit will have no benefit to anybody but stupid lorry drivers who don’t realise that they will be earning the same for doing a tiny percentage more work if they go tear arsing around the countryside :unamused:

Better off with pictures of naked birds if you ask me, far more benefit in that :laughing:

In all the years I drove in the UK I only ever knew one group of drivers who stuck to the riddiculous 40mph and that was when I drover for Tesco.
It is a riddiculous law.

What is the point?

Moved to A PLACE THAT HAS NO FOOTFALL… :unamused:

Poke the forum up your arse :imp:

Go in Pub and watch Arsenal on tele

I think the OP has already been in the pub, for several hours by the looks of things :confused: