Before I go any further I’ve checked to see if it’s ok to put it up, and it is. Thanks Lucy
The following link was placed in one of the MSN groups that I’m in, please click on the link and sign the petition, the more signatures they get the better.
Before I go any further I’ve checked to see if it’s ok to put it up, and it is. Thanks Lucy
The following link was placed in one of the MSN groups that I’m in, please click on the link and sign the petition, the more signatures they get the better.
very sad - petition signed.
but be careful with that website, if you close the ad box in the top left corner some dodgy popups appear - it tried to install winfixer.exe on my computer (spyware)
Petition signed - and link forwarded to many emails from my address book.
Denis F:
very sad - petition signed.but be careful with that website, if you close the ad box in the top left corner some dodgy popups appear - it tried to install winfixer.exe on my computer (spyware)
Thanks Denis. I must admit that I never closed the box you mentioned, so I’ve never had that problem.
As far as the link goes (via e-mail), thanks Marcus, I think the more signatures they get the better
petition signed
thats absolutly disqusting what happened to that child:twisted:
Regarding the website, for paid hosting mine cost £14.99 per year.
The domain name cost £6.09 inc vat for two years.
As for the web host, you can have guest books, coppermine photo album, forums all free.
If anyone needs help or advice on setting up a forum etc let me know.
PS help and advice is also free
Unfortunately I dont qualify to sign it, as I am in the USA… but I would if I could. That is just horrifying that something like that could happen because someone wasnt paying attentiion to what they were doing…
ttfn, Myra
I know Myra, I’m ashamed that someone in the hospital could be allowed to do something so horrific.
I know Myra, I’m ashamed that someone in the hospital could be allowed to do something so horrific.
I don’t think they were specifically “allowed” to burn the poor kid’s foot, it was an accident, these things happen.
I’ve not signed the petition as I am of the opinion that this was more due to the incompetence of the member of hospital staff involved than anything else and that (unless this is something that is happening frequently up and down the country) all that needs to be done is the person responsible needs to ensure he checks more carefully next time. I would hazard a guess that this is something that is done hundreds if not thousands of times day in day out up and down the country and to try and outlaw it because of one stupid mistake doesn’t seem right to me. Presumably there is some medical reason for using warm water so banning the practice might put other babies at risk from something else.
The website even specifically says that 4 months later it has completely healed and looks normal, and that there is no permanent scarring. I really don’t see what the big deal is. I’m sure he’ll break an arm and/or a leg at some point in the future whilst riding his bike / climbing a tree / playing football and that will take almost as long to be back to normal yet nobody is going to try and ban those things.
Don’t get me wrong, I feel sorry for the child and his family, but I just don’t agree with going round banning everything every time someone gets hurt, if you did that nothing would ever get done. You just have to accept that people are only human, and they do make mistakes from time to time. No amount of legistlation will prevent that.
I’m afraid I agree with repton, this is a terrible accident that must have been very traumatic for the child and the parents but it certainly seems to be just that, an accident and I am sure it is safe to presume that the hospital investigated the incident and that the person responsible has been interviewed and the nesessary action taken. With all that said though I’m sure that given the nature of the proffession and the people that work within that industry chances are that the person responsible has put themself through more torture themselves than anything any authority could muster up. The guilt that any normal human would feel in such circumstanses would surely be punishment enough. I hope that all the facts have been thouroughly analysed and that the health care industry has not lost a valuble worker who will have learnt a terrible but vital lesson from this incident.
Thankfully according to the web site, the child is well with no long term effects so lets hope that lessons have been learnt and all concerned manage to move on.
It goes without saying that I have not signed the petition and I am sorry if this offends.