So far

As many on here know I was chosen to have a free course from John ( LGV trainer )

This was arranged for jan so booked hotel for the night took a nice slow drive down met John at his yard we then went off for a drive a few practice of the reverse which I was quite happy with another quick drive then back to the yard I then went off to the hotel for the night did make sure I ate

Next mor wed 29th Jan off back to meet up with John & another driver I drove 1st then the other driver took over for a bit well what a drive oh dear good job not my test as would have had several serious never mind minors :unamused: :unamused: but every thing went wrong then

We had a quick coffee then off to test station for the 12.30 test met the examiner Paul onto the reverse which went well although did use a shunt as thought it was going wrong so corrected it then it went in perfect did do a quick check to make sure then off out the centre

All going well so far the 1st few roundabouts went well as did the hill start continued for a bit was asked to take a right turn a few hundred yards up the road we met with some work men who had a cat C taking up most of the road he also had a hiab out I slowed down gently Paul said to pass by with what you can safely I had to stop as a car came through using the curb ( there was a workman controlling the traffic if needed ) I was then waved through yes I had to mount the curb a little to pass by in a safe manner then on we went

I did make a few mistakes some of them I shouldnt have made & spoke to the examiner about a couple but all seemed ok we got back to test station then onto the couple/uncouple all was going very well in fact text book until the re coupling up 1st line on ok then it came to the red airline & this would not go on eventually John asked Paul if he could try which he did manage ok but did remove then sprayed some wd40 on then I tried again this then went straight on

We got back in the cab only for me to here the words that you passed :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: think he got a bit of a shock as I did give him a hug also a hugh thanks to John for putting up with me for the 2 days Dan & Ian for this chance

Went back to the yard where my car was for me to drive back home with that nice blue paper knowing I could drive them now :smiley: :smiley:

I was then offered a week of real driving with an experienced driver a member on here many thank to him for the kind offer & much needed experienced of real world driving also many thanks to his better half for putting up with me for the week

I made a lot of mistakes but learnt a lot & took a lot away yep I was driving a DAF XF loading containers so had to remember about the twist locks also remember about the weight of the load etc I did take some of the roundabouts a bit over zealous

I was also offered a lift to the “do” & lift back the long way round :laughing: many thanks to for that as part of this I also got to drive abroad as part of this which again was all good experience some of this was timed as we had to run for the boat

Now looking for a job have been out to meet & see quite a few companies have sent my CV to some as they have asked for this although I do have a few more to go & see in the area so will be out again next week meeting & seeing

Well done, Animal! I’m dead jealous now - I haven’t even set foot in an artic cab yet, and here you are passing as though it’s all dead easy1!! :wink: :unamused:
Good work, though…

How long have you been training for? Or was this a one-lesson miracle? :laughing:

Brilliant chuffed to bits for you Animal , hope something comes back from those cv`s look forward to the first diary of your solo drive :smiley:
all the best

Looks like it’s all coming together for you.

Well done.

I’m intrigued about the trainer intervention at coupling / uncoupling exercise. I thought they were not allowed to intervene. Oh well. A pass is a pass. :slight_smile:

And we are coming out of the quiet spell post Christmas so hopefully something will come of your search.

Let us know how it goes.

Looks like it’s all coming together for you.

Well done.

I’m intrigued about the trainer intervention at coupling / uncoupling exercise. I thought they were not allowed to intervene. Oh well. A pass is a pass. :slight_smile:

And we are coming out of the quiet spell post Christmas so hopefully something will come of your search.

Let us know how it goes.

We did ask the examiner if it was ok fro him to check the airline so he did have to place on then take it off again John may be able to explain it better than me :blush: :blush: tbh

■■■■ Van Dryver:
Well done, Animal! I’m dead jealous now - I haven’t even set foot in an artic cab yet, and here you are passing as though it’s all dead easy1!! :wink: :unamused:
Good work, though…

How long have you been training for? Or was this a one-lesson miracle? :laughing:

Not easy at all trust me I did fail my CE mid last year so was a bit familiar with them also been out a few time with a mate in 1

When you do start listen to your instructor & if in doubt ask

Well done animal, isn’t it just a fantastic feeling to have that blue paper in your hand :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

bonnie lass:
Well done animal, isn’t it just a fantastic feeling to have that blue paper in your hand :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Defiantly is but also a good feeling when you go out & drive in the real world as that is when you “learn” to drive & I have been lucky in that respect as I was offered some experience with another driver there for help & advice which was good

Driving in the real world & earning a living, putting all you’ve learnt previously to use, & continuing to learn for the rest of our lives too is whats its about, happy days. …happy trucking :smiley: :smiley:

Well back on line now working hard a lot has happened ithis year so far

I am now working full time out all week will do a dairy at the weekend when I get back

My son fiancee won the uni vollyball comp then passes with a 2:1 honors :smiley: :smiley:

My daughter had my 1st grandchild born 5 July weighing in at a healthy 5lb called Robyn she is lovely both mother & granddaughter are doing well & are at home

Nice one. Glad it’s all gone well for you x

Congratulations Animal on your new grandaughter , and glad you have found full time work too , look forward to the diary :smiley:

I’m intrigued about the trainer intervention at coupling / uncoupling exercise.

As a rule, that’s correct. But, if the situation is very simple and if the trainer has a good relationship with the examiner, then it has been known for this sort of thing to happen.

But if the candidate is struggling because of their own mistake, then that wont be the case.

Very well done Animal.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

I’m intrigued about the trainer intervention at coupling / uncoupling exercise. I thought they were not allowed to intervene

Peter Smythe:
As a rule, that’s correct. But, if the situation is very simple and if the trainer has a good relationship with the examiner, then it has been known for this sort of thing to happen.

What happened is that Animal is a fairly small lady and did struggle a bit to refit the emergency airline due to the air pressure. To overcome this we had her drain all the truck & trailer airtanks once the tractor was recoupled correctly but before fitting the lines. Despite this she still found it difficult during test conditions. After a minute or 2 of trying the examiner looked over at me and asked if there was a mechanical problem. I asked if I could try and it went on so I gave it a quick squirt with WD40 as if to say that’s it fixed !

At that point the examiner informed me that if she can get the airline on she has passed. One more big effort and bingo! Animal had her Class 1.

Its true what Peter says about having a good relationship with the examiners. Things become a lot more flexible at certain moments during the test process.

Don’t get me wrong… I am glad she passed. Just surprised that intervention was allowed.

Well in April I was offered a job driving fringes not a prob easy enough work same route each week we did work a rolling 6 day week downside was when I was not driving my lorry someone else had it so had to take everything out as may not be there when I got back or something had gone wrong & had to use another motor ( although this very hardly happened ) the 1st volvo I had the clutch did go did find out later it was about the 5th in a year :unamused:

Then had a scania which I found I dislike due to the driving position found them very uncomfortable to drive cant seem to get the seat or steering wheel in a good position so then “looked” after the auto volvo he was changing to all scanias the wheel bearing went on the volvo with no warning ( not normal I know had 1 go on car )

Was then offered 3 jobs in a week had a look at them all & decided to move to a company doing general with own motor working mon - fri ( maybe sometimes run in on a sat mor )

Well the 1st week was interesting to say the least as managed to put a 15ft combination under a 14ft bridge :open_mouth: no the bridge wasn’t marked until to late this was in the Cardiff area but with some help from local police who wernt surprised in fact acted like it was just the normal thing & I dropped the suspension got through with not much room to spare tipped then the alternative way was through a 7.5t weight limit :unamused: with a hair pin bend ( oh go that way as that is the way the low loaders come up no prob :unamused: ) did get through with care

Then took the unit & trailer through a supermarket car park on a fri afternoon just before a bank hol loaded & out due to traffic never made back so ran in sat mor managed to drop the trailer yes I did disconnect properly as had checked managed to lift it up took some weight off the front & put on the back no damage done in fact the legs work better now :slight_smile: they were new as another lad had dropped that very trailer a few weeks before

Then next week went to a housing est as they were building some new houses at the back out of there ok

So far been interesting going all over the UK with a variety of goods enjoying have a manual ERF cleaner then when I took over but still not as clean as would like will get there but as keep going on to building sites not always easy my reversing is getting better although have had the odd day where it seems I cant reverse very well but hey not afraid to get out & look or put a shunt in dont bother me at all all the vehicles are tracked again I dont mind that saves them from phoning me all the time

An interesting couple of weeks. You are certainly getting plenty of experience. Glad it’s all going well for you :slight_smile:

Do you not have a truckers map or HGV sat-nav with which to plan your routes? It’s a bit irresponsible driving “blind” towards low bridges/weight limits causing police involvement and inconvenience to fellow road users.

Do you not have a truckers map or HGV sat-nav with which to plan your routes? It’s a bit irresponsible driving “blind” towards low bridges/weight limits causing police involvement and inconvenience to fellow road users.

If the bridge hight had been marked earlier I would not have gone down that road even with a bridge hight map & the police thought nothing of it as if it was a regular occurrence did say this in o/p if you had read it

Fair enough, I’m wrong. You’re an accident waiting to happen with that attitude. Just because the police on duty that day were friendly doesn’t mean that it’s acceptable driving for someone that does it for a living. Regardless of the signs, I’m sure the unit had a reverse gear!

Fair enough, I’m wrong. You’re an accident waiting to happen with that attitude. Just because the police on duty that day were friendly doesn’t mean that it’s acceptable driving for someone that does it did a living. Regardless of the signs, I’m sure the unit had a reverse gear!

Yep it does have a reverse gear that would have been worse in this instant as had thought of that as there was no way of turning round either

Sorry what attitude just saying did ask a better way out which is nearly as bad & a 7,5t weight limit & a hairpin bend there were a couple of other not so good turns for HGV & yep it just so happened that the police were not far behind so didnt have to call for them & yep I was lucky that they were friendly & very helpful as if an every day occurrence maybe they should do what they asr supposed to do & mark the bridge hight further away like 1 mile not 1/4 ahead

Take it you are like 1 of the other drivers I work with never had a accident or anything like that in 45 years of driving :unamused: