As many on here know I was chosen to have a free course from John ( LGV trainer )
This was arranged for jan so booked hotel for the night took a nice slow drive down met John at his yard we then went off for a drive a few practice of the reverse which I was quite happy with another quick drive then back to the yard I then went off to the hotel for the night did make sure I ate
Next mor wed 29th Jan off back to meet up with John & another driver I drove 1st then the other driver took over for a bit well what a drive oh dear good job not my test as would have had several serious never mind minors
but every thing went wrong then
We had a quick coffee then off to test station for the 12.30 test met the examiner Paul onto the reverse which went well although did use a shunt as thought it was going wrong so corrected it then it went in perfect did do a quick check to make sure then off out the centre
All going well so far the 1st few roundabouts went well as did the hill start continued for a bit was asked to take a right turn a few hundred yards up the road we met with some work men who had a cat C taking up most of the road he also had a hiab out I slowed down gently Paul said to pass by with what you can safely I had to stop as a car came through using the curb ( there was a workman controlling the traffic if needed ) I was then waved through yes I had to mount the curb a little to pass by in a safe manner then on we went
I did make a few mistakes some of them I shouldnt have made & spoke to the examiner about a couple but all seemed ok we got back to test station then onto the couple/uncouple all was going very well in fact text book until the re coupling up 1st line on ok then it came to the red airline & this would not go on eventually John asked Paul if he could try which he did manage ok but did remove then sprayed some wd40 on then I tried again this then went straight on
We got back in the cab only for me to here the words that you passed
think he got a bit of a shock as I did give him a hug also a hugh thanks to John for putting up with me for the 2 days Dan & Ian for this chance
Went back to the yard where my car was for me to drive back home with that nice blue paper knowing I could drive them now
I was then offered a week of real driving with an experienced driver a member on here many thank to him for the kind offer & much needed experienced of real world driving also many thanks to his better half for putting up with me for the week
I made a lot of mistakes but learnt a lot & took a lot away yep I was driving a DAF XF loading containers so had to remember about the twist locks also remember about the weight of the load etc I did take some of the roundabouts a bit over zealous
I was also offered a lift to the “do” & lift back the long way round many thanks to for that as part of this I also got to drive abroad as part of this which again was all good experience some of this was timed as we had to run for the boat
Now looking for a job have been out to meet & see quite a few companies have sent my CV to some as they have asked for this although I do have a few more to go & see in the area so will be out again next week meeting & seeing